When the brain is confused, you can't help but be confused.

"Auntie, what happened?"

An ruqin said with a cold face: "he said he wanted to enter the entertainment industry. The old man beat him with a crutch. Do you know what he said? He said he would give up the inheritance right of Gu! "

Night elegant lips by her bite without blood.

If a big family like Gu family gives up the right of inheritance No doubt he's a cripple.

"So, my aunt's idea is..."

If you don't want to go around, he will not persuade you to do so

Night Qingya clenched her lapel and said in a soft voice, "good."

Night Qingya lost her soul and went back home, but she was bombed by her family in turn.

All the family members learned that Gu Li gave up the right of inheritance. It was obvious that this matter had been a big one.

"Xiaoya, break up with him! Don't harm Gu Li and yourself

"Yes, you are still young, and there are infinite possibilities. Gu Li is so wayward I don't think it's reliable to follow him... "

"I've arranged a blind date for you. You can meet me. It's good if you can't be a friend!"

Ye Qingya's eyes were numb to listen to those words, and could not even say a retort.

No one asked her for her opinion, just made decisions for her.

But she did not dare to resist, and her education from childhood made her unable to resist. She could only repeat over and over: "I will persuade him Give me some time. "


the next day.

Night Qingya called Gu Li and asked him to meet.

The place of appointment is a high-end restaurant. The night is so close that I arrived first. Soon after I sat down, someone suddenly called out "miss yeqingya?"

She looked up and saw a man in a black suit smiling at him.

"Oh Hello The night is elegant and nods to say hello politely.

"Ha ha, I'm Rong Qi. Nice to meet you." The man stretched out his hand, and the night Qingya shook hands with him. The center of his mind read electricity and thought of who this man was.

Rongqi is a blind date introduced to her by a second aunt of Yeshi family. She didn't intend to see her, but she didn't think it was a coincidence to meet her today.

"Waiting for someone?" Rong Qi asked with a smile.

Night elegant decent back a few words, Rong Qi still did not want to go, but some irregular hands and feet on her shoulder.

"Miss Ye is more beautiful than before We should have met? At that time, you should still be in junior high school, with two pigtails... "

Ye Qingya frowned and yelled: "Mr. Rong, please respect yourself."

"It's all people who are going to marry me. What kind of high-ranking people are they pretending to be?" Rong Qi is extremely ambiguous with a smile, but a loud and arrogant voice comes from behind: "let go of your pig's hand!"

Rongqi looked back and saw the young man with seven orifices smoking in front of him. He hooked his lips and said, "are you her boyfriend? But I'm sorry, children fall in love, adults only look at the pros and cons, and she's going to marry me soon. "

Gu Li didn't speak, but night Qingya began to be frightened.

She knew that this kind of Gu Li was actually the most terrible moment.

Sure enough, Gu left his face expressionless and picked up the chair next to him and smashed it on Rong Qi's body!

"If you have the seed, you can do it. If you don't accept it, don't be BB!" Gu Li blasted the rough words, and even hit the chair with anger all over his body.

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