"If you still want to be my daughter, you can wake up. The rooms at home are ready for you by Xingyun's father and I. the rooms are arranged by our two elders without authorization. If you don't like them, we can change them again. It doesn't matter!"

Deep sleep is still deep sleep, thousands of words can not wake up.

Gu's mother sighed bitterly, "Xingyun said that he made an appointment with you to wake up today. He didn't mean to break the appointment. He Now lie in the hospital

Speaking of this, Gu's mother pounced on Tang Xin and cried, "Xingyun's eyes suddenly became blurred and had a severe headache when he was operating on the patient this morning. He had to ask other doctors to operate the operation. Then he fainted in the corridor. After taking CT scan, it was found that there was a large congestion in his head, which had expanded to oppress his optic nerve So he didn't mean to break the appointment! Heart, you can't because he broke the appointment, you also break the appointment

"The doctor said that Xingyun must have an operation as soon as possible, but Xingyun refused. He had to wait for you to wake up..."

"My heart, aunt, please, will you wake up? Wake up and help your aunt persuade Xingyun. Xingyun will listen to you... "

Gu's mother sobbed constantly. She just lies on Tang Xin's body to cry. She doesn't notice a drop of tears from Tang Xin's eyes.

After a long time, Gu's mother put away her sadness and looked up at Tang Xin, who still had no sign of waking up. She wiped away her tears. "If you listen to Auntie, she hopes you can cheer up, not only for Xingyun, for us, but also for yourself..."

"That's all for today. I have to go back to the hospital to take care of Xingyun. I hope I can see a living Tang Xin when I come tomorrow."

Gu's mother put her hand in place and then turned to leave. However, as she turned around, a weak force seized her hand

She was so shocked that she didn't even dare to look back, for fear of hallucination, until the weak voice sounded.


That's just the sounds of nature!

Gu's mother turned back to her in ecstasy. Her eyes, which had already been opened, burst into tears and hugged her tightly. "Heart, you wake up! You finally wake up! You wake up at last

Her voice of surprise awakened Li Yunshen outside the door. The next second, he had already broken through the door and came to the bed step by step. When he saw that the woman in the bed really woke up, his face was ecstatic.

Knowing that he came in, Gu's mother hesitated to step aside.

He came forward with a joyful smile and just wanted to hold her hard, but --

his open arms were frozen in the air, because she stared at him with a pair of cold eyes, and refused his embrace silently.

Tang Xin did not disdain to see him for too long, she turned to get out of bed from the other side of the bed, lying for too long, just stood up a little powerless.

Seeing her tottering appearance, Li Yunshen rushed forward to help her, but was refused again --

"don't touch me!" She resisted fiercely with a wave of her hand.

Once again his hand was frozen in the air.

Gu's mother helped her, "you just woke up. Don't be too emotional."

"Auntie, let's get out of here right now. Let's go to see the senior." Tang Xin said anxiously.

Li Yunshen's heart beat painfully. At the moment when she was awake, he didn't think much about it, but now, he will!

He knew that the reason why she woke up was all because of what Gu Xingyun's mother said to her. The most important thing was that Gu Xingyun fell down and she had to wait for her to wake up before she wanted to have an operation!