"Do you think it's useful to say this now?" Liyanxin smiled: "yehaoxuan, my relationship with you is not so good. You can persuade me to turn back in a few words?"

"Hehe, my persistence and pursuit are too bad. You don't have what I want." Li Yan thought.

"What do you want?" Yehaoxuan stared at Li Yan and said, "will you break through the void without going into reincarnation? Or will you live forever and live the same life as heaven and earth?"

"Both." Li Yan said in his heart: "now everyone's pursuit is different. The previous feelings... If you can forget, forget it."

In other words, a blood puppet had rushed ashore. He was holding a keel more than ten feet long. This was a bone spur that grew out of the Jiao. This bone spur could kill the Dragon King.

Li Yanxin pointed his right hand, and the bone spur fell into her hand. She looked at yehaoxuan from a distance and said with a sneer, "are you sure you don't want to consider my words?"

"No, and I will stop you." Yehaoxuan said.

"Hehe, you owe me so much. Now you have to stop what I want to do?" Liyanxin smiled: "you think it's appropriate."

"It is because I owe you so much that I want to stop you, because I can't watch you sink deeper and deeper." Yehaoxuan said in a deep voice, "speak your heart and turn back."

"Cluck, look back?" Liyanxin laughed: "if it's so easy to turn back, is it still a demon? You underestimate me."

"You are not talking." The blue light in yehaoxuan's eyes flashed. It often appeared suddenly and floated three feet away from him. At the same time, the figure of Jianling slowly formed in the air.

"I'm liyanxin, cluck, how about you still want to hit me?" The smile on Li Yanxin's face became more and more charming.

"I can't watch you sink like this. Sorry, I have to do it." When yehaoxuan grasped it with his right hand, he often held it in his hand. The spirit of the sword swayed and became a sword in the sky.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Your strength has increased a lot." Looking at ye haoxuan with some surprise, Li Yanxin giggled and said, "if you want to do it, come on, I'll stand here and let you do it."

"Do you really think I dare not?" Yehaoxuan said lightly.

"Dare you, because you are a medical sage. Is there anything you dare not do in this world?" Liyanxin smiled: "if you want to do it, come on. What you owed before is not important anyway, isn't it?"

Yehaoxuan closes his eyes. Taichangping in his hand points to the front. He drinks, and the sword Qi suddenly reverses. The sword edge points to Li Yanxin.

"Come on." Liyanxin was still the same. She giggled and said, "take out your strongest strength and kill me."

"Don't push me." Yehaoxuan opened his eyes and said, "put down the things in your hands."

"Why should I put it?" Liyanxin looked at yehaoxuan, and she smiled: "the medical saint is worthy of being a medical saint. After a long time, even his tone of voice is the tone of command."

"Hehe, yehaoxuan, you are just a hypocrite. You have the ability to kill me." Li Yan took a step forward. She stared at yehaoxuan and said, "come on."

"You..." yehaoxuan felt a stagnation in his chest. He really didn't know what to say. He really wanted to take down Li Yanxin with a sword, and then catch her and slowly cure her demons.

But he could not be cruel.

Liyanxin smiled. She suddenly turned around. She was already a hundred feet away. Her laughter came from a distance: "yehaoxuan, do you know what your biggest weakness is? Your biggest weakness is that you are too kind and your heart is soft. Ha ha ha, when I succeed in killing the dragon, the strength of the blood puppet will increase dramatically. With a smart blood puppet, can you imagine what it is like?"

Looking at Li Yanxin's back, ye haoxuan sighed a long sigh. Seriously, now his mood is very complicated. He really doesn't know how to be nice to Li Yanxin.

Now liyanxin, or it is not liyanxin at all, but yehaoxuan can't do that. He owes her too much.

"This little girl is very persistent." In her consciousness, the voice of breaking the army sounded: "and she has an extraordinary heart. Her future achievements must be very amazing."

"Hehe, it's just a killing star." Seven kill also said: "at such a young age, they are so fierce, which shows that some things are buried in the bottom of their hearts. Their Buddhism and Taoism are usually serious."

"But they are absolutely right and evil. The girl has entered the devil kingdom. If she wants to turn back, she may not be able to turn back. If her heart of Shura is cultivated, it will be terrible." Seven killing ways.

"Gentlemen, is there any good way to wake her up?" Yehaoxuan felt a twinge in his heart. Both the seven murders and the army breaking were born in Xingjun. They must have a wide range of knowledge. Maybe they can help Li Yanxin wake up.

"There is no good way. As I said, as Buddhists like them, we have no choice but to follow the fate of heaven." Seven killing ways.

"What on earth should we do?" Yehaoxuan sighed helplessly: "I owe her too much."

"In fact, you don't have to be kind to her, because now she is not controlled by her original consciousness, or now it is another person who controls her behavior, that is her demon." Seven killing ways.

"I know that." Yehaoxuan said, "it's the demons who dominate her. But I really have no way. I don't know how to dispel her demons."

"The best way is to kill her." "But boy, I know people like you, and you can't do it," seven kill hehe said with a smile

"Kill her?" Ye haoxuan shook his head and said, "I'd rather she had been controlled by the demons. She didn't want to kill her."

"So, there is no way." Seven kills laughed and said, "why didn't I see a passionate seed before, tut tut?"

"Don't make fun of me. I'm not in the mood now." Ye haoxuan shook his head and said, "OK, you two, if there is no good way, go back and have a rest."

"Young man, I warn you that the girl's situation just now is very terrible. Her previous consciousness still exists. If possible, she will wake up." "But her obsession was so serious that her real consciousness could not wake up," he said

"And her heart of Shura has gradually taken shape. If her heart of Shura is formed, it will be an unprecedented killing star." "So you must be ready in your heart," he said