With tools, the rice that had to be threshed manually for several days was spread clean on all sites in the village in less than one day. People's faces are full of the joy of harvest, and they have to turn it from time to time.

This is the ration for the next year. Can they be unhappy? Fortunately, they didn't go to the base at that time. If they did, how can they have such a good life now?

When Jijia village was busy with the autumn harvest, Zheng Ya's life was really hard. Although in the last world, compared with the last world in Ji Jie's memory, the law and order are still sound, at least not chaotic.

Like the Xixi prison where Ji Zhengde is located, isn't it running the same? In his last life, Ji Zhengde awakened the fire power, and finally led a wave of people out of Xixi prison and made a name in the base.

But this time, Jiang Chan first gave him a spiritual hint, which cut off his way to awaken his power. Another is her covert intervention, which successfully turned the world around.

Now Ji Zhengde is still in Xixi prison and wants to come out? OK, wait until the sentence expires.

The reason why Zheng Ya had a hard time is that when the end came, the old man of the Zheng family didn't survive. The two sons of the Zheng family have no awakening power, they are just ordinary people.

How can her two brothers take good care of her when father Zheng is gone? It's too busy for itself. Moreover, her two sister-in-law didn't like Zheng Ya's style. They were tolerant without falling into a well.

It happened that when the end of the world broke out, she and Zheng Qi were still near Xixi prison. When they finally returned to the capital, they found that everything was different.

Before she came to Xixi prison, she was the third miss of the Zheng family. Who didn't hold her and respect her? But as soon as the old man died, she was not so important. After all, her eldest brother is in charge now.

Besides, her eldest brother, the outbreak of the end of the world, coupled with the death of the old man, is even worse for him. It has been very difficult to keep the previous position of the Zheng family, and he has been in trouble in the past few months.

As soon as the old man fell down and the end came, all her previous auras disappeared. And she didn't wake up. Now Zheng Ya is going to be a man with her tail between her legs. She doesn't dare to publicize it at all.

After the end of the world, the capital was naturally divided into the central base, which is also the largest of the five bases, where the heads of the country gathered. Of course, Jiang Chan's emails are basically sent here.

In the conference room, people sit in two rows. Naturally, the leader of the central base is in the front.

"Let's analyze several emails received by the Security Bureau. Minister Chen, please introduce the specific situation."

Minister Chen nodded: "OK, let me briefly introduce. The Apocalypse broke out on May 30. In July of the year before the Apocalypse broke out, we received the first email from J."

He moved his mouse and several emails appeared on the screen.

"J warned us of the coming of the end of the world and what changes will take place after the end of the world, with specific dates."

More than a dozen people became agitated. So far, what J said has appeared, such as zombies, eschatology, animal and plant variation and so on.

"The second email, J sent is forging."

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone was silent. They all know that now the military is practicing this body skill, which has indeed improved their physique. They are still considering whether to open it to ordinary people.

"In the third email, J marked the location of meteorite space."

"The fourth email was three months ago. J gave information about the city's protective cover."

After Minister Chen introduced these, the leaders of the base look at me and I look at you. After a long time, someone will speak first.

"This j is too mysterious. It's like a prophet. How does he know that the end will come?"

"It's also a specific date, as if he had seen it with his own eyes."

"No wonder you were going to those places at that time. Your feelings were looking for meteorite space. It's too strange. How did he know that meteorite space was in those places?"

"And this forging technique and protective cover, such a precious thing, just give it."

"This j has great ability."

"I can't find any trace of J?"

The current owner of the Xiao family stared at the sender for a long time. When he saw the name J, he inevitably looked different. All the people present here are human spirits. Naturally, we can see his abnormality.

"Lao Xiao, are you..."

Xiao Yuanlong wiped his face: "just two days before the outbreak of the last world, I also received an email from J."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Xiao Yuanlong spread his hand: "people didn't tell me this. They just reminded me to pay more attention to the Zheng family, especially Zheng Ya of the Zheng family. She said that she had committed a crime and took the top bag, and she is still in prison now."

"It is said that it was the old man of the Zheng family who came forward to ask for help. Later, Zheng Ya was able to leave. As for the one who took the blame for her, it seems that her surname is Ji?"

"The first letter of Ji's name is j?"

Xiao Yuanheng explained: "I sent someone to check after receiving the email. Before I found anything, the end came. I didn't chase it later. After all, the old man of the Zheng family..."

The rest he didn't say, but everyone who knows knows knows.

"Zheng ya? I also know her. More than ten years ago, her reputation stinked badly in the circle. She basically lost the face of the Zheng family by destroying other people's families."

This is a person who knows more. He knows Zheng Ya's previous affairs in detail.

"Anyway, what Lao Xiao provided is a very important clue. Where is the man who took the blame for her serving his sentence now?"

Xiao Yuanlong: "Xixi prison."

"This is a clue. Start with Xixi prison and see if there is a person surnamed Ji over there. If there is a person surnamed Ji, then go down this line."

"There is also the meteorite space. Since J knows the meteorite space, he should also have the meteorite space on hand. Everyone should pay attention to the details when looking for it."

"In addition, when you go out, pay more attention to whether there are protective covers that are not in the number. If J really exists, he must have protective covers on his hands."

When the leader made a decision, the crowd dispersed. Now the situation is still under control. They are eager to find J.

For these, Jiang Chan doesn't care. She's not shameful. Even if these people want to find her, it's really not so easy. After all, she was very clean at the beginning. She cleared all kinds of data in Xixi prison.