The great power of guantian Pavilion in the middle of his return to emptiness, who was fighting Meng Zhang, seemed angry, but his heart was very clear.

He has a similar idea with Meng Zhang. This is the control area of Shenchang world, not a place to stay for a long time.

For the gods of Shenchang world, all the people in Junchen world who practice truth, no matter what their origin, are murderable.

However, although Meng Zhang and his opponent both intend to truce, they can't stop easily.

It was a time of intense struggle between the two Heaven and earth dharmas.

It's hard for both sides to get rid of each other easily and have a truce.

In the current war situation, one of the two sides first showed his retreat and weakened his momentum. With the growth of one side and the other, the other side must have a big momentum rise and take the opportunity to overwhelm his opponent.

If not, the party who shows his retreat first will suffer a big loss.

Not to mention the deep hatred between taiyimen and guantian Pavilion, Meng Zhang's ruthlessness in the previous war doomed the two sides not to trust each other.

The two dharmas of heaven and earth are still fighting there. Meng Zhang is forcing him to retreat step by step.

The great power of guantian Pavilion in the middle of returning to emptiness was just releasing the heaven and earth Dharma phase, which was thought to be enough to completely overwhelm Meng Zhang.

Now, seeing that Meng Zhang's strength is far stronger than expected, his body is also on the way to the battlefield.

The main reason why he didn't stay with old Taoist Wei Jue, but hid away alone, was to avoid attracting the attention of the divine world.

In addition, he also has the task of monitoring the movements of the gods in the Shenchang world, and his attention can't be focused on this side.

In the middle stage of returning to emptiness, the movement of great energy to release the phase of heaven and earth Dharma is too big, which is earth shaking.

If Meng Zhang's strength was not far beyond expectation, he would not want to make a move.

Facts have proved that this guantian pavilion's concern about great power in the middle of returning to emptiness is very reasonable.

Among Meng Zhang and his worries, what they feared most happened.

A God from Shenchang world came with great momentum.

Suddenly there was a bright light in the void, and the chants of praising and praising the gods filled almost every corner of the void.

A huge humanoid flame, accompanied by the sound of chants, holding a flame lance, rode on a flame horse, pedaled on smoke, and flew from a distance.

Behind this God, there are a large number of God attendants, holding various honor guards, in a long line.

The speed of this God was very fast. When it first appeared, it was still on the other side of the void. But in a moment, it appeared in Meng Zhang's battlefield.

The God looked down at the monks in front of him indifferently. He had no feelings at all.

After seeing the heaven and earth Dharma phase released by the great power of returning to emptiness in guantian Pavilion, there was a burst of anger and then greed.

Most of the gods in the divine world depend on the power of believers' faith.

Due to the lack of strength and level, the vast majority of gods in the Shenchang world can only be regarded as hypocrites in the eyes of gods such as mixed spirits and respecting gods.

The so-called true God is the existence at the same level as the true immortal.

This God from the divine world is just a false god.

If a real congenital God is here, the God from the divine world may be suppressed immediately, or even turn upside down and worship.

But that God is just the heaven and earth Dharma phase released by the great power of returning to emptiness in the temple of heaven.

Although it has some charm of the congenital gods, it is not a real congenital God and has no strength it should have.

The flame from the divine world suddenly raised a strong desire in the heart of the false god.

If he can swallow the heaven and earth Dharma phase in front of him, which is very similar to the innate gods, it will be of great significance to his practice, and even enable him to break through the existing level and realize a rapid evolution.

The existence of gods, especially the indigenous gods born in the Shenchang world, often have strong desires and are easily driven by their own desires.

The flame hypocrite was greedy in his heart, and almost without the slightest hesitation, he shot immediately.

I saw him urge the flame horse under his crotch, holding a flame spear, and launch an impact on the heaven and earth Dharma phase of returning to the virtual power of guantian Pavilion.

The giant, who was struggling with the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram, had to roar and try to parry.

Fortunately, although the flame hypocrite took the heaven and earth Dharma phase of returning to virtual power in guantian Pavilion as the main goal, he did not ignore Meng Zhang.

In the eyes of the indigenous gods in Shenchang world, all practitioners from Junchen world are damned enemies.

The return virtual energy of Jun dust world has actually come to the control area of Shenchang world, so we must not let it go easily.

The heaven and earth Dharma phase of guantian pavilion's return to virtual power was bumped back and forth by the false god of fire, and its foothold was unstable.

A long flame gun was picked towards the yin-yang diagram of Tai Chi and tried to pierce it.

The Tai Chi yin-yang diagram rotates gently to produce a strong force, and the flame spear is unloaded.

The two dharmas of heaven and earth and the false god of fire fought like this.

This flame false god is really powerful. Many times, he will use one against two to suppress the two Heaven and earth dharmas.

Meng Zhang and the return to emptiness of guantian Pavilion were able to face the strong enemy. They both had a tacit understanding to temporarily stop fighting. They no longer attacked each other, but fought against the flame hypocrite.

Of course, it is impossible for the two enemies to join hands with each other.

They were on guard against each other and fought their own battles.

Meng Zhang took back the ChiYin sword Sha He had sacrificed, and did not continue to pursue him, but felt the old way.

But Lao Jue had to step back to resist the ChiYin sword evil, and now he just blocked the forward route of the group of God attendants.

The false flame God threw down his God servant and rushed over first to deal with the two Heaven and earth dharmas.

The gods followed after him.

But old Taoist Jue, who managed to escape from Meng Zhang's death, was very angry when he saw the group of God attendants coming, so he immediately rolled up the flag in his hand, and countless clouds collided with the God attendants.

Anyway, Shenchang world is the mortal enemy of Junchen world. However, under the anger of the Taoist priest, he did not hesitate to kill him in order to vent.

The divine waiter is the waiter of the gods. His strength is strong and weak.

If you are a powerful waiter of the true God, your strength is definitely not under the ordinary return to emptiness power.

But the waiters of the flame hypocrites are usually used to look like goods. Their strength is very general.

In the face of the angry but aware old Taoist priest, the team of God attendants were immediately hit in pieces, with heavy casualties.

It was up to the master to beat the dog. He wantonly killed his servants in front of the false god of fire, which immediately angered him.

He even temporarily let go of the attack on the yin-yang diagram of Tai Chi, pointing his long flame gun at the sky.

An angry flame fell from the sky and directly fell on weijue Lao Dao.

The sudden sky fire was so powerful that it easily burned through the clouds he called with his command flag, forcing him to avoid everywhere and looked embarrassed.