Chapter 68 Declaration of Relationship in Public

Name:The Substitute Bride Author:Mi Lu
"Mr. Song, I didn't say you took advantage of me after I threw the wine on you." Autumn sneered. If he was not guilty, he wouldn't say that.

Mr. Song gave a murderous glance at Autumn and stated, "Those present here witnessed that. Am I telling the truth, Sam Lin?"

Mr. Song wanted to ask Linda to testify for him. However, Linda seemed to have lost her wits after Charles's arrival. So, he had to ask Sam to help him in haste.

Mr. Song was certain that Sam wouldn't dare to set himself against him. Unexpectedly, Sam gave a little smile and looked at him in the eye, "Mr. Song, she never said you took advantage of her. Did you mention that out of your own guilt? "

"You..." Mr. Song's face was distorted with rage. He didn't expect Sam to say that. He immediately laughed, "Oh, I see. You are with this bitch. You must have already got off with her!"

Others didn't know the relationship between Autumn and Charles, but Sam knew about it. He could not restrain his anger on hearing Mr. Song's accusation, so naturally Charles who was Autumn's husband was deadly furious.

Charles gave a brittle laugh and said in a cold, dead voice, "Mr. Song, could you say it again? Bitch?"

"Isn't she a bitch?" Mr. Song gave a scornful smile, "Mr. Lu, I know she is your secretary. Don't be fooled by this bitch! She seduced me! Even Mr. Lin is taking her side. I'm sure they are having an affair..."

Mr. Song was continuously mouthing bad words, and in a blink of the eye Charles seized him by the throat. Charles had the eyes of a vicious wolf as if he was going to slaughter Mr. Song. Mr. Song felt as if he was going to suffocate. He beat Charles's hand in a panic, "Charles Lu, are you out of your mind? Don't forget, we are partners. Let go of me, otherwise, I'll break this partnership!"

"Which hand did you use to touch her?" Charles ignored Mr. Song's threat and asked him with a sneer.


nce as I heard her call him 'Sam.' The reason Mr. Lin helped Ye is because of their relationship. Mr. Song is our big client. It's not appropriate to offend Mr. Song for a slut like her."

Charles's face darkened. He continued, "So... Ye did seduce Mr. Song?"

Linda hesitated before she nodded. She had to sacrifice Autumn for her own interests. "Yes, Ye seduced Mr. Song. On top of that, she even got confused between right and wrong. Shame on her!"

Sam responded with a sneer. Linda had it coming.

Sam didn't understand why Autumn had to conceal her identity after getting married to Charles. He wondered what had happened to her.

But he uttered no word as he stood still and looked at Charles. Charles gave a scornful smile, "Linda, I thought you were clever. When you provoked Jenny to insult Ye, I turned a blind eye to that. I thought you would behave after seeing Jenny being fired. But I didn't expect you to be such an idiot."

"Do you think... my wife would seduce a bald-headed, middle-aged man?" Charles stated in a loud voice. This was the first time that he admitted his relationship with Autumn in public. He was forced to do it under the given circumstances, but he also wanted to warn Sam, 'Do not hold any unrealistic ideas about Autumn.'