A dead galaxy.

Lei Wudao and the protector stood side by side, confronting the 70th Layer Immortal Emperor of the Black Prison.

In the end, Lei Wudao took the lead in asking, "What is your name?"

"Death Immortal Emperor."

The skinny man said, his voice hoarse and indifferent.

"It turned out to be the famous Immortal Emperor Dead Silent! Senior, you are the 70th-level Immortal Emperor, so even if you are placed in the black prison, you should be among the top."

Lei Wudao cupped his hands and said.

"Famous? You know me?" Immortal Emperor Dead Ji raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

"Senior is the 70th-level Immortal Emperor. Although I am a latecomer, I am only kissing today. Click on it and give a good review. The higher the score, the faster the update. Oh my wife!

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