Tree of Aeons
This is a reincarnation/isekai story, about Matt (later TreeTree), an overpowered tree in a fantasy world that serves as the battlefield for an ongoing conflict between demons and the heroes summoned ... more>>This is a reincarnation/isekai story, about Matt (later TreeTree), an overpowered tree in a fantasy world that serves as the battlefield for an ongoing conflict between demons and the heroes summoned to oppose them.At first a bystander, over a long period of time, TreeTree will learn all sorts of skills, gain levels, and in doing so, build up a forest, train young subordinates, protect a village, and more. back<<
《Tree of Aeons》The Newest Chapter
《Tree of Aeons》All Section Catalog
- The Tree’s first years
- Moving house
- Another move?
- Freeka, Elf Village
- In the distance, a demon king
- A Fiery Destruction
- Recovery
- Demon Boss Battle I (assisted)
- Waking and more reincarnators?
- Discovery & Adventurers?
- An army passes by, again
- Heroes and a surprise attack
- Interlude: Level 100 & Soul realm
- Interlude 2: Alexis
- The lab
- The True Power of Heroes
- Seeing heroes, and interlude 3: Demon King Battle
- Next generation
- Customisation and crops
- New habitants
- More refugees and a baby
- A meet, a gift, and a root
- Snow, Wolf and Lab work
- Mistress and the kingdom
- Punishment & Soul Forge
- Bear and Beetle
- A leyline and wines
- A line to the leyline
- ThreeTree Defense Initiative
- Tree uses heal
- T-ree-search
- A valley burns
- Hot water
- Research Trees
- Volcano Expeditions I
- Starsoul
- 3rd skirmish of New Freeka
- Extending vines
- Side stories 1: Alexis and Meela
- Side stories 2 – Lausanne
- A New Order
- Tree wants more trees
- Three names too many
- Naming deficiency
- New businesses
- Looking out
- Seedlings
- Side story: Lausanne 3
- Treetalks
- Wasteland
- Druidic Conflict
- Skillsets
- Side Story: Akbar & the Demons
- [DELETED] Records of the Demon Castle Wars – Year 80 Month 8
- Tree Uses Heal, Round 2
- Savepoints
- The path to hell
- Escalation
- TreeTree vs Demon Walker
- Post-battle assessment
- Treelevator?
- Treelecommunications
- Volcano Defense
- Stick it into the flame
- Tree Uses Heal, Round 3
- P67: Wintree
- Side Story – The Heroes
- P68- Host
- Blessed Splinter (p69)
- Chopped Off (P70)
- Target Practice
- Stories on WN are not by me [NOT A CHAPTER]
- Dark Thoughts
- Wallflower
- Explore-a-tree
- Side story: heroes
- Treemeet
- Pulp Fiction
- Extratreerestials
- Treeending
- Heroes and the Final Boss Fight
- Calamitree
- Side Story: The Fall
- Passing Time
- Side Story: Heroes and their new world
- Rings on a tree
- Treerapeutics
- Eminent Domain
- Putreed
- Part TIme
- Multreetasking
- Centreenial Plans
- Tangled Webs
- Expanding Frontier
- Plant Fossils
- Treepping
- Weapon Log
- Floating Log
- Treeditions
- Spring leaves
- Tree of Runes and Rituals
- Tree of Classes
- Treevial Matters
- Treeding water
- Treemendous
- Choose Your Tree Titans
- Side Story: Lausanne and the Priest of Aiva
- Heretreecs of Aeon
- Countree-Offensive
- Varietree
- Tree-expressway
- Progeny and Peas
- Tree Arch
- Branching Thoughts
- Matreemony
- Treetiary Studies
- Side story- Lausanne and the demons
- Practreecal Experience
- Facultree of the commons
- Inception of the Matreex
- Kindred Spirits
- Popcorn
- Lemon Tree
- Contreegencies
- Side Story: Lausanne's Return to the Central Continent
- Seeds of a Lineage
- Registree
- Deep roots
- Gated Gardens
- Ballistreecs
- Subtreefuge 2
- Infiltreetion
- Fractures
- Hypocritreecal
- Swaying Grass
- Entree Keys
- Snatch Treeives
- Those who Fight For Tree
- Bitter Treeiumph
- Splicing Roots
- Dutrees and taxes
- Stem the tide
- Journeys to the Centree of the World
- Tech Tree Explorations
- Getting to the Root of It
- Streetching Boundaries
- Labyrinth of Roots
- One Root At A Time
- Of Pest and Plagues
- Dancing in Our Palms
- Tree Uses Heal… Or Not?
- The Claritree of Space
- Ultreemate Power
- Nutty Friends
- Sacred Lotus
- Arctreec Meetings
- Tendrils Across Space
- Torches through the Forest
- Disruptreeve Incidents
- New Buds
- Psychiatree
- Timeless Trees
- Barking up the wrong tree?
- Leaves out of a magical book
- Seeding the Fields
- Northern Pre-infestreetions
- Treeatise of Aiva
- Steering Committree
- A Garden Patch
- Reunion at a Tea Party
- Priming the land
- Fighting Trees
- Tree ways to the End
- A growing garden
- Theoretreecal Basis
- Tree and the Snake
- Tree of the Moon
- Dream of Trees On Another world
- Isekai Tree
- Horizon of Trees
- Trees and the Body Thieves
- Treemunity
- Parasitreec Relationship
- Treeple-agents
- Haughtree
- Visitreetions of the demon world
- Beneath the Tree’s Shade
- Intreeference
- Treepercussions
- The Forbidden Fruit Bomb??
- Planned Rerooting
- Aeon's Expeditionary Force
- The Treeacher
- The Guiding Branch
- Untangling Roots
- The Uncertaintree Principle
- That which lies beneath the roots
- Moat of Trees
- A Greenhouse For the Tree
- Loggerheads
- The Chopping Block
- Treesellations
- Bunkering for Trees
- Transplants
- Treeckets, Please
- Next Stop, Treehome
- Disembarked
- Operation Parasite FreeTreedom
- Astral Geometree
- Variant Roots
- Word blocks and trenches
- Trees of the Abyss
- Void Sprout
- A walk in the void forest
- Altreenate Realities
- The Tree Gazes into the Void
- Skill Tree Update
- Treeal by fire
- Infantreecide
- Trunk Roads
- In Wood Faith
- New Estates
- Seedling Portfolio
- Den of Snakes
- Cloven Hoofs
- Snakes on a Tree
- Aeon's Creche
- Aeon of Expansion
- From Three to Tree
- Market Hostilitrees
- Plant Missiles
- 230. The Heartless Tree
- 231. Wild Cultreevations
- 232. Muddled Pools
- 233. Aeon's Perspective
- 234. Springboards
- 235. Hedges at the Dark
- 236. Treevialized
- 237. Detreereence
- 238. Instreetutional Display (AND BOOK LAUNCH)
- 239. All Bark
- Interlude – Mountainworld Lizardpersons
- 240. A Tree Reaches for the Sun
- 241. Burning Sunflower
- 242. Cometh Tree
- Interlude – Lizardfolk II
- 243. Bursting Peas
- 244. Outgrowth
- 245. Chronometree
- 246. Wayfinding for Trees
- 247. Tree-minus Two
- 248. Perplexitree
- 249. Threading Twines
- 250. Trimming Twines
- 251. Camping on the Comet
- Interlude – Soul Realm
- 252. A Tree Plans for Starfall
- 253. Impact Gardening
- 254. Tough Nut
- 255. Rotting Wood
- 256. Libertree
- 257. Tree Blight
- 258. Obstructive Wilting
- 259. Tree heart-to-heart
- 260. Unsettled boundaries
- 261. Dendropolemics
- 262. Rock and Log Roll
- Book Three of TreeTree is out on Amazon KU. Pls check it out
- 263.1 Penaltrees [DOUBLE Chapter DAY 1/2]
- 263.2. When Roots Crack the Mountain [DOUBLE Chapter DAY 2/2]
- 264. Penal Colony
- 265. Looping Branches (with Poll)
- 266. Twined Serpents
- 267.1 Interlude – Gathering of The Domain Holders
- 267.2 Interlude – Lizardfolks 3
- 268. Bilatreeral Engagement
- 269. The Divine Traces
- 270. The Bloody Forest
- 271. Intreetwined Hearts
- 272. Revitalizing Old Seeds
- 273. Watching Plants Grow
- 274. Food for Thought
- 275. Securitree Concerns
- 276. Interlude – Patching Up
- 277. The Tree Reaches for the Heavens
- 278. Remnant Roots
- 279. Psychotropics
- 280. And So the Begins the War of the Clones
- 281. Logged and Loaded
- 282. Into the Void
- Chapter 283
- 284. Greenfield Expansion
- 285. Interludes – Greenfield Expansion II
- 286. Greenfields III
- 287. Greenfields IV
- 288. Greenfields V
- 289. Greenfields VI
- 290. Greenfields VII
- 291. The Tainted Greenfields I
- 292. Tainted Fields II
- 293. Floodplains
- 294. Floodplains II
- 295. Interlude – Peripheral Consequences
- 296. Braided branches
- 297. The Tree Towers
- 298. Contemporary Considerations
- 299. Second to last
- 300. The Scramble for the Peripheral Worlds
- 301. Border Control I
- 302. Border Control II
- 303. The White Statue
- 304. Border Control III
- 305. Border Control IV
- 306. Border Control V
- 307. Alka’s Delvegardian Journey
- 308. Dealings I
- 309. Dealings II
- 310. Edna on Caval
- Tree of Aeons Book 6 launches on Amazon!
- 311. Faith
- 312. Rooted In One’s Mind
- 313. The Dangers of Zealotree
- 314. Divinitree
- 315. The Onion Layers
- 316. Peeling Back
- 317. Blossoms
- 318. The Seedling’s Fork
- Break Announcement
- 319. Sentreements
- 320. Act of God