In the big backyard of Lin Yaoxi’s house, it is now full of people. The aunts and daughters-in-law are surrounded by each other and put their own small benches on the ground in an orderly manner. They sit in twos and threes in a pile according to the habit. I brought some small food by myself, such as peanuts and melon seeds, and a cloth bag for garbage; some brought some leftovers, such as needlework, etc., and started to work as soon as I sat down Yes, but there are not many such people.

A few years ago, following the collective nursery in Datong Village, and under the organization of Shan Jingqiu, the brigade hired several nimble girls and wives to set up a collective sewing room in Datong Village. The brigade rented sewing machines to the families below. , Subsidize work points every month. If it is broken, the brigade will be responsible for repairs. Women who are not good at sewing can hand over sewing buddies to the sewing room, and give them work points based on the size. The daughter-in-law who is not good at sewing is relieved of the mending work at home, and also gives a few weak girls who can't earn a few work points a chance to support themselves. For example, Xinghua from Lin Yaoxi's family has helped in the sewing room since then .

Of course, the original idea was just because Shan Jingqiu was not good at sewing, and the trouser legs of her two children were half short. It is very rare to buy finished clothes these days, so I came up with the idea, but I didn’t expect to win the support of men, women, and children, even now. If everyone has a little extra money, they are also willing to go to the sewing room in the village to find a skilled worker to help them sew and mend.

So now, apart from the few sewing workers in Datong Village, most of the other women don’t do mending work anymore, except for a few women who can’t take time off or have good craftsmanship, they are used to doing it by themselves. Disaster!

Lin Jiancheng's family poked the woman next to him and asked curiously, "What do you think sister-in-law Jingqiu is going to tell us today?"

The second daughter-in-law of Li Cuihua's family next to her rolled her eyes helplessly: "The Jiancheng family, didn't sister-in-law Jingqiu say that a few days ago? Today is a sharing meeting, and I want to share my experiences and feelings..."

A sense of panic like missing a class hit Jiancheng's family, and he looked a little suspicious: "Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?" He turned his head to think, and felt as if he had heard the news and continued to sit in line to eat fruit Fruity waiting.


The establishment of the Datong Village Women's Federation has not been established for a long time, because during the previous campaign, the activities of the Women's Federation have long been unknowingly suspended. The teaching mutual aid class quietly landed at that time.

Yes, of course, this matter was done by Shan Jingqiu, who is now regarded as a model in the hearts of women in Datong Village.

The cause of the incident was that in the late autumn a few years ago, Shan Jingqiu, who went hunting in the mountains, "picked up" Lu Cuihua who was planning to commit suicide by the river ditch. Lu Cuihua belonged to Li Tongxing's family in the village. She gave birth to four daughters for Li Tongxing. The couple broke up with the four daughters, and Li Tongxing, who was quite honest at first, picked up those sticks when he came home drunk and attacked his wife, and even a few daughters were beaten. Impersonal! And after Lu Cuihua was pregnant with her fifth child, Li Tongxing found a fortune teller and said that she was still a daughter in her belly. Angry Li Tongxing picked up the stick to teach Lu Cuihua a lesson. With the idea of ​​seeking death, for her, this life is so hard that there is no end to it, and she is willing to die only if she dies.

Shan Jingqiu, who rescued Lu Cuihua, understood that there were many tragedies, big and small, in this village, and the peace on the surface was not bad, but domestic violence, abandonment of children... all kinds of incidents are countless, she She never does tasks for the sake of tasks. Since the last world, everything she has done has been to live a life of herself. After all, it is really not easy to have the opportunity to start over again and again in an ordinary life that used to be mediocre.

So just like that, the original "Women's Federation" in Datong Village fell to the ground. At first, it was just to let the women in the village who had suffered so much that they had no head have a voice to talk about, but gradually it became more and more prosperous. .

As soon as Shan Jingqiu walked into the room, there was a round of applause. Looking at the crowd of locals below, she still couldn't help but want to help her forehead. After all, she was still not used to seeing this bunch of women eating melon seeds in class.

But people's potential is unlimited, and she never thought that she would start teaching all the women in the village with her original status of being unmarried and childless.

She clapped her hands habitually, and when she heard the clapping just now, the small voice disappeared completely. The most nagging woman on weekdays shut her mouth and looked at Shan Jingqiu with the most sincere eyes. : "Today, we don't give lectures or reason. Let's share other people's stories. Everyone can listen to this story. After listening, let's all share our thoughts."

She gestured to Lu Cuihua, who was also below, with her eyes, and then sat down and looked at her with supportive eyes.

Lu Cuihua's heart was beating fast. She had only attended literacy classes and could only write the names of her family members. She had never thought that she would have the opportunity to teach others. Lei was so dizzy that he couldn't speak for a long time, but he felt relieved the moment he met Shan Jingqiu who was sitting below and looked at him supportively, and he was full of stability.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Lu Cuihua." The first word came out, and the rest of the words came out like flowing water. Lu Cuihua calmed down and began to say: "You should all know me too. The guy in my family is Li Tongxing. What I want to share with you today is a story about me…”

What I thought would be too shameful to say, but flowed out word by word. After all, everything that happened at that time was engraved in my heart, unforgettable.

"As for me, I have another name called Sini's mother. Why? Because I gave birth to four daughters, Da Nizi, Er Nizi, San Nizi, and Sinizi. I also changed from Da Ni to her mother. She became Si Ni's mother, and the head of my family also said that Da Ni was a precious daughter from the beginning, and then she became a loser..."

Lu Cuihua choked with sobs: "I look at other people's sons every day, and I am very envious. Do I really want a son? My four daughters are very good, help the family every day, never mess around, I never think My daughter is not good, but they all said, I must have a son. Without a son, I would lose the roots of Lao Li’s family, so I gave birth desperately. Every time I gave birth, I saw that it was a daughter, confinement I don't dare to do it and get up and work quickly, I'm worried that they will give Nier away if they get angry..."

At the beginning, I couldn't help whispering, although I have attended many women's mutual aid associations, many people are still very stubborn in their thinking. For example, the eldest daughter-in-law of Li Cuihua's family is most proud of having given birth to three sons. She puffed her chest out and whispered to the people next to her: "Isn't it normal to be scolded and looked down upon for having four daughters! I still have to have a son!"

Of course, there are many such words, but as the words are spoken, everyone becomes silent. Most people's hearts are not so strong and tenacious. Even stubborn ideas will be shaken when they see tragedy. it will be over soon...

"That day when I went home, my gangster beat me again. He drank alcohol and grabbed a stick to beat me. My Da Nier helped me block him and let me run. I ran out when I was scared away. Looking back, I saw my Da Ni, Er Ni, and San Ni helping me grab her father, and Si Ni was crying beside me. At that time, I was very scared and ran forward desperately..."

She wept bitterly: "Later, when I got to the riverside, I really didn't understand what the meaning of this day was. I couldn't go on, and I almost wanted to jump off when I saw the river..."

Shan Jingqiu stood up to take over the quarrel, and continued to say: "Everyone knows what happened later, I took Cuihua back to their house, and at that time, Ni'er had already been beaten several times by his father. , but no matter how painful it is, she is looking for her mother everywhere, and the child's father has already finished drinking on the bed and fell into a deep sleep..."


This matter was very noisy at the time, because Lu Cuihua was the first divorced person in Datong Village. At that time, the Li family and the Lu family almost had a fight. It was an even match for a while, but later even if Li Tongxing repented, the two ended up divorcing.

Lu Cuihua wiped her tears and calmed down: "Maybe some people will say, why am I so ignorant, just give birth to a son, but I really can't live this life. At that time, sister-in-law Jingqiu actually dragged me back and I also I don’t want to, that night Jingqiu’s sister-in-law took us home to sleep, my father came to the door, I thought he would beat me and scold me, but he just cried and said to me.”

"He said, why didn't you tell dad about your child?" Lu Cuihua's tears could not be wiped clean: "How could he bully my daughter? My daughter was not born to be ruined by him! The child's father is reasonable..."

"It was only then that I realized that I can't spoil myself and my daughter. Yes, everyone says son is good, but I also know that my girls are treasures. When I was beaten by her father, it was Nier My sons would run to protect me regardless of being beaten. Even when I left, I was beaten by her cruel father. I can’t just go back and apologize. Even if I have a son, he won’t beat me? I’m human, Nier We are human too, I am not a child-bearing animal, he has to treat me as a human being! He has to treat me as a human being..."

Lu Cuihua regained her composure, and her tears stopped: "So no matter how many people persuade me and scold me, I know that I will not survive this day. I may be poor or tired, but I can be a human being!"

As soon as the words fell, there was sparse applause from below, and it became one after a while. Everyone applauded with red eyes from the bottom of their hearts. How come it seems that the strings in the bottom of my heart have been touched, and I became excited.

Lu Cuihua's face turned red with excitement. This should be the first time that so many people applauded her since the divorce. Maybe, she did nothing wrong. She stepped off the stage step by step. After a long time, Li Dani held her mother's hand, held her tightly and sat down under the stage, listening to the applause and snuggling together, feeling great strength.