Chapter 851 The Same Office As Before

Name:The Substitute Bride Author:Mi Lu
"Where are we going?" At first, Sheryl was unsure where Isla would take her at the outset. A little while later, Isla stopped abruptly. Now Sheryl's eyes glittered at the unexpected familiarity of the place they had just arrived. Without further thought, she deduced Isla's intention.

"Isla, I..." Sheryl's voice trailed off as she was a little scared. She was standing right in front of the office. Somehow she couldn't muster the courage to open the door.

"Open the door!" Standing behind Sheryl, Isla tried to encourage her.

"I think I'd refrain from doing that. Perhaps, that's what's right for me." Somehow, Sheryl's courage vanished into thin air in a moment's notice. All she felt was grief-stricken while she stood in front of her own office. She whispered hesitantly, "Isla, I have been here for a long time. I guess... it's time for me to take my leave."

"Sheryl!" Isla felt faintly annoyed as she noticed Sheryl's skittish behavior. She raised her eyebrows to an exquisite furrow and asked, "What on earth are you scared of?"

"I don't know. I really don't." Sheryl flashed a wry smile toward Isla and blurted, "It seems as if my gut is asking me not to open that door."

Sheryl didn't budge her eyes from Isla and continued, "Isla, maybe I'm just... not ready yet."

"Not ready? What is that supposed to mean?" Isla shot a rage filled glance at Sheryl and continued to speak, "This is your own company. You needn't worry about anything. You belong here."

Sheryl chose to remain silent as Isla went on, "To be frank, I wasn't ready to take this up out of the blue when you went missing three years ago. I learned to outgrow my fear. You too should do the same."

"Isla..." Sheryl looked at Isla and frowned. "I know you did that out of kindness. But... I'm not ready to take over the company yet. It's not so easy. I don't think I can do it."

The real reason behind her hesitation to push open the door to her own office had just been exposed by her.

"I understand." Isla nodded helplessly and said, "Sher, I won't force you to take over the co

time, I don't mind. All I want to let you know is that no hurdle exists between you and your previous work."

"I know, thank you," Sheryl said with a smile. "Isla, give me some more time to think about it. I will make a decision soon."

"Okay, I shall wait for your reply." Isla knew it wouldn't be right to force someone to go against their decisions and push them off their comfort zone. She just hoped Sheryl would make the right decision and return to her abode sooner than later.

"It's gotten late. I should go home now." Sheryl bid goodbye to Isla. Sue had come home unusually early today. Sue was still concerned about Anthony's desire to come here and wished to consult Sheryl about it.

She hesitated for a long time because she didn't know if it would be advisable for her to initiate the conversation. Eventually, she cooked up a question nervously, "Sher, where did you go today?"

"Why do you ask? You want to know why Anthony came today, right?" Sheryl exposed her rather easily.

Sue felt a little embarrassed and avoided Sheryl's eyes immediately. In an attempt to defend herself, she said, "No no, I don't care about him, not at all."

"Oh, really?"

"Ye... Yes."

"Fine then," Sheryl said and nodded her head. "I am tired. I am going to rest now." It was indeed an exhaustive day for her. Only fate knew what it had in its bag for her tomorrow.