He looked at the thin body at the front from a distance, it looked thin but contained great strength, he couldn't be more clear about it!

Especially those hands, staring at the hands of the woman in front of him waving farm tools, he trembled unconsciously.

Shan Jingqiu only felt a thorn in her back, she didn't need to turn her head to know that the people behind must be looking at her again.

The more force you use to lift the hoe down, the traces left in the soil should not be underestimated.

She regretted to death that at that time Lin Xiong couldn't help but wanted to buy some game because Lin Xiong said he was greedy, but she didn't know that when a wild boar hurt someone, she had to yell at the injustice, and as a result, something happened when she intervened.

She almost didn't want to recall those stupid things she did in that time!

Seeing Wu Hao, who was trembling and at a loss, was injured all over his body, she couldn't hold back and dragged him down the mountain with a pig in one hand and a man in the other. Notice the look of horror on the face of the person she's pulling.

After finally going down the mountain, it was even more finished.

Because of the stone fist incident before, in order to prove that she is a "gentle and kind" woman who never takes "smashing heads" as a hobby, she has been catching some pheasants and hares for a long time.

After all, when she smashed the wild boar's head, she did it unintentionally!

But all the hard work was in vain!

She doesn't want to recall what happened when she went down the mountain...

Lin Yaobei was the first to discover her. He looked at the pig in horror, at her hands, and then at Wu Hao who was being carried away. His lips trembled, and he couldn't help asking: "Jianguo, what is this?" , We need to make people work hard, but, we can’t educate them by force, we need to use revolutionary ideas to influence them.”

The tearful look couldn't have been more heartfelt.

Shan Jingqiu, who understood what he meant, wished she could immediately give him 10,000 rolls of eyes, why did she become a violent educationist?

She let go of Wu Hao and the wild boar, they fell to the ground with a "boom", shook their hands, and said casually: "I didn't hit anyone, I just went to the mountains to get some wild vegetables, and saw him being chased by wild boars A wild boar shot to save people."

She didn't realize at all that she waved her hand, and the appearance of blood slipping in the air was probably only comparable to the murderers, midnight butchers and the like in later generations.

And the people who were only paying attention to Wu Hao who was caught just now finally turned their attention to the wild boar. After the dust and smoke from the falling wild boar cleared away, everyone finally found that the wild boar had the same head as before and half of its head was missing. !

Unanimously, the villagers at the scene shook their bodies and complained: How could Shi Fist go to hunt wild vegetables? It must be to slaughter wild boars! She just has a habit of smashing heads!

Thousands of words turned into a roar from the bottom of my heart - she is too cruel, ruthless and unreasonable! As expected of Datong village stone fist, the favorite is to smash pigs' heads!

Of course, no one knew what they were thinking in their hearts, and Shan Jingqiu didn't know that when they were sharing the pork with a happy smile, the shadow in their hearts was at its maximum when they saw the half-brained pig's head on the table.

Must, must be farther away from the stone fist.

At that time, the educated youths who didn't know anything about the three characters Shiquantou finally matched the three characters with Shan Jingqiu, and understood how "cruel" people existed in this world.

Even Chen Juzu and his party, who had just been sent down, understood who was the most annoying person in Datong Village.

They have learned a common skill - to observe secretly, always secretly and inadvertently put their eyes on the person in front.


Recently, Shan Jingqiu’s biggest task at home every day is to study with a few children. A while ago, teacher Zeng Hualing, who was new to Datong Primary School, shouldered the heavy responsibility of literacy. Help increase the participation rate in literacy classes a little bit.

Isn't that simple?

Shan Jingqiu smiled softly, those illiterate people in Datong Village, who had no intention of being able to read in their life, were all suffering at this moment, and whoever was ordered by the soldiers would go to school at night.

The children who go to school every day see their parents holding their previous textbooks and running to the school every night, laughing and laughing. They feel that good and evil will be rewarded!

It will ask people to test one hundred every day! If you have the ability, you can test a hundred by yourself!

But it's only been a few days, and the anger of these twitchy kids who even celebrated in secret behind their backs has completely disappeared. Why? The literacy class teaches so many words and sentences every class, and their parents can forget them all!

Shi Fist said, anyone who doesn't listen carefully to the class will be taught a lesson! (Although no one has ever been taught by her fist)

So these children lived a life of going home from class to do their homework, and they had to cook a small stove for their parents. They couldn't help but say something to their parents. of!

The adults in Datong Village suffer, but the children suffer even more! With tears in their eyes, they really want to go back to the time when they first entered school and wished their parents could read and wake them up!

Of course, Shan Jingqiu does not need to be tutored, but it was very difficult to pretend to be illiterate a few days ago to make steady progress. Finally, she made steady progress and became a literacy star in the literacy class of Datong Village according to the normal learning progress! She suffers so much!

Lin Qing only felt more bitter. Seeing that she had copied her grandfather's name Lin Yaoxi five or six times before her eyes, and she could still write Yao in six ways, she was so angry that she started to teach her parents how to write. , she can understand more and more why her friends in modern times teach her son to yell until his vocal cords are nodules!

Thinking back to when my best friend asked her to wait in the living room, asking her the order of pinyin over and over again in the room, her voice was louder than louder, it was so understanding!

God knows how hard it is to teach! It couldn't be harder to teach!

People say that the limbs are strong and the mind is simple. My aunt can beat wild boars with her bare hands and can be a literacy star. How come my parents can't even write their names!

Like every child in the village, she was tormented by her parents, wanting to cry without tears. She originally wanted to hide her clumsiness and imitate the children, but now she doesn't even have the time to act! I just want to let my parents learn these few words that are so clear that the mouth of the bowl is so clear!

It was late at night, and the sky above the Lin family and Datong village was constantly echoing with sounds, brightly lit and very lively.

"Dad! This is Yao, and next to it is a shining light from the sun!"

"That's not how it was written, didn't I just write it?"

Of course, not all of them are so persuasive, and there are such——

"Dad, you dared to call me stupid last time, but you are much more stupid than me. You must pass the duck test!"

"Hmph, Mom, you are the same as Dad! You can't even write!"

The arrogant child boldly regained his place, then stood behind his parents and stood proudly, and finally turned into——

"Wow - I'm clearly telling the truth, you beat people in the duck test yourself!"

"I'll beat you to death, you bastard!"

"I am the grandson of a turtle, what are you! You are a son of a turtle, and mother is a daughter-in-law of a turtle!"

"Wow! Killed someone—"

Running wildly all the way.

Tonight is also the bustling Datong Village,

Shan Jingqiu could feel the ubiquitous eyes behind her, she didn't need to turn her head to know who it was, and it wasn't her sister-in-law who didn't touch her fingers.

But for this kind of person who can only stare at her secretly from behind, Shan Jingqiu is not afraid at all.

That day, she frightened Sun Jinhua so much that she hid in the room and trembled, and then frightened the children so much that they could only clap.

At that time, Shan Jingqiu, who tried to squat down and kindly tell the children that she was just a little stronger than the average person, saw Lin Xiong's trembling appearance when she touched her shoulder with her hands, and knew that no matter how much she said, she was working hard in vain.

Well, the children have all recognized that they are now people with supernatural powers.

Shan Jingqiu thought that she was very reasonable, so she thought about trying to reason with Sun Jinhua while there were only old people and children left at home.

Most of the doors in this era are not very secure, let alone locks, so she broke into Sun Jinhua's house.

Sun Jinhua saw this female evil star rushing in, her body was shaking like a sieve, her mind was circling over and over again what to do, she was so terrified that she didn't even have the strength to escape, her legs were weak and she couldn't move! She wondered whether to shout for help, and worried about losing this ugliness.

Sun Jinhua's voice trembled: "Hey... big daughter-in-law, what are you doing? Calm down!"

Shan Jingqiu didn't know that Sun Jinhua's mind had been going through so many circles for a while, she raised the corners of her mouth, and thought she was still very gentle and said: "Hey, Mom, I..." While talking, she thought about why Close to him, he took a big step and put his hand on Sun Jinhua's shoulder, wanting to continue.

When Sun Jinhua saw Shan Jingqiu's hand landed on her shoulder, her mind was filled with the way the firewood was crushed, she burst into tears: "You...what do you want..."

She didn't know if she could save her life today, and she kept begging her dead husband to come home and have a look.

Shan Jingqiu stared in astonishment at Sun Jinhua who had added 10,000 scenes to herself before anything happened.

God knows, she was just speaking the truth, she would never beat women and children!

After she swore almost to the sky that she would never do anything to Sun Jinhua, Sun Jinhua finally put away her tears.

But what Shan Jingqiu never expected was Sun Jinhua's face-changing skills. After confirming again and again that she would not do anything to her, she immediately became arrogant. Man lost in thought.

"What is an unfilial daughter-in-law like you going to do here? No matter how old or young you dare to fight me now, why didn't your ancestors strike you to death with a thunderbolt? You are really amazing! I worked hard to manage this family, You are powerful now, do what you want to do, right? I'm not dead yet!" Sun Jinhua was full of anger, wishing to vent the anger of the past few days.

Shan Jingqiu glanced indifferently, and Sun Jinhua swallowed the words again, after all, the psychological shadow was still there.

"Mom, others don't know why Jianguo died, but you don't? Are you worthy of Jianguo?" Shan Jingqiu's voice seemed sinister.

As if the fig leaf had been punctured, Sun Jinhua jumped up immediately: "What are you talking about, he doesn't know that something happened to him, and he still relies on me!"

At this time, she just wanted to expose this matter quickly. As for the guilt in her heart, she still had it at the beginning of joining, but it had been worn out in the past few days. No matter how she thought Jianguo's death had nothing to do with her, if Since he was a child, he was less courageous than a chicken heart, so how could so many things happen, causing a lot of disturbances after that.

Yes, that's the way it is. If you try to sell something properly, there will be no accidents. It's all because he has no courage and carelessness.

Sun Jinhua added: "It's none of my business if you go out for a while, and it's none of my business? If you want to blame, blame you and Jianguo for your own fate!"

Shan Jingqiu was almost stunned by Sun Jinhua's shamelessness, who is this kind of person who has no regrets about his son's death?

Her voice became colder and colder: "Jianguo used to farm the land well and nothing would happen. Didn't it happen when you let him go out, Mom?"

Sun Jinhua was in a hurry: "I'm his mother, what do I want to tell him to do, what do I care about you? He is my son and I can't do anything about it?"

"Yeah, you are his mother, you gave him a life, so if you want to take it away, you have to take it away, right?" Shan Jingqiu said with fire in her eyes.

Sun Jinhua slammed the table and said in a sharp voice, "Yes! I gave his life. I want him to do whatever I want!" After finishing speaking, he tried to leave the room but was dragged back by Shan Jingqiu.

Sun Jinhua was extremely annoyed: "What are you doing again?"

Shan Jingqiu: "I want to ask you carefully, are Jianguo, Jianguo, and Taohua not your children, and Lin Xiong, Lin Qing, and Lin Yu are not your grandchildren? Don't you have the heart to abuse them like this all day long? "

She couldn't understand what this woman was thinking. After watching it for a few days, Lin Yaoxi didn't move because of what Sun Jinhua said, but because he was full of guilt for his eldest daughter-in-law, but this Sun Jinhua It didn't change at all.

"What can I do to them? They don't have that kind of life!" Sun Jinhua disdained the questions raised by her daughter-in-law, thinking that she was indeed a rural daughter-in-law with no knowledge at all, and that her youngest son and daughter would be promising in the future. Absolutely do not give her the slightest good face.

Shan Jingqiu was amused by Sun Jinhua: "Mom, you don't have to work in the fields now. Jianjun can go to the county to study, and Xinghua can do nothing. Do you think our dad works alone and the whole family eats and drinks?"

She was categorical: "That's our family, the Jiandang family, who go to work in the fields every day to support your two idle children!"

She can bear to talk about other things, but when it comes to her precious son and daughter, Sun Jinhua couldn't bear it anymore: "Shut up, some of your uncles and aunts? They will have great promise in the future! I want you to talk more ? It will not be your turn to enjoy their blessings in the future!"

She thinks so sincerely, after all, in her opinion, if Xinghua, who founded her own party, was not born, how could she live the life she is now, not to mention that the two of them will have great promise in the future!

Seeing her stubbornness, Shan Jingqiu felt helpless to reason with this person because she had a strange idea.

This Sun Jinhua just recognized the truth of death, and she believed that the founding of the party and Xinghua would be promising. As for the contributions of other children's families, she couldn't see the slightest bit as if her eyes were blurred.

She shouldn't have talked to her more.

Shan Jingqiu crossed her hands, looked at Sun Jinhua who was now jumping on her hips and said, "Mom, why didn't Jianguo disappear? You know and I know. You have to give me everything he brought back this time. , I know that you are going to lose money to the poor man who went with Jianguo, so bring it to me too."

Sun Jinhua was about to die of anger: "You have a good idea, get the hell out of our house! You report it! You report it! I am not afraid of you!"

Shan Jingqiu was very calm, hugged her and gently helped her to sit on the bed next to her. Of course, Sun Jinhua was definitely not willing to follow her wishes, but she was placed so abruptly no matter how strong she was.

The audience is arranged, and the next step is to start the performance.

Shan Jingqiu had long taken a fancy to the wooden cabinets piled up in the corner of Sun Jinhua's house. They were already very dilapidated, and now they were used to store sundries with their mouths open, and the lids fell to the side.

She just walked over and gently lifted the cover. Sun Jinhua didn't react, but just looked suspiciously at herself walking around. She smiled, and just pinched the lid up, and the lid burst open in an instant, "Mom, what did you just say?"

"Maybe I'm in a bad mood because of Jianguo's death recently. I always thought about venting. It just so happens that we have a broken lid." After speaking, he squeezed the piece still in his hand into powder .

Sun Jinhua was so frightened that she shivered into the bed. She was the one who cherished her life the most. After all, she was the one who wanted to enjoy the blessings of her own family and her family, so she definitely wouldn't just die here!

"You, what are you doing..." Her mind went blank.

Shan Jingqiu smiled: "Mom, I want the things and money we brought back from Jianguo."

Sun Jinhua then scrambled to the drawer under the bed and took out the pannier from the small box with a lock in the drawer tremblingly, not daring to look at Shan Jingqiu, and threw the pannier at her: "It's all here ...I asked someone to ask for the money, but I will give it to you when I have it in a few days."

There was even some blood on the basket, Shan Jingqiu looked at the blood and thought a lot.

She thought, would Lin Jianguo regret that he had paid so much for his mother?

He glanced at the things in the back basket, and found that the number was roughly the same as what he had glimpsed in the original body's memory, so he also casually carried it on his back, and continued talking.

"Mom, I'll take care of the big and small things about our family in the future. You can sort out the money at home and report it to me. You can leave some private money, but you have to let me know."

Sun Jinhua, who was still shivering with her back on the bed just now, felt that her rights had been violated the most. Even though she was terrified, she couldn't help turning around and criticizing her, her voice was extremely sharp: "Then kill me! If you have the ability, kill me!" I killed! I told you that I am not afraid of you!"

Shan Jingqiu whispered softly: "Mom, how could I kill you?" She chopped off with one hand, and the rough wooden chair by Sun Jinhua's bed was split into two neatly, "If I Trouble, I'm sure I don't want to make Mom sad, but I can't guarantee what will happen to Jiandang and Xinghua, can I?"

"I have a bad temper, Mom, you are so tolerant, I will leave it to you, Dad." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away without taking a second look.

Sun Jinhua buried herself in the quilt with tears in her eyes, and finally sent the magic star away, she was so angry that she didn't know what to do, she knew that Shan Jingqiu could really do it! This woman is too poisonous!

Constantly complaining but there is no sporadic solution.

I can only admit cowardice.

Shan Jingqiu, who walked out quickly, only left Sun Jinhua with a handsome back without looking back.

As soon as she went out, she quickly covered her right arm with her left hand.

it hurts...

Although it was not injured, it still hurt a little. Fortunately, it didn't show its feet in front of Sun Jinhua.

But now she finally understands that in this family, you can't treat Sun Jinhua well, you just have to restrain her so aggressively, if this person is unreasonable, then he will be brilliant if he gives a little color, only by training her harder Real governance live!

From this day on, other people who knew nothing were surprised to find that the life of the Lin family had changed.

When Lin Yaobei walked slowly to the head of the village, what he saw were young people with suspicious faces and Shan Jingqiu with an indifferent face.

He was so frightened that he couldn't help but pause, after all, Shi Fist's big punch could smash their skulls with one punch!

Of course, he would not admit that the rumors about Yingtian had nothing to do with him. Why did he brag about his brave performance in the face of red and white stone fists in private with his wife and younger brother? !

"Village Chief, these are new educated youths, shall I go home first?" Shan Jingqiu still gave Lin Yaobei face and asked for his opinion.

Although she has no interest in entertaining educated youths, after all, thinking of her gentle Xinghua, who is now as black as coal and always makes that bowed head, is still guarding her, if she has more contact with these educated youths, I am afraid that there will be no one tonight. peaceful!

If Xinghua still followed Sun Jinhua as before, then she would be fine to refuse.

Now with a face that was tanned and shiny because of her encouragement to work, the whites of her eyes were conspicuously white, she looked at herself shyly, and then stomped her feet and left... Shan Jingqiu still felt a little guilty.

Lin Yaobei stretched out his hand to let Shan Jingqiu stay for a while, and then he looked at the newcomers. After receiving the letter of introduction and Lin Jianjun's strict chanting introduction, he had a preliminary impression of these young people.

In fact, Lin Yaobei is not sensitive to the thankless task of receiving educated youths. He relies on his elder brother who is a soldier, and he hears the news earlier than those in the village. Regarding this sudden wave, he is often worried about how to maintain the village. peaceful.

Datong Village is not close to the county seat, and the road conditions are not good. It has always been better than the top and the bottom is more than the bottom. The neighboring villages are all surrounded by huge mountains. Survival on the mountains and fields is not bad, and it is better than anywhere else. The outrageous clanism makes the people here maintain a few surnames to survive, so the wind in the county often doesn't blow so fast...

It is not yet known where the carriage in Datong Village will go.

In Lin Yaobei's view, these sudden educated youths are the biggest factor that will destroy the tranquility of Datong Village.

Just when I heard that the educated youths were going to enter the village, the people in the village were eager to move, and everyone wanted to get in front of them, for fear of missing a daughter-in-law or son-in-law from the city.

If you ask him, life in the city is not as good as that in the village. These half-grown guys can't do the labor of half a baby, and they probably can't earn three work points. Even the food is probably paid by the brigade.

Lin Yaobei smiled brightly, and he couldn't tell from his appearance that he didn't like the educated youths at all. He said loudly, "Here you come, you are from our Datong Village! I am Lin Yaobei, the team leader. If you have any questions, please contact I reacted, my family lives behind this slope, I don’t know how to ask the people in the village!” She seemed a little embarrassed, “I’m not good at eyesight, so I’m sorry for you guys, please introduce yourself? Let me get to know you?”

After leaving the words, he looked at the new educated youths with scrutinizing eyes.

Li Chunfu saw the sudden silence of his companions around him, who had been on the road for a long time and messed up his clothes, cleared his throat and said seriously: "Captain, my name is Li Chunfu, I am nineteen years old, and I came from City B. I am here hoping to answer the leader's call and build myself for the future! Dedicate myself to the revolution!"

He had been secretly watching his companions for a long time, and what made him most disdainful was that he heard that the brothers were from bad elements, but they were not as popular as him. They must be the same as those people who were dragged into the street. This is what happened to the child without revolutionary awareness and ideological understanding!

"My name is Gong Yuzhi, and I'm also from City B. I, I'm sixteen..." Gong Yuzhi lowered his head and continued in a low voice. After being stuck for a long time, he didn't continue.

She has no status in the family, and this time she went to the countryside to serve as a post for her younger brother, instead of making decisions on her own like Li Chunfu, she wanted to go to the village to help others, and she couldn't help feeling a little yearning for him.

It's nice to have someone like him.

"My name is Meng Meng. The first Meng is Meng, who was moved by Meng's mother three times. The second Meng is Lin Ximeng, who is also from City B. I am eighteen this year!" When he got up, his voice was clear and moving, and he spoke quickly and neatly, with bright eyebrows and eyes.

Meng Meng saw that Gong Yuzhi said that she was unhappy in front of her for a moment. After all, in her opinion, people have self-knowledge, and she was the first one who couldn't see the way Gong Yuzhi bent down and bowed her head.

Meng Meng is also a girl who came out of the compound in City B. Her mother is a flower in the art troupe, and she grew up under constant praise from the people around her. This time she and her family insisted on coming out. It was simply because that little head of the Revolutionary Committee, who came from a shabby household and came from somewhere, had such a big belly that he dared to ask her to be his wife.

Pooh! Toad wants to eat!

So she reported the name of going to the countryside without telling her family, so she had to follow them!

Jian Jiang pulled his younger brother to stand up, and said: "I am Jian Jiang, eighteen this year, this is my younger brother Jian Huai, thirteen this year, we are all coming to City B... If there is anything that can't be done, you can Tell me anytime!"

While talking, he held his younger brother's hand tightly, for fear that he would say some inappropriate words in this bad environment, saying that a strong dragon does not suppress a snake, if he just came here and offended everyone, what will happen in the future? manage.

But fortunately, the younger brother didn't say anything, it seems that the exhortations before coming here still worked.

The young man who had been pursing his lips at the back finally raised his head, revealing his immature and handsome face, his voice was clear but not of high quality: "I am Wang Xiaowen, from S City, sixteen this year... "

The educated youths who were traveling with him looked at him in astonishment, not understanding why Wang Xiaowen from S City somehow intervened among them.

But right now is not the occasion to ask the truth, so I swallowed my doubts for the time being.

"Jingqiu, help me get the luggage. I don't think these girls and boys look very strong." After listening to the introduction, Lin Yaobei probably had a plan for these people.

Everyone doesn't look stupid, it seems that we still need to carefully consider how to deal with it. Li Chunfu guessed that those big brothers said that they only had soldiers who killed other people in their minds, and this Gong Yuzhi didn't seem to have any ideas. What about Meng Meng? On the other hand, he was a bit too delicate, the two brothers were easy to manage, and they had a relationship with each other, and this Wang Xiaowen Dan's face probably made the old women in the village agitated again, but he was not sure about his temperament.

Being a captain is really not an easy task! Lin Yaobei sighed.

So a group of people who have just arrived have seen the newly developed "special product" in Datong Village - the strange power from Ms. Shiquantou.

They curled their lips secretly in their hearts at first, they were very indignant at the fact that the village head of Datong village bullied women, seeing Lin Yaobei's way of not going to help was very displeasing to the eye, and even thought that Lin Yaobei was playing some kind of bureaucracy! Not close to the people.

Of course, it's also due to the tanned farmers who have been farming all year round, so they can't tell their age, otherwise they would probably just label him as not good at labor.

Preconceived, they didn't realize how heavy the things Shan Jingqiu was holding before, they just determined the result according to their thinking.

So she stared dumbfounded at Shan Jingqiu coming over, helped them take off their bags one by one and slipped them into their hands, as easily as if they were holding a piece of paper...Jane even casually pulled Jian Jiang into her hand Huai picked it up, not allowing the slightest resistance.

Then they followed her in a daze to the educated youth spot arranged by the village, and packed up in a daze.

It wasn't until they ate the hard pancakes provided by the village that the group of people looked at each other silently, as if they had returned to the ground and fell to the ground.

...Could it be, could this be the power of the legendary Siquantou? ? What exactly is four full heads?

That night, the educated youths slept soundly. Even though the pancakes were too hard to swallow and the place they lived in was not comfortable at all, they still fell into a deep dreamland in a trance.

While they were struggling with the pancakes, the Lin family was facing a contest of dumb confessions.

As soon as Shan Jingqiu and Lin Jianjun entered the house, there was a gust of wind blowing towards her face—it was the black whirlwind.

Xinghua blushed, although she couldn't see her shyness from her black face, she blinked with longing, and wanted to rush towards Shan Jingqiu.

Shan Jingqiu understood very well what Xinghua was going to do now. In order to avoid the unsettled life tonight, she immediately killed the fellow Taoist and pointed to Lin Jianjun who was bewildered behind her. Brother, he gave it away today."

So the entire Lin family's dinner and rest this night revolved around Xinghua's nagging.

Xinghua: Second brother, second brother, is the new educated youth doing well?

Lin Jianjun: Eat.

Xinghua: Second brother, just tell me, where do they all come from? Are they all from the city? Do they live in a building? Better than our county!

Lin Jianjun: ...


Shan Jingqiu, who fell asleep accompanied by asking about Meizizi, expressed her satisfaction and did not feel embarrassed at all.

She tried her best to raise her heavy eyelids and looked out. First, the dazzling light made her frown uncontrollably, then she blinked hard again, and finally saw everything around her clearly——

Although the ceiling is also white, the rather simple and unadorned energy-saving light tubes on it are definitely not to her taste. With a glance, you can see the size of the room in the corner, and you can see the size of the room when you turn your head slightly. The three strange girls who are crying beside me, they don't look very old, but they are obviously never seen before, all the scenes point to the terrible answer, not to mention the mattress that seems to be within reach of the stiff hands From the tactile sensation, she didn't use that mahjong mat eight hundred years ago!

For her, who is deeply addicted to novels and TV dramas, the truth is now clearly revealed.

If it wasn't a dream, it was because she really traveled through time as the novel said!

Not knowing how to react, she quickly closed her eyes and pretended she was still in a coma before the two who were crying so hard could react.

Shan Jingqiu racked her brains and couldn't figure out what she did wrong to be arrested here. Just now, the clear touch under her body and the unmistakable pain on the back of her head let her know that this was not a person at all. Dream.

Of course, when she read novels when she was a girl, she also had a thousand and one dreams of Mary Sue.

However, these are all in the past. The 32-year-old Ms. Shan Jingqiu said that she has a car, a house and savings, and the days of being single are very happy. Why is she caught and time-traveled for no reason?

Thinking of the novels I've read, the heroine who bumped her head and time travels can go back to the past after bumping her head again, and suddenly has a plan in her heart.


"I think the idea in your mind will probably not succeed." A voice from nowhere reverberated in my mind, and suddenly the crying that was still in my ear became distant, but it was this inexplicable cold mechanical voice Very clear.

"You can call me Jinjiang System 008."

What kind of inexplicable Jinjiang system is still 008, why don't you say that you are 007! She subconsciously complained frantically.

The more flustered the faster the thoughts, the mind was full of irrelevant thoughts.

"Very good, now it seems that your mental endurance meets our requirements." 008 is a rookie system from Three Thousand Worlds. Although its number is 008 with single digits, at first glance it seems to be in a very high position , but in fact it is in the period of trial operation, no matter how you pretend to be a veteran, it can't hide the fact that it is a novice.

The unreasonable world view and extreme encounters set by many web stories have made the world of these stories on the verge of damage. The characters living in the stories have produced their own souls day after day. At this time, the system uses random selection A part of obsessive and determined souls are devoted to the story world to fulfill the soul wishes that are on the verge of dissipating, and then absorb the soul's obsession to feed back into the world, making the world stable.

As for the system numbered 008, it has another name...

"Host, you can also call me a good mother system."

The moment this unreliable name appeared, Shan Jingqiu's jaw almost dropped. In the first thirty-two years of her life, she had never been a mother, nor had a mother who gave her children enough love. Not to mention being a good mother, how to be a mother is a fantasy to her.

Not to mention that she, who thinks she will always be 18 mentally, will definitely reject the fact that she has suddenly been upgraded to a mother-level role.

While she was still thinking wildly, the cold mechanical voice did not stop the annoying chatter.

"Every time you arrive in a different space, host, you can choose to leave the world or stay in the world to the end after completing the corresponding tasks. After accumulating enough points, you can leave the system world and return to the beginning..."

"What if I choose to decline?"

"Then it will be wiped out."

The categorical words seemed to be without any hesitation, which almost drove her to the peak of anger. When it was her turn to read the novel, the settings that she thought were reasonable and reasonable turned into anger at the mercy of others. Even ten thousand golden fingers could not compare to her simplicity Who would be willing to be involved in this kind of strange world travel inexplicably?

"I'm sorry, 008 system, did you bring me here with my consent or something? Just kill it? Well, just kill it, don't wait!"

After she threw down her harsh words angrily, she didn't want to look at the damn system again. This kind of attitude of pulling people and killing them made Shan Jingqiu, who was soft but not tough, very impatient. Everyone has the desire, but to be bought and sold like this?


"Host, it's not us who wiped you out, but...you." The voice whirling around in the empty world sounded a bit weird, and what she said next made her heart burn with anger just now Instant cooling, "Due to your body's own genetic heart disease, you should have died of a sudden myocardial infarction this morning."

Shan Jingqiu seemed to suddenly see herself lying on the big bed at home with a pale face and pale lips, and even after staring for a long time, there was no movement caused by the slightest breath.

Although I wanted to comfort myself that this might be another inexplicable deception, my rationality told me that maybe all of this was true.

Yes, she's always had genetic heart problems, and that's a big reason why she chooses to be alone.

"After you refuse the mission, we will put your soul into your original body..."

"Then my body is dead, so what I'm facing is death?"

"Is such that."

"Then what if I can complete the task and accumulate enough points?"

"Then the system will repair your body and allow you to return to a healthy life."


After a long silence, Shan Jingqiu didn't know how to react. After all, what happened today has far exceeded her imagination.

Falling into the boundless darkness and tranquility, there are many scenes that appear repeatedly in my mind. I once thought that I would be calm in the face of death, but when I really faced the possibility of death, my heart was filled with disbelief. The infinite nostalgia of life.

Thinking of not making a good will, I don’t know how the things left behind will be distributed...

Thinking of never explaining, the corpse might rot and smell hideous at home...

Thinking that there are still many things that I haven't explained clearly, I have to tell my friends...

All kinds of thoughts came to her at once.

The system named 008 seems to know how to read minds, but suddenly it made another sound: "When you travel around the world, you can exchange the corresponding skills from the system. Once the skills are exchanged and learned successfully, they will not be erased..."

"Of course, technologies beyond the times and abilities beyond reality will not be on the exchange list."

If the temptation of the devil, the unknown world, infinite challenges, and various abilities, come to the beginning of the game, a heart that was willing to be ordinary is beating.

The so-called radish plus stick is like this. First, he is told viciously that if he does not choose to enter the world of reincarnation, he will die, and then he is given a jujube called Golden Finger.

How else can I choose.