Liaochen put his hands together: "fame and status are external things. Life does not bring death. Benefactor is a person who has Buddha's fate. Naturally, he knows this."

Jiang Chan: "I naturally know that I'm really greedy for the master's skill of looking at Qi."

It can be said that this is the most surprising one for Jiang Chan since she has experienced so many worlds. Obviously, this is a low martial world, but there are people like Chen. It's really wonderful to say.

Since Li Chen appeared, Du Zishu and batubasen have completely shut up. They sit quietly and listen to Jiang Chan and Li Chen talking about Buddhism.

Du Zishu was better. He also read Buddhist scriptures in his spare time and naturally listened to them. Batu and bassen couldn't do it. They couldn't sit still after sitting for less than five minutes.

Jiang Chan glanced at them: "you are free. I'll play chess with the master here."

Batu and bason immediately stood up. They didn't go far. They wandered about ten meters around the big tree where Jiang Chan and liaochen played chess. Du Zishu sat aside and added tea to their tea cups from time to time.

While Jiang Chan was stuck with the dust, Batu suddenly stepped forward: "who is coming?"

Jiang Chan and Chen Qi turned around and saw Batu and Basen jointly block the four people out. Du Zishu, who was pouring tea, saw Lian Tao and suddenly stopped his hand. The next moment he recovered.

Put the sunspot on the chessboard, and Jiang Chan raised her head: "master, you have guests to visit, or shall we draw?"

Would you like to know that these people are not looking for her? So it seems that the identity of liaochen in the temple is really not low. But the original owner had little knowledge before and didn't know the reputation of Chen.

Liaochen pushed away the chessboard: "benefactor, I feel ashamed. Please let them come."

Jiang Chan raised her voice: "Batu, bassen."

Batu basenqi stepped aside: "please!"

Lian Tao helped his mother and came over with the little boy Lu'an and a female envoy beside his mother. His eyes were good. Naturally, he also saw Jiang Chan and Du Zishu.

It's a coincidence that he saw these people in the teahouse this morning, and now he sees them again in Ningyuan temple. What exactly is this young master? Did you let Chen be so polite?

After saluting Chen, Lian Tao helped Mrs. Lian sit down in her spare chair.

"My mother went to the mountain to worship the Buddha today. Before going back, she specially came to the abbot to ask for a autograph. I didn't expect that the abbot had a distinguished guest here. It's not ours."

The dust stroked his beard and looked at a school of Immortals: "you don't need to be polite, young master. I don't know what even madam asked for?"

Mrs. Lian glanced vaguely at Jiang Chan and Du Zi's book and hesitated whether she should say these things in front of outsiders. Seeing this, Jiang Chan stood up and said, "master, it's getting late. It's time for us to go down the mountain. I'll visit again in the future."

Liaochen: "next time you come, benefactor, I will open the middle door and sweep the couch to meet you."

Jiang Chan lifted her lips and glanced at the tea beside the chessboard: "that's not necessary. Master, just let me have a few cans of tea."

Liaochen took a painful breath: "one can at most, no more."

Jiang Chan laughed loudly: "OK, thank you, master! Zishu, let's go."

Du Zishu silently followed Jiang Chan and nodded to Lian Tao. The four left Ningyuan temple.

Seeing the figure of Jiang Chan and others go far, Lian Tao can't wait to ask, "master, do you know who these are?"

Liaochen: "meet by chance, why do you need to know each other? I don't know why madam asked for a visa today?"

Lian Tao's problem was blocked back by the dust, and he was naturally a little upset. But he also knew that if the old abbot didn't want to say, he couldn't find the answer.

What exactly are these people from? Can you let Chen accompany you?

Outside Ningyuan temple, Jiang Chan's speed gradually slowed down: "Zishu, do you know Lian Tao?"

Although Du Zishu's reaction was fast, Jiang Chan saw the difference at that moment.

Du Zishu sat on the shaft: "if you really can't hide anything from your eyes, I know him, the other party doesn't know me, and I've only seen him once from a distance."

Jiang Chan: "isn't it that simple? Zishu, you've always been calm. Your reaction today is a little abnormal."

Du Zishu: "well, he's my eldest brother's classmate. He used to walk around at home, but his mistress kept us from walking around in the main courtyard, so I know him, but he doesn't know me."

"In the eyes of their legitimate sons and daughters, it seems that we bastards are born inferior. Even if I have full talent, I always have no day to come out. I have to be clumsy and cautious on weekdays. It's not feasible to be one step away."

Du Zishu mockingly raised his lips. The Du family had only one concubine, that is, him. Since childhood, he was a thorn in the flesh in the eye of his legitimate mother. He really suffered a lot before he met Jiang Chan.

Jiang Chan patted Du Zishu on the shoulder: "who said no? I'm not excusing the common son and daughter. I always think that since parents have children, they should bear the responsibility of being parents. If they care about animals, what's the difference between them and animals?"

"In such an era when ethics and ethics are greater than heaven, it seems that my parents gave me life, so we should offer them everything, including our marriage future and even life, but I always think it's wrong."

Jiang Chan sticks to the whip and his tone is very flat: "if parents can't stand upright, what qualifications do they have to ask their children? We can't choose to come to this world, but what we can choose is how we should go in the future."

Du Zishu looked at Jiang Chan: "from the first time I saw you, I knew that under your seemingly regular face, in fact, what you hide is a proud character and indulgence."

Jiang Chan gently touched the long mane around Yu Xue's neck: "I seem to follow the rules. That's because I don't care about those things. I abide by the rules because it's no big deal for me."

"What do you value most?" Du Zishu asked. He has been in Beichen for six years. It can be said that he has not understood Jiang Chan's mind.

"My most important? So far, I don't have what I want most. It seems that I already have what I want. The only most important thing for me is to take care of Beichen and let everyone live and work in peace and contentment."

Jiang Chan stretched out her right hand to Du Zishu: "as my most powerful left phase, will you help me fulfill this wish?"

Du Zishu held it without hesitation: "as long as Beichen needs me, I will always be Beichen's person. You don't know how excited I am to show my talent and ambition."