Chapter 257 Industry Exchange Meeting (Part One)

Name:The Substitute Bride Author:Mi Lu
"I don't quite understand what you mean." Autumn wasn't foolish, she surely understood what Hoada Masahiro meant. What went beyond her expectation was that he still had the nerve to say this to her even after what happened between him and Paula in the restroom.

Eyes filled with pent-up desire, Hoada Masahiro stared straight at Autumn. "This is my room card. I will wait for you in the hotel room tonight, " he said as he slipped the card into her hand. "Keep it."

Truly getting angry this time, Autumn looked at him coldly. "Sorry, Mr. Hoada." she said. "I'm a dumb person. Could you please… make it clear for me?"

"It's simple, " he said, "I will provide you with all the additional funding you need. You just have to come to my room tonight. Do you understand?"

To Autumn's absolute horror, Hoada Masahiro touched her hand as he passed her the room card. She felt so disgusted over the fact that he took advantage of her with such a gesture, goosebumps appearing all the way to her arm. But before she had the chance to respond, a pair of hefty hands suddenly shove Hoada Masahiro's hand off.

The force made Hoada Masahiro scream, losing his control, "Who are you? Let go of me!"

Tonight, Light House Company would be holding a big event. As the new director of the company, Hoada Masahiro got carried away with the weight of his position. But when Autumn looked sideways and saw Charles coming to her, she regained her confidence and vigor.

It was tempting to give in to the thought of money. But Hoada Masahiro was her partner, Autumn did not want to offend him.

However, seeing that Charles had shown up, Autumn gained confidence that he would handle it for her no matter what happened.

"Don't you understand? I'm asking you to let go of my hand!" Hoada Masahiro said.

It looked like that Hoada Masahiro's hand was about to break but Charles had no intention of letting him go. He was delighted to see Autumn unexpectedly. But Charles couldn't stand seeing Hoada Masahiro taking advantage of his wife.

"Charles, let him go."


Seiten knew Charles and even regarded him with respect. He got anxious about offending Charles a while ago, causing him to think that he may lose his newly earned position.

He felt so upset. He really couldn't understand why Charles wanted to fight for Autumn. He wondered, is it because Autumn is Chinese?

"Mr. Lu, do you mind if I ask what happened here?"

Mr. Seiten said, asking Charles as he recalled why he came over. However, Hoada Masahiro took the initiative to explain. "Mr. Seiten, let me tell you something."

He started, looking him straight in the face.

Afraid of what would happen, Hoada explained in a tense voice. "Please allow me to make myself clear. Mr. Lu wasn't aware of the current situation seeing as he just arrived during that time."

Charles didn't object as he listened to what Hoada was trying to say. "Go on, tell me what happened then, " Mr. Seiten said, frowning slightly.

Delighted to hear his consent, Hoada continued. "Well, Miss Ye had come up with an excellent proposal for our company today, " he said, pausing for a moment. "Things went very well at first. In fact, Mr. Seiten, you have even showed your appreciation to her, so I decided to invite her to the industry exchange meeting. I believed that she had good intentions so I did that out of kindness. But it turned out it was the beginning of her wild ambition."