Originally, when they were inside the Dengtian Star District, Fengyuan Zhenxian and others took action against the Taiyi Realm, and they didn't need Baiyang Tianxian's avatar to do it himself.

It's a pity that Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others are too incompetent to take down the Taiyi Realm and let them leave the Dengtian Star District.

Fortunately, he has other means to deal with Taiyi Realm.

After the Giant Whale Demon God led the demon clan from the Ten Thousand Demon Realm to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, he didn't dare to stay in the Dengtian star area and left directly.

Losing the long-occupied world of Ten Thousand Monsters, this team will have to find another home in the void.

Although the void is vast and boundless, most of the large worlds suitable for living within the known area already have owners.

Thousands of years ago, the Giant Whale Demon God led a group of subordinates to the Dengtian Star District and created the foundation of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, which can be regarded as a self-reliant family.

Although this is a relationship instigated by the immortal, but he also has this need.

Being a descendant of the Sky Demon and being born into a powerful force of the Demon Clan does not mean that he can live the life of the second generation ancestor without any worries.

The struggle within the monster clan is brutal and fierce, and it is common for blood relatives to kill each other or even devour each other.

Most of the monster races don't pay attention to human ethics like the human race. Many monster races only superficially imitate the human race and pretend to be human.

Investigate its inside, or the law of the jungle, cruel fights.

The giant whale demon god has already left the family and set up his own family outside, so it is impossible to escape back in such a gloomy manner.

His status and power in the family have long been replaced by others, and there is no room for him in the family.

The monster clan fleet under his command seems to be huge in number, but only a small part of them are void battleships.

There is an independent space inside the void battleship, which can provide a small habitat and support some monster races.

Most of the fleet is still ordinary warships.

These battleships cannot travel in the void for a long time and need external supplies.

The monster races carried by these warships also cannot survive for a long time, and need suitable habitats.

The giant whale demon god will not cherish the lives of his demon clan, but he will not give up this fleet easily.

This fleet and the demon clan inside are his important capital, which will help him to make a comeback and start a new foundation.

The most urgent need of the giant whale demon god is to find a foothold in the void, settle down the demon clan under him, and let them regroup.

At this time, Baiyang Tianxian's avatar came to the door.

Although Baiyang Tianxian's avatar has not been to the Taiyi Realm in person, he knows the situation of the Taiyi Realm very well.

He simply scoffed at Taiyi Realm's imitation of Yunzhong City.

The Baiyang Celestial Immortal, with his level of cultivation and status, knew a little about the situation in Yunzhong City.

Not to mention true immortals inside Yunzhong City, there are a lot of heavenly immortals.

Relying on its powerful strength, Yunzhong City is rampant in the void, almost unstoppable.

Even a person like Baiyang Tianxian, if they encounter Yunzhongcheng, they will hide away and dare not provoke them easily.

A mere Taiyi Realm, without even a celestial being, has to imitate Yunzhongcheng, it is really beyond self-control, it makes people laugh.

Of course, it is one thing for people in Taiyi Realm to be arrogant, but Taiyi Realm, as a complete big world, is still very valuable.

If it weren't for all kinds of scruples, Baiyang Tianxian would directly seize this big world and make it a branch of Sanyang Xianzong.

The Baiyang Celestial Immortal avatar told the giant whale demon god about the general situation of the Taiyi Realm, and at the same time revealed his family's hostility towards the Taiyi Realm.

Of course, the giant whale demon god is not a fool, and soon understood the vicious attempt of Baiyang Tianxian's avatar to kill people with a knife.

However, if the Taiyi Realm really had the Baiyang Celestial Immortal avatar as good as it said, it would just meet the needs of the Giant Whale Demon God.

Taiyi Realm had sent Gu Yue Lingqing to the Ten Thousand Monster Realm to form an alliance with the Ten Thousand Monster Realm to fight against Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others.

Although Gu Yue Lingqing would not reveal the secrets of the Taiyi Realm, in order to strengthen the other party's confidence in forming an alliance and show his sincerity, he still introduced the situation of the Taiyi Realm more or less.

Although the high-ranking members of the Yao clan in the Ten Thousand Monster Realm are rude and domineering, they are not fools. They also use various means to learn about various information about the Taiyi Realm.

After comparing these information with the information provided by Baiyang Celestial Immortal's avatar, the Giant Whale Demon God quickly judged that Baiyang Celestial Immortal's avatar was not lying.

Even though he knew that he was being used by Baiyang Tianxian's avatar, the giant whale demon god still became greedy for the Taiyi Realm.

For him, the Taiyi Realm just meets his recent needs, so he can take it over by force.

According to the information he has, the overall strength of the Taiyi Realm is indeed not as good as that of the Ten Thousand Monster Realm.

Although after a lot of tossing, the demon clan of the Wan Yao Realm has been seriously injured, but they still have enough confidence to win the Taiyi Realm.

As for the previous alliance between the two sides, that will not constitute any obstacle.

The Yaozu and the human cultivators are hostile to each other. The previous alliance between the two parties was just a stopgap measure, and no one would really trust the other.

The Giant Whale Demon God has always said one thing among the demon clans in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. He decided to seize the Taiyi Realm, and the other demon gods naturally had to obey.

Some demon gods reminded the giant whale demon gods to be careful of Baiyang Tianxian reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

As long as you are not a fool, you will know that the Baiyang Celestial Immortal avatar has no good intentions.

Naturally, the Giant Whale Demon God will not relax its guard against it.

If the deity of the Baiyang Celestial Immortal is here, the Giant Whale Demon God will of course hide as far away as possible.

But this is just a clone, and it is obviously not in the right condition, and the injuries on his body are almost uncontrollable.

As a descendant of the sky demon, the giant whale demon god has his own powerful cards.

The Baiyang Celestial Immortal avatar left satisfied after seeing the giant whale monster move.

Soon, the Giant Whale Demon God ordered the entire fleet to turn to pursue the Taiyi Realm.

After the Monster Race fleet left the Ten Thousand Monster Realm, it left the Ascension Star District from another direction.

According to the latest information provided by the Baiyang Celestial Immortal avatar, the direction of the Taiyi Realm is almost in the opposite direction.

The Yaozu fleet did not dare to return to the Tiantian star area, so it had to circle a large circle outside the Dengtian star area in order to catch up with the progress of the Taiyi Realm.

There are a large number of battleships in this fleet, and the speed of advancement varies.

Encumbered by the slower warships, the forward speed of the entire fleet was limited.

The avatar of the Baiyang Celestial Immortal can use some methods that only the Celestial Immortal can do.

He has been monitoring the movements of the Taiyi Realm, even if it is far away, he has not let it escape from the surveillance.

Although he left the Yaozu fleet, he still sent messages to him from time to time, informing him of the latest developments in the Taiyi world.

After the Taiyi Realm left the Ascension Star District, in order to repair and strengthen it, it had to slow down its progress.

With the guidance of Baiyang Tianxian's avatar, the monster clan fleet under the command of the giant whale demon god slowly caught up from behind.