Chapter 2349: You Are The Best Gift 55

Her birthday ...

She almost forgot her eighteenth birthday.

Fanny held the cell phone and heard the words of her assistant. The whole person suddenly came alive.

"I have a birthday wish ..."


Fanny's rite of passage came to her in an instant.

Although Fan Yu has two children, she has only one daughter.

Growing up from a young age, she grew up spoiled, and is even more precious than Jin Yan.

The ritual of adulthood means that when the daughter grows up, she will learn to leave her parents and soar alone.

Where Fan Yu was willing to bear her hardships, she was preparing to invite her friends and relatives to participate in this ceremony and recognize her face. If she sees his baby girl outside, she can help take care of it.

With the release of Fan Fei, all the members of the Fan family tried their best to arrange.

The banquet was held in the banquet hall on the first floor of a five-star hotel owned by Fanshi Group. The guests who attended the banquet that day were like ants gathered together.

Fan Yu and Qiao Yuanfei held wine glasses and toasted the guests.

Fanny was hiding in the dressing room alone.

The huge dressing room was prepared by Fan Yu alone for her baby girl, which was already full of gift boxes.

Fan Yu has released news in advance that Fan Ni's adult ceremony is not accepted, and the gifts in the dressing room are all from the Fan family, as well as Uncle Yu and their uncles.

Fanny sat for a while, thinking of something, turned her head to flip through the gift box.

After looking for a long time, only Tang Qianqi and Yu Liuliu gave her presents.

The presents of Yu Muyang and Xiao Bengbian were turned over, but they did not find the gift of Fanfan.

Fanny grinned in disappointment and sat back in her chair.

Fanfan has not come yet ...

There should have been some delays. It was normal that no one else had arrived and there was no present for him.

Fanny remembered her plan today, sucked her nose, and re-energized herself.

Now that you've figured out what to do, don't regret it or hesitate.

Fanny squeezed her fist, pumped herself up, and looked up at herself in the glasses.

Her skin was very good, her skin was red and white, and she was full of collagen. She didn't need makeup at all.

Today's occasion is very formal. Qiao Yuanfei specially invited a stylist to give her a look.

She wore long hair around her waist, braided on both sides, and twisted her back with a half-ball head.

It also wore a small diamond crown diagonally, with a custom princess dress ...

With a bit of nobility in playfulness.

Today's Fannie is absolutely beautiful and outstanding.


It wasn't long before Fanny entered the dressing room and someone came to remind her.

"Miss, Vatican said it's almost time ~ ~ let you come out and prepare to cut the cake."

"I'll be right there!"

Fanny took a sigh of relief, got up from the chair, and walked out with her skirt.

There was something hidden in her heart, and she walked a little bit.

When I stepped out of the door, I was tripped by my skirt and almost fell.

A strong arm, holding her firmly around her waist, lifted her up.

Fanny looked up to see that her supporter was Fanny, and blinked blankly: "Brother, you are here."

"Well." Fanfan saw her for the first time, and a fascinating light flashed under her eyes, then she resumed normal, her lips opened slightly.

"Everyone is waiting for you to cut the cake. Dad is not assured of you. Let me come to you."

He was wearing a white suit today, with a handsome face and deep facial features.