At the beginning, his father came back from Mr. Jiang's house. Besides, the boy was not enlightened. Even if Li Ruisi had more plans, he could only hold them in his heart and would not put them forward rashly.

"Do you want Yifei to attend the autumn festival next year?"

After giving Li Yifei homework, Jiang Sen leaves the study and chats with Li Ruisi in the corridor.

"Yes, it's a difficult opportunity. Although Yifei scholar won the first place this time, I don't think he went to the mid lift meeting in Qiuwei, just to let him have a try."

Li Ruisi banged his finger on the fence, "if it doesn't work next year, it's up to three more years. It's OK to precipitate at that time."

Jiang Sen nodded: "you can really have a try. If you don't have a try, you don't know your level."

Li Yifei, who is still struggling to answer questions in his study, doesn't know that his father has arranged his future life path for him, and is still thinking about how to answer the questions arranged by Jiang Sen.

After he finished the article, Jiang Sen explained that it was time for dinner, and Li Ruisi and his son naturally rubbed a meal. Before leaving, Li Ruisi ignored Janssen's black face and went back with a lot of sausages and bacon.

But for their good relationship, Li Ruisi would not do so. After all, scholars still value their identity.

Jiang Sen brushed his sleeve into the study. Jiang Chan was reading in the study, and Lin was playing with her son. She has nothing to do at night. She simply reads in her study, which is both learning and relaxing.

Lin usually accompanies her. Sometimes, where Jiang Chan doesn't understand, Lin will explain something to her. Seeing that Jiang Chan is holding Shuowen Jiezi in her hand, it seems that she has turned more than half of it. The speed of reading is also very fast.

The new year is to have a reunion dinner together. This new year, Jiang Sen's family is particularly lively. There are many Jiang cicadas, Zhou Shan's family and two little milk dogs at home. Don't mention how happy it is.

The snack shop also closed on the 29th day and will not open again until the fifth day of the first month. Zhoushan several people also immediately idle down, the monthly money given by Jiang Chan is also very generous.

Zhou Wenping, the youngest, was at Jiang Sen's house. Now he has a glorious task, that is, playing with two little milk dogs, snow treading and milk yellow bag. He can hear the child's crisp voice every day.

When it comes to relatives, the little milk dog is the most pro ginger cicada.

It is essential to return to the village to worship the ancestors on the first day of the lunar new year. Jiang Sen will take Lin back every year. This time, because of Jiang Chan, we have to go back, and let Jiang Mu and others see the changes of Jiang Chan.

In the past, it was just a carriage carrying Jiang Senlin's Wang Ma and uncle Zhong. Now there is Jiang Chan, and Jiang Chan also brings Zhou Xing. The family is vast.

As the most important member of the Jiang family, Jiang Sen was the first one in his line, offering sacrifices, offering incense and kneeling down at the command of the elders. Behind him are Jiang Lin, Jiang Mu and the young children of the Jiang family, Jiang Hai, Jiang He and Jiang Miao.

Although Jiang Chan is now Jiang Miao's daughter, she can't get into the ancestral hall. She can only stand outside the ancestral hall with Zhou Xing and Lin Shi. Today's weather is not warm. Ginger cicada consciously sideways to block the cold wind for Lin.

Lin touched Jiang Chan's hair. Under her careful care, it was no longer withered and yellow. "Well, my mother has a stove. It's not cold. Are you cold?"

Jiang Chan shook her head: "it's not cold. I'm young and powerful. Do you touch my hand like a small stove?"

As Jiang Sen's wife, the Lin family is naturally popular in the Jiang family, which is the glory Jiang Sen brought to her. Seeing that Lin and Jiang Chan had a good relationship, someone spoke.

"Little cicada has raised some meat this month, or her sister-in-law will take care of people."

This is Zhang, Jiang Chan's second aunt. She knows from the mouth of Jiang Hai and Jiang He that Jiang Chan usually has contacts with them. Naturally, she comes to say good words at this time.

She has a round face and is amiable when she smiles. Although it's nice, it makes people feel comfortable listening.

Lin took Jiang Chan's hand and showed a shallow smile: "where, almost all little cicadas take care of me more. The child is sincere, sensible and obedient. His father and I like her very much."

Zhang said with a smile, "this is what you should have. Otherwise, why don't you choose others? It's the little cicada that closes your eyes."

Lin loved to hear this sentence and immediately shared it with Zhang.