In fact, no crops are useless. It just depends on whether you can find her value. Jiang Chan thinks she still has a pair of eyes.

Today Tess, snow and others are familiar with how to cook fish. Aunt Molly alone must be too busy with the meals of so many people.

Everyone set up a grill in the garden of the Lord's house, where fish were roasted, and aunt Jasmine made fish soup and pasted cakes in the kitchen. As for the crops here are wheat, barley and oats, most ordinary people eat their own black bread.

Jiang Chan saw this kind of black bread in Fiona's memory. It tastes very rough and mixed with a lot of bran. In modern times, no one would eat at all.

But here, this is already very good food, which shows how poor and backward the orc empire is. Most people usually eat black bread, but white bread needs to be supplied to the upper class nobles or used to pay taxes.

Jiang Chan instructed her to make fish soup. She wanted to do it. Unfortunately, she was stopped and could only stand by and say a good dish. Now the Lord's residence has nothing but basic oil and salt.

This also makes Jiang Chan's cooking useless. If you want to look around the territory, be sure to equip the kitchen with everything.

Now it seems that there are many things. The kitchen must be expanded. Aunt Molly alone must be too busy. The Lord's house needs to recruit more people. What can old Dick do?

Besides, for such an old housekeeper, Jiang Chan was embarrassed to arrange him to do things.

Now it's spring, and it's not very cold at night. Everyone eats roast fish around the campfire, with a cake and a bowl of fish soup. That's a pleasant place.

"Tomorrow I'll take Tess and the other two foxes to look around the Lord's house. Snow, you can finish the task I assigned you." Tuoji looked at the fire in front of him, and Jiang Chan began to assign the task: "old Dick mainly recruits two little maids, with no racial restrictions."

"In addition, find someone to clean up the leader's house and pull out all the weeds in the garden. Don't plant things at present. If there are not enough gold coins, find Tess."

Tess is in charge of Jiang Chan's money bag. Except that Jiang Chan prepares some for emergencies, all the rest is in Tess. She is also very relieved of Tess. She has never heard of loyal dog.

"My Lord, I also want two helpers. I can't do it alone." aunt Molly raised her hand. The meal she cooked tonight was good. With the help of fox, she will do it by herself from tomorrow. She must be too busy.

"In the future, we will build a new canteen. Later, we will eat there. Aunt Molly is specially responsible for the food of the Lord's house. Before the canteen is built, everyone will eat here. Old dick, recruit two assistants for Aunt Molly and ask aunt Molly for specific requirements."

Old Dick pricked his ears and wrote down all Jiang Chan's requirements.

"As for salary, let's follow your previous. How much silver did you pay in the previous month?"

Old Dick cleared his throat: "the cook's words are twelve silver coins a month and the maid ten silver coins a month."

"That's still according to this standard. Do you have any objection?"

"No, no, it's too late to be happy to serve the sacrificial Lord."

"This is everyone's task. Next, let's talk about the specialties of ferring county."

"What are the specialties?"

"Specialty is the main crop planted in Feilin county." Jiang Chan raised her eyes: "old dick, what kind of crops do you grow in Feilin county? Is there any difference between Feilin county and xuanzu crops?"

"The Xuans usually grow barley, wheat and soybeans." Van Nuo opened his mouth at the right time. He is a careful man and can be said to be the smartest among them.

"These are also grown in fillingshire, but people also grow a kind of beet." old Dick scratched his head. "The root of this beet is very sweet. Everyone likes to use it to make soup."

"Beet?" Ginger cicada's eyebrows picked. Is it the beet she thought?

"Do you have beets? Show me?"

"There is in the kitchen. I just saw it." aunt Molly ran to the kitchen and soon brought a red rhizome. Jiang Chan broke off a small piece, tasted it and said, "how many beets are planted in Feilin county?"

"Everyone can grow sugar beets. They're going up very well here," old Dick said with a low eyebrow.

"Well, when you go out tomorrow, snow, you should also pay attention to observe and see if there are many beets. If it grows a lot, it can become another pillar industry in Feilin county like ash tree."

"Sir, this beet can only be used to make soup, and the others are not delicious." old Dick muttered and told the truth.

Jiang Chan smiled: "in your opinion, sugar beets seem useless, but in my eyes, they are an endless stream of gold coins. It is an important raw material for sugar making. Is sugar far from us with sugar beets?"

Tess gulped: "Miss, can this beet really make sugar? I've never heard of it before."

Jiang Chan smiled: "they don't know that the Terrans basically use sugar cane to make sugar, but sugar beet can make sugar. I'll do it myself later. You'll understand. The top priority is to find out the yield of sugar beet first. In addition, while the weather is fine, encourage everyone to plant more sugar beets. When it's mature, we don't need money."

"It's better to send an official letter and post it outside the Lord's house so that everyone knows it."

"I'll leave it to Tess. All right, I'm tired of running all the way. Everyone is also hard. Go and have a rest first. I'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Jiang Chan yawned: "when we make our own candles, we must brighten the ground in the leader's house. Now the provincial land can't see five fingers."

Old Dick blushed: "Sir, we are still too poor here. We can't afford such fine and expensive things as candles. However, if adults come here, great changes will take place in filmshire!"

At last, old Dick was as excited as if he had beaten chicken blood.

"It's all scattered. Gather early tomorrow morning. Time doesn't wait. Take advantage of spring ploughing and implement these things as soon as possible."

There were many things that Jiang Chan wanted to ask, but she suppressed them all. She would know if she went around tomorrow. It's better to ask more than to see with her own eyes. She has to make an overall impression on the overall strength of phillin county.