After listening to Liu Chang's words, Wang Chao also fell into meditation. While sipping a glass of wine, he carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods.

Liu Chang was not in a hurry. He slowly tasted wine and vegetables while quietly waiting for Wang Chao's answer.

For a long time, Wang Chao put down his chopsticks: "now the village has decided? Are you sure it will jointly develop new online games with other villages?"

"Yes, cooperative development is certain. Now the focus is on whether to directly integrate into existing games or redevelop new games."

"Da, Da, Da..." Wang Chao's right hand tapped gently on the table: "what are the ideas of each side?"

"On the side of the idea of connecting to old games, they think that our games have been running for so many years, and both games and players have been quite mature. In this way, it is very beneficial for us."

"The party who re develops new games believes that just because our games have been running for so many years, now many things have been solidified, and suddenly connected to other games, it will be more difficult to adapt. It's like an old driver. If he returns to the driving school to take the driver's license again, he may not be able to pass the novice driver."


Wang Chaomeng stopped knocking on the table and asked in surprise, "do you belong to the front wave or the back wave?"

"I'm the new game development department. I must belong to the later group of people." Liu Chang smiled proudly;

"Well, it's OK. I'm not stupid." Wang Chao picked up the wine pot again and filled them both with: "do those guys who want to access the old game think all the people in other villages are fools?"

"It may not be a very appropriate analogy. Now the game in our village is like a car that has been running at a speed of 120 miles on the highway for a period of time. Now it happens to pass the high-speed entrance of other villages, and their village cars have to get on the highway."

"Since they also want to run with our car at the high speed, they won't be willing to eat ash behind us. Therefore, if they really want to join us, they must think of other ways, such as slowing us down or adding thrusters to their car."

"What they mean is, just do as required."

"Bullshit, let's slow down. Are we really willing to cut down and wait for them there? So other villages will certainly not agree with this practice."

"Hey, that's what you mean." Liu Chang clapped his hands;

"It's just that we can add thrusters to them, but how can we be sure that the other party will honestly install thrusters according to our requirements. Besides, will they really do it according to our requirements? If it were me, I wouldn't be so honest."

"That's why we don't agree to connect with the old game." Liu Chang drank another glass of wine and smiled proudly;

"And have you ever thought that in today's games, the situation has basically been finalized, and it is basically difficult to make major changes. Another point is that no matter how well a game is done, it also has a life cycle. A game that has entered the middle and late stage is to connect with new Games in other villages..."

At this point, Wang Chao shook his head, picked up the glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

"Another point is that it has been several years since the initial start of the game. I believe you have also made a lot of patches."

Liu Chang heard the speech and nodded.

"You know, no matter how many patches are made, there are still some bugs that can't be filled in place, so..." at this point, Wang Chao nodded at Liu Chang and stopped talking.

"So, I said, we must redevelop a new game, and then test it, and then go public." Liu Changyi patted the table and said; "Hey, these guys, I proposed to delay the speed of the game process, so as to prolong the life of the game..."

"Well, hum, cough..." half way through, Liu Chang also reacted and immediately stopped, trying to cover up his mistakes by drinking, but Wang Chao has excavated a huge amount of information from his words.

"No, you just said the speed of delaying the process? Lengthening the life span? No, at the beginning, the village didn't say that Nu Wa operated the game independently and the village couldn't intervene? Why..."

"Cough..." Liu Chang hesitated while coughing and covering his mouth. "Well, uh huh, some things... Can still be discussed. Well, you should be able to understand, right?"

"All right!" Wang Chao stroked his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "it seems that he is still too naive. Nothing, let's continue."

"Well, come on, let's go." With that, Liu Chang raised his glass and motioned to Wang Chao.

"Ho yo!"

"Comfortable!" After sipping the wine in the cup, Liu Chang picked up his chopsticks, took a bite of food, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and said, "brother, things are basically the same here. Now I know what you think. I believe this should represent the meaning of a large part of the people in the game."

"But don't you have any ideas? For example, go back to work in reality..."

Seeing that Wang Chao didn't speak, he went on to say, "the boy in your family is almost one year old. Have you ever thought of spending time with him? It's not your brother who says you should be with children, otherwise, you'll grow up in a twinkling of an eye."

"Besides, you have a lot of money now. Although you can't be said to have a great family, at least you have a lot of family property. It's time to think about your wife and children."


The two chatted while eating. It didn't end until 90 o'clock in the evening. In the end, Wang Chao didn't know how much wine he had drunk. He only knew that in the end, the owner of the club went to the private room and offered Liu Chang a glass of wine. It seemed that he was in awe.

After Wang Chao sent someone to drive him home in his car at the club, Wang Chao's heart still echoed what Liu Chang said: "are you interested in coming to help your brother, say nothing else, when you take your wife and children and settle down in the imperial capital, your brother can still help."

"As for the game, when you return to the game, you will find that there are many surprises waiting for you. At present, Tang Guo is expected to turn from attack to defense. Therefore, you don't need to stay in the game every day. You should go in and have a look occasionally."


Wang Chao, who returned home, played games with his son for a while after washing, and then entered the game again. However, Liu Chang's words have always echoed in his ears.