For more than a year, Su Pinellia has thoroughly compared with patient No. 10. Seeing that she can't find her eyebrows, Jiang Chan can't see it, so she made a few comments.

Otherwise, Su Banxia is a good seedling to study medicine. Jiang Chan just said a few words. After thinking for a few months, she finally came up with a set of treatment methods.

"System, how about my plan?"

This plan has a total of five pages, and Su Banxia has tried her best to think of everything she can think of. Now she has no bottom in her heart when she submits this scheme to the system.

"If the host encounters such a patient and depends on this scheme, how much is the host sure?" Jiang Chan quickly went through Su Pinellia ternata's scheme and didn't answer the question.

"I have no bottom in my heart. I'm not sure about it." Su Banxia thought about it and said the answer.

Jiang Chan: "then the host will try first. You can try and make mistakes in the system space, but the reality does not allow it. You know, if you make a mistake, the consequences may be irreparable."

Jiang Chan can naturally see the shortcomings of this scheme, but she will not directly tell Su Banxia, but let Su Banxia find the omissions by herself.

Su Pinellia calmed down and began to try to treat patient No. 10 for the first time. Unfortunately, according to her plan, less than one fifth of it was carried out, and the system showed that patient 10 died.

In the system space, it has been many years since Su Banxia met such a situation for the first time. At that time, her heart clicked and watched a person die in front of her, which had a great impact on her.

Looking at the disappearance of patient 10, Su Banxia pursed his lips: "system, did you expect the result long ago?"

Jiang Chan: "please explore by yourself. The system will refresh the case in 12 hours."

Su Banxia clenched his fist, "system, I was really hit. Is my plan so bad?"

Jiang Chan: "the host is not sure. It is expected to have this result."

Su Banxia: "but it's too fast. The first fifth is wrong. I have to think about it again. I don't want to try again in a short time. I'm worried that if I get used to trying and making mistakes in the system space, if I really encounter such a patient, I won't have the fear of life."

Jiang Chan: "it's best for the host to think so. The system expects the host to make a perfect plan."

Trying and making mistakes in the system space, Su Pinellia was a little tied up. In the next two months, she repaired and changed the scheme, and the scheme changed day by day.

Jiang Chan looked at her plan to do better and better. From her point of view, if she really met Huo Shiyan, she should be 50% sure that she can be cured at this time.

"System, I want to verify my plan." this day, after finalizing the plan of patient No. 10, Su Banxia suddenly said to the system.

Jiang chanmo kept silent and directly put patient 10 up.

Looking at the patient, Su Banxia took a deep breath, "I started."

From the time she came into contact with patient No. 10 to the time when she began to try and make mistakes, Su Banxia spent a full eight or nine years on him. It can be said that the 10th has become an obsession of her. She is determined to overcome this case.

This is Su Banxia's second attempt to treat patient No. 10. All her attention is on this. According to her steps, she treated the patient step by step, and the time did not know how long it had passed. When she saw the word "successful treatment", Su Pinellia had a sense of loss.

"Is this the end?"

"If the host is not at ease, the system can keep patient No. 10."

"Keep it. I have a new idea. But now I have to sleep first. I'm too sleepy." when she recovered, Su Banxia was surprised that she was particularly tired.

"Please have a good rest." seeing that Su Banxia was in a trance, Jiang Chan didn't bother her, but asked her to have a rest.

Maybe she was very tired. When Su Banxia lay in bed, she made a thin snore. Grandpa Su came to see her several times and found that she slept very heavily.

Grandpa Su sighed, looked at the medical books at the table and went downstairs with light hands and feet.

Su Banxia slept for 18 hours. She didn't open her eyes until dusk. High intensity mental exercise will consume most of people's energy. After sleeping for a while, Su Banxia felt that his energy and spirit had been replenished.

After a hasty meal, Su Pinellia plunged into the system space: "system, I want to see the case of patient 10, and I want to verify new ideas."

Jiang Chan agrees with Su Banxia on this point. No scheme is the best, only better.

Later, Su Banxia tried several times in the system space. Each time, he could cure patient No. 10. The time spent was shorter and shorter, and the steps were simpler and simpler.

At this time, Su Banxia was already twenty-four years old, while Huo Shiyan was twenty-nine. It was only six months before he went to see God.

Jiang Chan knew that the time was almost up. She should start to fulfill the second wish of the original owner.

Having conquered the roadblock No. 10, Su Banxia is in a very good mood recently. He was happy all day. When Grandpa Su asked, Su Banxia just said that he had passed the master's assessment and had officially graduated.

"The host has successfully treated patient No. 10 and has achieved great success." as soon as he entered the space, the cold voice of the system sounded.

"Now the system has issued the main task. Huo Shiyan's time is running out. Please hurry to Kyoto as soon as possible to save Huo Shiyan's life."

As like as two peas in the system space, Huo Shiyan's medical records and data were found. What he saw was exactly the same as that of patient ten. Su Banxia understood everything.

"System, do I have to treat Huo Shiyan? Did you come to me just for Huo Shiyan?"

Looking at Su Banxia's face, Jiang Chan didn't understand: "the system came to the host not because of others. The host will understand in the future. It's only because of others' entrustment to ask the host to treat Huo Shiyan."

"Other people's entrustment? Who entrusts the system?" Su Banxia frowned and felt that he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the truth.

"If the host wants to know the truth, he will cure Huo Shiyan. On the day Huo Shiyan is cured, the host will have everything he wants."

Seeing that Su Banxia was a bit of a bull's horn, Jiang Chan added a chip: "although the host has nothing to do with yunmiao, the host is yunmiao's thorn in the flesh, and yunmiao is Huo Shiyan's niece and daughter-in-law."