Jiang Chan's entry into the mountain was steady. Now Feng Yuan is no different from ordinary people. Jiang Chan didn't avoid her and told her all about her depression.

Feng Yuan also accepted well. She is much better now. And her daughter has always been with her. Everything is going well for her. She is not so lonely as before. She feels so beautiful looking at everything.

At more than ten o'clock, Jiang Chan returned with a full load. She put down the bamboo basket. "Mom, I'm back."

What came out was not Feng Yuan, but Liu Xingyun: "back? Where are you going? A head of sweat!"

Jiang Chan smiled: "it rained yesterday. I went to pick up some mushrooms and fungus. When did you come? Why didn't you say hello?"

Feng Yuan followed him to dismantle the platform: "your mobile phone was left at home. I answered the phone for you. You just went up the mountain and haven't been half an hour, Xingyun came."

"Well, today is the weekend. If you're not in a hurry, stay at home. Although the old house is not as prosperous as the downtown, it's the only one."

Of course, Liu Xingyun won't refuse: "that's great. I've long wanted to spend a holiday in the countryside. I have a rest today and tomorrow. I didn't think you were in the countryside and specially came to see my aunt."

Feng Yuan did not shy away from his depression: "nebula is really very considerate. Just now he gave me a diagnosis. He said my depression was all right."

"Really? Thank you so much! It's hard for you to think of my mother." Jiang Chan was very surprised. As soon as Feng Yuan recovered, she felt the joy of the original owner.

"In fact, I just want to witness a miracle. Aunt can recover so quickly, which has something to do with your close care." Liu Xingyun waved his hand, unwilling to take all the credit to himself.

"Today is really a day to celebrate. I cook more dishes at noon to celebrate my mother's complete recovery!"

"It's great that Qiu Xin cooks. I've been greedy for your craft for a long time. I can start for you."

Watching Jiang Chan and Liu Xingyun busy, Feng Yuan sat quietly in the living room, with a warm smile on his face.

Feng Yuan returned to normal, and everything about Jiang Chan was on the right track. Writing is just a part of her life. There are so many things to do in her life.

Jiang Chan brushed the skills of a director in her last life. She took pictures here and there with a camera as soon as she was free. It has the beautiful scenery of the countryside and the characteristic food of farmers.

Sometimes Jiang Chan will cook by herself, and then put small video clips online. Her video is very poetic. Although people don't appear on the camera, they can see that the quality of the cut films is excellent.

After so many months of operation, Jiang Chan's short video has gradually made some achievements. There are various links at the bottom of the short video, including bamboo weaving made by the old people in the village, various pickles made by aunts, etc.

This is also a sideline for the old people carried out by Jiang Chan, especially Uncle Wang's bamboo weaving. It's a good place to make land. When there were no bamboo baskets in the city, Uncle Wang knitted all kinds of fruit trays and baskets, all of which were small and lovely.

Later, Uncle Wang also made a mahjong mat for Feng Yuan, that is, he cut bamboo into mahjong square, connected piece by piece, cool and beautiful.

At least the family's three colored cat likes this mahjong mat very much. Cheng Tiandi and Feng Yuan stick together.

Jiang Chan is a restless nature. She can write articles and videos, but she also needs to find something for Feng Yuan to do. People can't be idle all the time. It's easy to think nonsense when they are idle.

It was agreed to prepare a flower house for Feng Yuan. Now it should be put on the agenda. Jiang Chan believes that Feng Yuan will prefer to grow flowers and raise flowers by himself. This sense of achievement should not be given by others.

Sure enough, after Jiang Chan asked someone to build the glass greenhouse, Feng Yuan's interest came up. She is a quiet person and likes to grow flowers and raise dogs.

This time in the countryside, there was such a big space for her to display. Jiang Chan also specially explained to build a large flower house, almost 200 bungalows.

Think about the winter, the sun shines in, the greenhouse is warm, you can chat here, drink tea and enjoy the flowers, is it particularly comfortable? Once described by Jiang Chan's words, Feng Yuan's curiosity was immediately hooked up.

The flower house was handed over to Feng Yuan, and Jiang Chan was responsible for finding flower seeds for Feng Yuan. It is said that there are many orchids in the mountain. Jiang Chan also took the time to go to the depths of the mountain. Of course, the result is not popular.

Jiang Chan found two clumps of orchids in the mountain stream. Although they haven't bloomed yet, it can be seen from their leaves that both orchids are good.

The two orchids became Feng Yuan's treasure as soon as they got home. She waited carefully for fear that there was something wrong with the two orchids. She treated them like a sweetheart.

Well, seeing that the old lady likes flowers and plants so much, Jiang cicada simply collects all kinds of flowers and seeds for the old lady. You should always give her what she likes. Of course, you should give her what she likes.

Now it is the Internet age. Almost everything you want can be bought on the Internet. Of course, those too scarce ginger cicadas can't help it, but there are so many flowers and plants in the world. A person is poor all his life and can't know all the flowers and plants, can he?

Today, Jiang Chan's life is particularly poetic. When she has time, she goes to the mountains to take pictures. She usually writes articles and videos in the old house. When she has a whim, she goes to make drums and order delicious food.

She arranged her life in an orderly way and made her life a poem.

Looking at the slender hands in the video, Liu Xingyun rubbed his eyebrows and turned off the video when he heard a knock on the door. As a psychiatrist, they will inevitably have negative emotions after work.

At this time, how to digest his negative emotions is very important. In the past, he used to go to the gym and sweat. When his body was tired, he wouldn't think so much in his mind.

But now Liu Xingyun has found another way. He knows this video by chance. Every time he sees these small videos, his heart will be very peaceful.

Although there was no face and only one hand in the video, Liu Xingyun felt that even if he only heard the background music of the video, he could calm down quickly.

When did he become so obsessed with his hands? He saw this short video by chance and became fascinated from then on.

"Dr. Liu, after work, do you want to have dinner together in the evening?"

A charming female doctor stood by the door, plucked her hair at Liu Xingyun, and smiled at her.