It was almost time to get off work, and Liu Yun was about to turn off the computer and go home when an email alert popped up in the lower right corner of the computer. Liu Yun's hand to pack up the documents paused, and opened it the next second.

The content of the email is very large, there are many pictures, the specific address is marked, and there are more than ten photos. When he saw the contents of the photo clearly, Liu Yun's expression changed.

He pressed the inside line: "The notice goes on, all the members of the team will gather for a meeting!"

The curtains in the conference room were closed, and no one knew what everyone was doing inside. After everyone read the emails in turn, they were all furious. Obviously, they didn't expect such a dark incident to exist in the jurisdiction.

Shang Yi was impatient: "Leader, what do you say? We'll be dispatched now?"

"Who are these people? This is too detailed!"

"Look at the last signature of the email is J, who is he?"

Liu Yun knocked on the table, and was about to speak, when suddenly another email popped up on the computer.

Shang Yi has sharp eyes: "It's still from J!"

Liu Yun clicked on the email, and this time it was detailed. It was a detailed list, including the names and experiences of these gangs, as well as the names of buyers. Just looking at the names of those buyers, they were basically either rich or expensive.

Liu Yun murmured, "The water in City G will be muddy now."

Anyway, with these lists and evidence, they are also more secure in their actions. After such a layout, in less than two days, the underground trading place was taken out of the pot.

Dozens of them were involved. As soon as the case was publicized, the entire country was shocked.

Not to mention those buyers, who are basically famous people on the rich list. For a while, their reputation plummeted.

Xu Ting naturally saw the news, and she shook her hand: "This is too frustrating, auntie, the sea will never be like this..."

Seeing that Jiang Chan didn't speak, Xu Ting sighed deeply: "Bastards, they have done all the bad things, why didn't the gods come down and kill them?"

Jiang Chan: "Those criminals are hateful, but these buyers are not going anywhere. There is no reason to kill without buying and selling. Who doesn't understand? It's just that they know, but after all, it's not as important as their own lives."

"As long as you pay a part of the money, you can let yourself live. Anyone can count the account, but can life be measured by money? Behind every victim, there are a group of buyers who are invisible executioners."

Xu Ting sighed: "It's a pity that those victims are too young."

Jiang Chan: "Who said no? It will get better in the future."

Punishing evil is doing good, Jiang Chan knows this too well. This is not after talking to Xu Ting briefly, Jiang Chan took 021 out again. Xu Ting no longer needs her here, all Jiang Chan needs to do is to find the Jingminghua that Qingyuan wants.

It has been two years since she went out, and her footprints have traveled almost all over the world. When digging three feet in the ground, she did not forget to be a chivalrous person. This is not in the public security system, but the name of J is circulating, and it is very famous.

As long as it is a case sent by J, it must have really happened and existed. As long as it is the murderer pointed out by J, no one is wronged. It can be said that J alone flew a group of people, and many old cases were unjust.

When Xu Ting was 30 years old, Jiang Chan finally found the Jingminghua that Qingyuan needed. Looking at the flowers blooming in the depths of the earth, Jiang Chan stretched out her index finger and pointed at Jingming Flower.

Suddenly the space was torn apart, and Jingminghua disappeared in place. Jiang Chan chuckled lightly, this fellow Qingyuan is really fast. After finding Jingminghua, Jiang Chan can do her own thing in the rest of the time.

In other words, she should also go to see Xu Ting, and she doesn't know how Xu Ting is now. Xu Hai should be twelve years old, is he going to prepare for junior high school?

Xu Ting was in a good mood, and Xu Hai could see it when she had breakfast in the morning.

"Did something great happen to Auntie?"

Xu Chuan: "Did Auntie negotiate a big deal again?"

Xu Xi: "I don't think so. Money seems to be difficult to arouse my aunt's interest now, unless... there is a lot of money."

Xu Yuan: "Aren't you in love?"

Xu Ting rolled her eyes: "Brother, urging me to get married early in the morning doesn't make people happy?"

Xu Yuan rubbed the back of his head: "Didn't I just want you to have someone as company? I have three sons, but you don't even have a son and a half daughter. What will you do when you get old?"

Xu Ting: "Don't worry, this kind of thing can't be rushed. Brother, I have a plan in my heart."

Xu Yuan was discouraged: "I don't rush you, just to see that you are always alone, and there is no one in the family who knows the cold and the hot, so it is inevitable that you will be a little lonely."

Xu Ting: "No, I like this kind of life very much. If I'm single for a long time, I will become addicted. Who said that there are no people who know the cold and the hot at home? Isn't the sea very good?"

Xu Yuan can't tell her honestly: "Forget it, I can't tell you. You have always been sharp and sharp."

Xu Hai: "Auntie, you haven't said why you are so happy today."

Xu Ting smiled: "Because a close friend of mine has returned, she will not leave this time."

Xu Yuan: "Best friend, male or female?"

Xu Ting had no choice: "Big brother, I'm a girl, so you want to marry me?"

Xu Yuan: "Don't talk about getting married, at least you have to talk about a friend? It's always like this, and someone else picks you up in the end."

Xu Ting waved her hand: "Don't worry, I have my own plans."

Xu Yuan was annoyed: "Your plan is to work and then work. I see if you plan to marry a job in your life? You can't earn enough money."

Xu Ting: "I promise, I will definitely put this on the agenda, okay?"

Xu Yuan nodded at her: "You'd better do what you say, if in our hometown, a girl who is not married at the age of 30 will be drowned by people's spittle."

Xu Ting smiled proudly: "That's why I stayed in the capital. Those people can talk about it, and they can't talk about it in front of me. But in the future, everyone will get married more and more later, which is an inevitable trend."

Seeing Xu Ting triumphantly, Xu Yuan was completely helpless. This girl is a strong and resolute career woman outside, but in front of him, she still looks like a little girl.

She would randomly throw clothes and shoes at home, swaying around with a bird's nest head, how can she be bright outside? Xu Yuan couldn't help shaking his head every time he saw Mrs. Huang following behind her to clean up.

This is a little girl who has not grown up and needs to be taken care of all the time, but now that her business is so big, who can be worthy of her?

Xu Yuan sandwiched a simmered wheat, but he still couldn't hold back: "Among your partners, you don't have an eye for it?"

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