When Meng Zhang led the three man team, constantly went deep into the enemy's control area and began to achieve more and more results, his external incarnation was so wonderful that he had just ended a war in the underworld.

When Meng Zhang went to the empty battlefield outside the Junchen world, he was too wonderful to be idle in the underworld.

It's wonderful. I received all the basic karma of ghosts and gods, and got the full assistance of Shouzheng. My strength increased greatly all at once.

He took keeping the original base as the starting point and wantonly expanded around.

Before leaving, Meng Zhang especially asked him not to expose the strength of Yang God period.

However, in the fierce battle, it is not easy to hide any clues.

Outside Shouzheng's sphere of influence, there are several ghosts and gods who are not much different from his strength and have been at loggerheads with him.

These ghosts and gods, including Shouzheng, have been fighting with each other for many years and have been unable to help each other.

Shouzheng was born in Taiyi gate and has the strength of the late Yuan God. Other ghosts and gods also have their own origins and extraordinary strength.

After years of fighting, whenever a ghost or God has a slight advantage, he will immediately become a public enemy and attract everyone's siege.

Of course, due to the relationship of mutual restraint, no one will risk heavy damage and have to kill other ghosts and gods.

The power of these ghosts and gods increases and decreases. You come and I go. You sing and I appear. This history has been staged countless times.

This large area has therefore maintained general stability, and no one can become a real overlord.

Since Taimiao led his army to expand outward, these forces that have been confronting Taimiao for many years have become his primary goal.

At first, these ghosts and gods thought it was another routine fight for Shouzheng.

But they soon found that there were new entrants to the game.

It's wonderful. Although it hides the real cultivation accomplishments, it only reveals the later cultivation accomplishments of Yuanshen.

However, there is a great difference between the Yang God period and the yuan God period.

Soon after, the wonderful losers found that the situation was wrong.

Finally, as before, several ghosts and gods besieged the guy who broke the balance of the situation.

This time, their trick of trying everything failed completely.

It's wonderful. He made great power on the battlefield and defeated several ghosts and gods who joined hands with few enemies.

After this war, Taimiao won a decisive victory and soon occupied a large area around it, greatly expanding its own power.

For Shouzheng, it was wonderful to eliminate the old enemy who had fought with him for many years, fully demonstrated his strength and convinced him more.

After digesting and consolidating the new occupied areas, we began the road of external expansion again.

As the incarnation of Meng Zhang, Tai Miao is not only completely controlled by Meng Zhang, but also influenced by Meng Zhang in many places in her own character.

However, after absorbing the divine power crystallization of natural ghosts and gods, he has many characteristics of natural ghosts and gods.

Especially after he advanced to the Yang God period and began to refine his power, he had an inexplicable impulse in his heart.

This impulse drove him to expand wantonly in the underworld, control more and more territory and accept more and more subordinates.

For this situation, too wonderful is also aware.

Finally, he chose to adapt to this impulse.

It's wonderful to think that the wanton expansion of power in the underworld is of great benefit to him and taiyimen.

Moreover, with the higher the cultivation level, the closer he is to the natural ghosts and gods, he also has a very keen sense.

In the dark, he sensed that adapting to this impulse was of great significance to his family's future evolution and promotion.

In the battle of the underworld, as the victor, often has a great harvest.

It can not only occupy the territory of the loser, but also recruit the army under the loser.

After all, you can't expect ghosts to have too reliable loyalty.

Taimiao has the support of the Taiyi sect of the Yangshi. Among the ghost army, there are many ghost gods and Dharma protectors transformed by Taiyi sect friars as the backbone.

The structure of the army is stable, loyal enough and highly trained.

The more territory occupied, the more resource points occupied.

With more men, the efficiency of mining resources has been greatly improved.

More and more hell resources are sent to Taiyi gate, which benefits a lot.

Although the senior officials in charge of taiyimen affairs do not know the relationship between Taimiao and Meng Zhang, in the face of the huge benefits brought by Taimiao, they can't help but fully support Taimiao.

You know, although the construction of the blessed land of taiyimen is basically completed, and the follow-up is only some finishing work, it still needs to continue to invest a lot of resources.

Needless to say, when building the blessed land before, it not only almost drained taiyimen's financial resources, but also made taiyimen bear high debts.

In this case, the growing financial resources of the underworld play an important role in Taiyi gate.

Too wonderful. The more you fight and expand in the underworld, the more powerful your ghost army is.

He soon embarked on the road of supporting the war with war, and the scale of his ghost army was like a snowball.

On his way of expansion, no ghosts and gods can resist his army.

With an invincible attitude, he continued to expand around.

Now, there are two factors that can limit the speed of wonderful expansion.

One is the distance. The underworld is too vast.

Many ghosts and gods are far away from each other.

Not to mention that some ghost forces are in very remote corners.

Every time he sent out a large army for external expedition and expansion, the time spent on the March actually far exceeded the time needed for combat.

Although the ghost army does not need any supplies, the ghost army will also be tired and need rest.

Another factor is that every time a new ghost army is incorporated, it takes a certain amount of time to reorganize and train again.

Although with the continuous improvement of the strength of the Taiyi sect, there are more and more friars in the sect, and many friars have been transformed into Dharma protectors for various reasons.

These Dharma protectors will enter the underworld and become wonderful subordinates and even subordinate gods.

Many other friars of taiyimen lost their bodies. Their accomplishments were less than the period of Yuanshen, and they didn't want to enter reincarnation, so they let the spirit directly enter the underworld and were under wonderful protection.

In this way, these spirits will not degenerate into confused ghosts, but retain many memories and emotions.

They also want to work for Taimiao and become the grass-roots backbone of the ghost army.

However, the number of Dharma protectors provided by taiyimen is not very large.

In fact, at present, most of the Dharma protectors of taiyimen work in the underworld for Taimiao.

As for the spirits of taiyimen friars who are too wonderful to protect, the number is also limited.