Ye Zhiwei: "isn't it hard to be grouped CP by others? Many people are like this. Enclosure sprouts itself."

In the observation room, Gu Yu said with a smile, "if my girlfriend is so clever, I will wake up with a smile in my dream, okay?"

Wan Yao teased him: "I can't see you're still a male chauvinist. You like girls to stay at home."

Gu Yu said positively, "no, no, no, it has nothing to do with male chauvinism. You say we are so busy at ordinary times. If I find a strong woman and work all day, will we spend less time together?"

"I'm not saying that strong women are bad, but if every time I come back, the house is still dark, there is no hot food, and no one is waiting for me, what's the purpose of my love and marriage?"

Zhou Qian: "but there are also many girls who do well in their careers. They are also excellent. If one day you meet an excellent girl, she asks you to return to your family, what will you do?"

Wan Yao: "yes, you have your dreams and others have their dreams. Dreams are not inferior because of how much money you make. Why do girls have to return to their families?"

Deng Jie helped: "Gu Yu doesn't mean that girls must stay at home. His focus is if his girlfriend is clever. Are you off the subject?"

"Besides, family and marriage need to be managed. Some people rush out, and naturally some people have to guard the rear. Maybe you think I'm talking too much, but it's better when you don't have children. You can concentrate on your career."

Zhang Yaoen: "once you have children, someone will always shift the focus. At that time, you will find that there is no use in succeeding in your career. If children don't become useful, they will make wedding clothes for nothing."

Wan Yao: "but the child is not a girl. What did the man do?"

Zhou Qian muttered, "isn't it unfair for girls to stay at home? It's terrible to think about this kind of life when you ask for money."

Gu Yu pinched his eyebrows: "you're off the topic again. Returning to the family doesn't mean giving up work and relying solely on others to support her? She can choose to do a lighter job. Even if she is a housewife, it's also a legitimate career and it's not easy to do well."

Seeing that there would be another dispute in the observation room, Zhang Yaoen hurriedly concluded: "this depends on how two people get along with each other? Some people like to work together with themselves, and some like girls at home. Is it not contradictory? As long as they can accept it."

Ye Zhiwei naturally saw this paragraph, and she pinched Xiaoci's ear: "little cicada, do you think it's good or bad for girls to stay at home? I just like to stay at home and don't want to take the initiative to go out."

Jiang Chan: "home and social fear are two concepts, one is active and the other is passive. Your career is actually very plus points in the eyes of boys. I'm sure many boys like your career. They can not only take care of their family, but also have the confidence to survive independently."

"If someone stays at home and makes money comfortably, who is willing to go out? It's just that everyone is good at different things. So I say your career is very good. No matter who, in the end, all you want is stability."

Ye Zhi smiled: "listen, my career is good?"

Jiang Chan: "it's very good. I'm more realistic. Although men and women are equal now, most men still want girls to focus on their families. They can work at ease outside. Your job is definitely the first choice for many people."

In the observation room, Zhang Yaoen finally pressed down the storm. He can understand Gu Yu's idea and why Wan Yao and Zhou Qian are so excited. In the final analysis, it is because they have different positions.

But people's ideas will eventually change, depending on whether the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

"Let's continue to look down. When the guest's professional age is old, let's see if our previous guess is right?"

Zhou Qian: "what I look forward to most is Ye Zhiwei. I am most interested in her career."

Yang Renxin: "her working time only accounts for a small part. You see, she spends most of her time doing all kinds of things she is interested in, such as cooking, making snacks and so on. She is a very good person."

Wan Yao: "she has enough time to work. She lives well, which shows that she is a very capable person. She is definitely a top in her field. You see, many people are basically buried in work every day. Where does she have time to cultivate any interests?"

As ye Zhiwei guessed Baijiang's career, another wave of discussion began in the observation room.

Zhang Yaoen: "you see, ye Zhiwei says very little, but if others ask her, she will talk about the point and speak very accurately."

Gu Yu: "she is very observant. If she hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have noticed that Baijiang had a cocoon on his hand."

Zhou Qian: "she belongs to the type of silent observation."

Wan Yao: "when you get to Ye Zhiwei, it depends on what she does."

Listening to the sound of typing the keyboard in the video, everyone looked at each other. Who doesn't work with a computer now? It's basically done on the computer, okay?

Blind guess can't come out. When hearing Ye Zhiwei talking about the website, and Zhao Ruibin insisted that ye Zhiwei was an online writer, Qi Qi in the observation room made an amazing sound.

"Online writer, this profession is good." Zhang Yaoen took the lead in opening his mouth. "Once her profession was announced, all her previous words could be connected."

"Yes, online writers write for hours every day and then have time to do what they like?"

"Seeing her like this, I envy her. There is no delay in work and life."

Zhou Qian: "brother Jie, do you also like reading novels?"

Deng Jie shook his head: "I seldom read novels. Her novels have been adapted into film and television dramas. I am the leading actor. In order to do my homework, I have specially read her works."

"Starring? TV series? Is it that..." Wan Yao stared and knew what was going on in the circle. Of course, the program team silenced the word here.

"Yes, that's it, so I was surprised when I saw her. She was a very talented girl. When I read a novel, I was very surprised and admired how those wild things came up."

"Excellent, excellent."

"Just said she was the best in the industry. Do you think ordinary people can come here?"

In the video program, after Baijiang knew Ye Zhiwei's pseudonym, he was so crazy that he wanted to stick to Ye Zhiwei. The observation room was full of ha ha ha.