Before the extraterritorial invaders reached the South China Sea, the South China Sea had fallen into war.

The real dragon family has not intervened for the time being, but the attack of the Hai family army, and the Nanhai Alliance under the leadership of the Hailing faction, can resist for the time being.

However, considering that most of the real dragons will directly participate in the war, the Hailing faction still asked for help from its allies taiyimen and Guanghan palace.

In the West Sea, the real dragon clan also drove the Hai clan as a striker and began to attack the Terran sphere of influence.

Many years ago, the Terran cultivators united to defeat the Xihai people and inflicted heavy losses on them before they seized many territories in the Xihai.

Since then, in order to carve up the territory of the West Sea and seize various interests, many disputes broke out among the human cultivators.

By now, the situation in the West Sea has long stabilized.

Many Terran cultivation forces have enclaves in the West Sea and actively develop various resources in the West Sea.

The various cultivation resources stably produced by the West Sea are of great significance to the whole Jun dust world.

Taiyimen has many enclaves in the West Sea, occupying many resource points.

Even the major holy places have a lot of interests in the West Sea.

When foreign invaders entered the Junchen world, the sects of the major holy places were too busy to take care of themselves. Naturally, they were even more indifferent to the interests of the West Sea.

In order to get away from the East China Sea, the holy places easily gave up everything in the West China Sea.

Taiyimen had a good relationship with the real dragon family, and there were many exchanges and transactions secretly.

Now the real dragon family turned their face and directly launched an indiscriminate attack on the human cultivation forces in the West Sea.

The resource output of Xihai is very important to taiyimen.

However, if the top management of taiyimen is forced to endure when they are really under great pressure, they may give up.

What is really hateful is the attitude of the real dragon family, which simply regards taiyimen as nothing, regardless of the previous friendship between the two sides.

The sea clan army treats the human cultivators in the West Sea equally, and has no intention of mercy at all.

In fact, many Xiuzhen forces in the West Sea have secret contacts and transactions with the Hai family and even the Zhenlong family.

The real dragon family suddenly turned its face and launched a sudden attack, killing the human cultivators. These cultivators suffered heavy casualties.

In fact, the attitude of the real dragon family is not difficult to understand.

The true dragon clan has always hated the human cultivators.

In the past, for greater interests, the true dragon family tolerated the existence of Terran practitioners and secretly traded with Terran practitioners.

Just like the Dragon King, he repeatedly wooed Meng Zhang, hoping that Taiyi gate would openly oppose the major Holy Land sects and create division within the human cultivators.

The so-called moment by moment.

Due to the attack of foreign invaders, the Terran cultivators suffered heavy losses, and the sects of the major holy places were only concerned with self-protection.

People like Meng Zhang have lost their value for the real dragon family.

Although the clandestine transactions with taiyimen and other zongmen have made a lot of profits for the Zhenlong family, where is there a direct hard grab to be happy?

For the real dragon family, not only the ocean, but also the whole Junchen world should belong to their own family.

Now they just occupy the ocean of Jun dust world and have been very restrained.

Even if foreign invaders enter the Junchen world on a large scale, they can not stop the expansion of the real dragon family on the ocean.

The ocean is the home of the real dragon, the real dragon.

On the sea, the real dragon family will not fear any enemy and has enough assurance to keep their booty.

Although he hated the behavior of the Zhenlong clan, Meng Zhang weighed it and ordered Taiyi sect to abandon all strongholds in the West Sea and withdraw all its disciples.

Xihai is not the core interest of taiyimen. Now is not the time to be angry.

When it's time to give in, you must give in happily and not procrastinate.

In order to cover the retreat of taiyimen disciples on the other side of the West Sea, taiyimen also sent a team of friars led by Huixu Daneng.

Various Xiuzhen forces with interests involved in the West Sea almost made the same choice as Meng Zhang.

Those Xiuzhen forces who migrated from the mainland to the West Sea and took root in the west sea saw that the general situation was gone and had to withdraw voluntarily.

The real dragon clan is so powerful that even the powerful sect like taiyimen can't resist it, not to mention other Xiuzhen forces.

Many places in the West Sea were robbed by the Terrans from the sea people after the last war. This time, they will be returned to their original owners.

With the support of the real dragon family, the sea clan army will not be willing to stop in the original territory of the West Sea. They will continue to expand towards the offshore area until they see the coastline.

Xingluo islands, located in the West Sea, have been Terran territory for many years.

As the master of Xingluo islands, Guanghan palace will face a great test at this time.

Guanghan palace has expanded rapidly since it squeezed out the branch of Ziyang Shengzong and completely controlled Xingluo islands.

Guanghan palace takes Xingluo islands as the center and expands wantonly in all directions.

It not only occupies many territories in the deep sea, but also controls many areas in the shallow sea.

On the bright side, Guanghan palace now has four great powers in the early stage of returning to emptiness.

After Xuanxin Temple took refuge in Guanghan palace, with the support of Taiyi gate and Guanghan palace, Xuanxin Zhenjun, the leader of Xuanxin temple, also successfully advanced to the virtual stage and became a Taoist of Xuanxin.

The overall strength of Xingluo islands can be said to be strong, but it is still far from enough in the face of the powerful real dragon family.

Guanghan palace actively prepared for war while asking for help from its ally taiyimen.

As a last resort, these Xiuzhen sects on Xingluo islands are absolutely unwilling to give up their own foundation.

Without Xingluo islands, how to maintain the sect and provide for the monks in the sect?

Guanghan fairy personally led a team of monks to go deep into the depths of the West Sea to rescue and meet the practitioners there.

Many practitioners who retreated from the west sea took Xingluo islands as their first destination.

In particular, those Xiuzhen forces rooted in the West Sea may have some illusions in their hearts. They hope that the Terran Xiuzhen can defeat the real dragon family and return to the West Sea one day.

Temporarily retreating to Xingluo islands is a good choice.

The influx of practitioners created a lot of chaos in the Xingluo islands.

Of course, if we can organize and integrate these practitioners, we can also greatly enhance the strength of Xingluo islands.

Many years ago, the traitors kept by the Hai people created civil strife in the Xingluo islands, causing huge casualties and losses in the Xingluo islands and almost being captured by the Hai people's army.

Having learned from the past, the friars of Xingluo islands not only accepted many Terran practitioners, but also carefully screened them to ensure that there were no adulteries.

Taoist Xuanxin, who has special attainments in spiritual Avenue, personally presided over this work.

The friars sent by Taiyi sect to Xihai also actively cooperated with the friars of Guanghan palace.

In addition to covering the disciples of Taiyi sect, we also try our best to rescue other practitioners.