"What exuberant power of life. Is this the Tianzun level secret law heart of life?"

The ancient gods were surprised.

Previously, Ye Feng mentioned the immortal star when he talked about his experience in the three thousand realms. Therefore, the ancient holy God knew that Ye Feng had refined the divine secret of the heart of life.

Now, the ancient gods are shocked by the effect of this secret Dharma.

This effect is too strong!

It's many times better than he thought.

That exuberant vitality almost brought him back to life!

"Yes, this is the effect of the heart of life. Although it can't directly make the predecessors give birth to flesh and blood, it can lay a solid foundation." Ye Feng said.

The flesh and blood of ancient gods can not be regenerated casually.

It's a physical body above the holy level. It can't be reborn by vitality alone. It also depends on the special energy in the spinal cord.

Of course, these vitality can be a great help.

Next, Ye Feng continued to depict.

About an hour later.

The whole index finger of the right hand is engraved with the new version of power divine pattern, which suddenly blooms a bright red gold glow and becomes harder and harder. It can't be depicted with the previous broken bone pieces.

"This finger should be able to stab ordinary saints?"

Leaves make complaints about the sound.

The jade God on one side was also very curious.

"Cough!" the ancient holy spirit was embarrassed, "not yet, but it's almost the same."

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng was overjoyed.

It's worthy of being a tyrant. One finger can poke death to the holy land. It's really terrible.

However, the heavenly family saint is by no means an ordinary saint.

The other side ranks 15th in the list of power gods. With a full blow, I'm afraid it can easily crush the most holy man.

Therefore, this is not the time to be happy.

"Next, it's time to change the tools."

Ye Feng returned the bone fragments to the ancient gods. With the help of each other, he reduced the finger as big as a pillar to the size of an ordinary person's finger and used it as a carving knife.

"What a large amount of work."

The jade God stood aside, looked at the huge body of the ancient holy God, estimated it, and found that the power God pattern to be portrayed was in 10000 units, which was too difficult.

"With this finger, it's not difficult."

Ye Feng took the right index finger of the ancient god and began to depict each other's skull.

There are too many power patterns in the fully upgraded version.

The depiction process is cumbersome and boring.

In order not to be bored, the three talked without a word.

"Senior, the evil gods in the evil god temple were transformed by the residual thoughts of thousands of families before 3000 realms. Therefore, as the strongest of the evil gods, is God respected related to the person who broke your flesh?"

Ye Feng raised the question.

The ancient gods were silent.

"To be honest, I don't understand. If you hadn't led the ancient spirit army into the evil god world, I wouldn't even know that there was a God in the world."

So said the ancient gods.

The flame in his eyes kept beating, which was obviously afraid of God's respect.

The enemy in the dark is the most terrible.

So is the God, and so is the man who cut his flesh apart. In addition to them, there may be some mysterious hidden strong men in the three thousand realms.

These are threats to the ancient gods.

"However, the biggest threat should be the fairyland."

Once the ancient holy myth turned, "the fairy family has invaded 3000 circles, and there are the strong ones of Tianzun level. If our nine tianzuns in 3000 circles don't take action, with the current strength of 3000 circles, they are not the enemy of the fairy world at all."

"The fairyland is indeed a threat." Ye Feng nodded and said what he had seen and heard in the fairyland.

The jade God was stunned to hear that there were millions of strong people above the celestial holy land.

"The fairyland is so strong?"

She couldn't help breathing.

Ye Feng nodded: "yes, the fairyland has an ancient history, which is older than the development of the three thousand realms. After so many years of accumulation, the number of top strongmen is certainly as many as an ox's hair."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng looked at the ancient holy God: "elder, do you know why those holy places in China ran to the immortal region?"

The ancient holy God was silent and said, "maybe it's more suitable for practice over there!"

"Is that it?" Ye Feng asked while depicting divine patterns. He always felt that this explanation was untenable.

Can you leave China because it is suitable for practice?

It seems that if you want to know the real reason, you can only wait until you find dozens and hundreds of sacred places in China.

The depiction continues.

Because there are too many power divine patterns, even though ye Maple depicts it with the fastest speed, it still looks very slow.

Helpless, Ye Feng had to set a hundred times the time to accelerate.

One hundred days inside, one day outside.

"Finally carved the head."

One day after the outside world, Ye Feng stopped and looked at the new skull of the ancient god, with a great sense of achievement.

"It is worthy of being an upgraded version of the power divine pattern. The effect is much better than before. I can feel my divine soul reuniting."

The surprise of the ancient gods.

"The effect is good, but it takes too much time." Ye Feng wiped his sweat and looked at the body under the head of the ancient holy God. He found that only one tenth of the work had been completed.

It will take about three years to complete it all.

Even if ye Feng opened a hundred times and accelerated, when it was all completed, the outside world has been in the past ten days and a half months.

"I have estimated that it will be completed in three years." the ancient god said, "it will be hard for you in the next three years. If you need to return halfway, go back!"

The ancient gods were also embarrassed to delay Ye Feng too much time.

"It doesn't matter. When I go out, I happen to catch the entrance examination next month." Ye Feng smiled and continued to depict.

"Hmm?" the ancient holy spirit was stunned and reacted, "did you arrange the time array?"

Ye Feng smiled: "yes, a hundred times the time flow rate inside. A hundred days have passed here, and only one day has passed outside. Therefore, it is three years long for us, but only ten days have passed outside."

The ancient gods were shocked.

Ye Feng has mastered such a powerful time array?

"Since it has only been ten days for the outside world, I can rest assured that it won't delay you too much time. Otherwise, I'm sorry."

The ancient gods spoke slowly.

"The elder's words are heavy." Ye Feng continued to depict.

With each knife falling, the jade God around him will release the power of God's chalcedony. Combined with the exuberant vitality generated by the heart of life, he will maximize the details of ancient saints.

"Hey, there's a problem!"

Ye Feng found the difficulty.

"What's the matter?" the ancient God asked quickly.

"Master, your bones are generally complete, but they are more or less missing. I can't depict the power divine pattern in these places. What should I do?"

Ye Feng said the problem.

"Well... You can try to depict the void. As long as the array patterns are complete, the missing bones will be filled automatically later." the ancient holy God asked Ye Feng not to worry.

"Can you do that?" Ye Feng picked his eyebrow.

"Try it." ancient holy Shinto.

"OK." Ye Feng didn't talk nonsense. He portrayed it in a place without bones, branded the array pattern in the void, and connected it with the array pattern of the surrounding bones to form a whole.

The next moment.

What surprised Ye Feng happened.

On the spine of the ancient holy God, there was a huge gap with a radius of more than ten meters, but because a brand-new power God pattern was engraved, the surrounding skeletons had white silk threads spreading towards the empty space to build a brand-new skeleton.

In half an hour.

The vacancy was filled with automatically growing bones, and there was nothing wrong with it.


Ye Feng and Yu Shen were surprised.