Su Qin and Su Yuxuan didn't expect that Su Fei'er had already arranged the lives of all of them a long time ago, did she expect that something unexpected might happen to her.

She arranged everyone's future, but she was the only one left out. Didn't she ever think that their lives would not be complete without her.

"You all go down and do your own business, we'll do it ourselves!" Su Qin waved Ming Liu and Aoxue to go down and do their work. He knew that everyone was taking care of his emotions all the time, and he was afraid that when Fei'er was mentioned, he would It's painful as hell.

Su Yuxuan saw that his father didn't seem to be so uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly persuaded him: "Father, we have to look forward, if you continue to be sad, my sister won't want to see you like this, even though we left the capital, Then start a new life again, San Yiniang and Yuhang both need you, if you don't cheer up, who will they rely on in the future?"

Hearing Su Yuxuan's remarks, Su Qin couldn't help feeling a little guilty. He has experienced many twists and turns, so why can't he understand as well as an eight-year-old boy? He sighed helplessly and said, "Dad knows, You go to work first!"

Su Qin knew that Su Fei'er passed away, and Su Yuxuan felt more uncomfortable than anyone else. After all, Xuan'er and Fei'er had been dependent on each other since birth. Now that Fei'er is gone, he must be sad, but he just kept holding back and didn't vent it.

"Master, the assassin who assassinated Master Su has never been found. Once the organization involved in this matter has been uprooted, should we continue to investigate? The emperor has already sent people to arrest our Tianji Pavilion!"

Feng Chen was a little surprised when he heard the news. It is impossible for his subordinates to find out who was behind the incident, unless someone deliberately concealed it. The reason is perjury, unless Su Qin and his group are still alive, the news of their falling off the cliff may be forged.

"Well, let the brothers stop. If you have anything to do, you can report it to Minglan directly. As long as it is not an urgent matter, don't look for me. From today on, I will thank you behind closed doors!"

"Today, the palace walls should all be moved. Tell Minglan to take care of everything in Tianji Pavilion from now on. Just let him do it. If you fail, you will fail. At worst, start all over again!"

Ming Liu couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he heard his master's remarks, and thought to himself: Could it be that the master is disillusioned and is about to become a monk?

"Master, this Tianji Pavilion is inseparable from you. Don't be overwhelmed. If you become a monk, it will be very difficult to return to the vulgar!" Ming Liu looked at Feng Chen very anxiously and said, "Miss Su is gone, maybe she will return later There will be a better woman than Miss Su, if you give up your life like this, what a pity!"

Feng Chen could not help rolling his eyes when he heard that Ming Liu was going further and further away, and hurriedly stopped him: "Stop, don't say any more, it's really a dog who can't spit out ivory, I don't think about it, I will live here to accompany Fei Son, not going anywhere!"

Ming Liu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief knowing that his master didn't mean to be unreasonable. As long as he didn't see through the world and wanted to become a monk, that's okay. As long as it takes a long time, the master must soon forget Miss Su. If it really doesn't work, then he will go Finding a woman similar to Miss Su to spend his life with him is not enough.