"Everyone is welcome, we are all acquaintances, please sit down!" Su Qin saw that the people who came were all familiar faces from Xiaoyaoji, and said warmly, "Thank you for taking care of Mayfair!"

Ever since the news about Sophie Feixiu's husband has spread all over the capital, Xue Yi has become more and more dissatisfied with her, "If it's not for the sake of the prince, I don't want to associate with her!"

Hearing Xueyi's words, Su Qin looked at Su Feifei in embarrassment, not knowing what to say, the whole dinner party became a little silent for a while, and no one wanted to break the tranquility.

"Xue Yi, if you are very dissatisfied with me, please leave, I don't think I like to stay with someone who doesn't like me, it's so uncomfortable, if you don't speculate, I won't send it away! "Sophie made a gesture of invitation.

Xue Yi didn't expect that Su Feifei really didn't give her face, pointed at Su Feifei angrily and said: "You, don't eat if you don't eat, who cares, if I see you again next time, I will definitely go around a few more times and stay away You, whoever marries a woman like you will be considered unlucky!"

"Xue Yi, that's enough, what are you talking nonsense about! Shut your mouth quickly!" Situ Jun became anxious when he heard Xue Yi's sarcastic words. Directly blame Mayfair, isn't that a hit on the muzzle.

"Xue Yi, that's enough, what are you talking nonsense about! Shut your mouth quickly!" Situ Jun became anxious when he heard Xue Yi's sarcastic words. Directly blame Mayfair, isn't that a hit on the muzzle.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaodong, after a while, invite all the people who are not from our villa to go out!" Su Feifei took a few mouthfuls of vegetables and put them in her bowl, as if everything she found in front of her was different from her own. not related.

Like an irritated lioness, Xue Yi shouted at Su Feifei angrily: "You don't need to ask me, we'll move out now!" Then, she held Mo Lan's hand tightly and said: "We Walk!"

Mo Lan looked at Su Feifei very embarrassed and apologized: "Princess, I'm really sorry, I'll go back and persuade her, let's go first!"

"Fei'er, can we still stay there?" Situ Jun looked at Su Feifei with a doggy smile and said, "I'm not familiar with Fengchen, but I'm best with you. Can I continue to live in Xiaoyaoji , I am still your junior, you must cover me!"

Su Feifei brushed Feng Yingxue aside, and said nothing, "You guys should go back to your place to live, my people will come to the capital in a few days, I need an extra house!"

Situ Jun knew that Su Feifei must have taken Feng Yingxue into consideration, and that Yingxue was Feng Chen's aunt, and she was on Feng Chen's side both emotionally and rationally.

"Fei'er, you don't have to think about me. Even if Feng Chen is my nephew, it's wrong. I won't help my relatives just because he is my family. Besides, I'm still your step-sister. I know what you are doing now. It's very embarrassing, and I won't care too much about you, our relationship is indeed quite complicated..." After speaking, Feng Yingxue sighed helplessly and continued: "No matter what you decide, I know you There must be your reasons, so I will always support you!"

"Xiaoxue, don't make trouble!" Situ Jun quickly reprimanded Feng Yingxue, looked at Su Feifei flatteringly and said: "Fei'er, I don't want to go back, I'm just you as a senior sister, before the master leaves, I want you to take good care of me, I don't ask you to take care of my three meals, I just ask for a place to live."