"Does Lao San know about this?"

After listening to the words of the third daughter-in-law, Mr. Xu's face was really ugly. Although Lao Xu's family is not a rich family, there is no reason for his son to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

"Dad, Xianggong is busy preparing for the exam. My daughter-in-law is thinking about these little things, so I don't have to trouble my husband? "

Wang replied indifferently.

Mr. Xu looked at the little daughter-in-law who had just married to the Xu family, and his mood was really mixed.

Marry a woman at a high gate, marry a woman at a low gate!

Why was he so confused that he agreed to the marriage?

"Dad, if you don't have any orders, my daughter-in-law will go back to clean up, and tomorrow my son will go to the city to wait on my husband!"

Wang Shi sees Xu old son to have no speech, the innermost feelings don't mention how proud, such country folk, still want to pinch her, it is a joke.

"In charge!"

When master Xu didn't know how to face Wang's daughter-in-law, a light call came from the room.

The absolute protagonist of the Xu family incident, Mrs. Xu finally made a voice.

As the old lady's voice floated out of the room, everyone in the yard looked awe inspiring. Even Wang, who was very arrogant in the face of Mr. Xu just now, was a little flustered.

In the Xu family, it is obvious that Mr. Xu is the master of everything.

But in fact, the old lady is making up her mind about many things in Lao Xu's family.

Although Wang is noisy, he is afraid of Mrs. Xu.

After all, master Xu, as a father-in-law, is not suitable for the discipline of his daughter-in-law. As a mother-in-law, Mrs. Xu is the one who discipline her daughter-in-law.

Not long after Mrs. Xu's words rang out, she came out of the room.

Although she is already a grandmother, Mrs. Xu is not even 40 years old. If you only look at her face, you say that she has just appeared in her thirties, some people believe it.

The life of Lao Xu's family is not very rich, but it's not bad either. Otherwise, it's impossible for his three sons to go to school.

Xu's family is not very comfortable, but she doesn't have much to worry about.

And this person, once life goes well, she doesn't look old.

In fact, not only does Mrs. Xu not look old, but Mr. Xu also looks like this.

Why does Wang's father want to marry his daughter in a low family? Is it because he looks at Lao Xu's family style? However, Wang himself was not sensible and could not understand his father's good intentions.

Even this time, the small courtyard in the county seat was asked for by Wang's father.

It's just that Wang plays a double faced style. It's a kind of saying to her old father and another kind of saying to the people of Lao Xu's family.

As soon as Mrs. Xu appeared on the stage, she didn't say anything. Just her eyes swept over Wang's face, which made Wang's heart tremble.

Wang's heart of the proud instant collapse, she accompanied carefully, whispered: "mother!"

Mrs. Xu snorted and said, "the third daughter-in-law, what's the matter with the small courtyard in the county?"

The old lady is really good at actually taking power in Lao Xu's family.

While Mr. Xu is still angry at Wang's ignorance, Mrs. Xu has already gone straight to the core.

"You can talk nonsense, but I'll ask the eldest brother to ask his father-in-law!"

Mrs. Xu's words were light, but Wang was completely flustered.


[PS: for collection and recommendation, the new book has just been released, and there will be a wave today, so please support me! 】