Chapter 1771: Spiritual

It was just that he seemed to have forgotten that the poor people must have hateful things, and now he has so many pitiful, just because he has done bad things, so now all the bitter fruits are tasted by themselves.

Sun Yuhan was once again admitted to the hospital. She cried out from time to time that her legs hurt, but no matter how many checks she did, she finally found nothing wrong.

"Doctor, are you going to cast me? Will it hurt after the cast?"

Sun Yuhan asked the doctor that the pain these days has caused her to be almost crazy.

"Gypsum?" What did the doctor think suddenly?

"How does Miss Sun know that it won't hurt after the cast?"

"Isn't it?" Sun Yuhan didn't know, "I don't feel any pain when you plaster me. It didn't take long before I removed the plaster, so I started to feel pain, so it must be the problem, right?"

The doctor seemed to be thoughtful. He looked at Sun Yuhan for a long time, and then he nodded gently. "Miss Sun reminded me that Sun's calf may not be protected by plaster, so Seeing the wind is the pain that caused it. I will immediately contact the doctor over there to help Miss Sun to cast the plaster again, and then we will look at it again."

"I guess this is the case."

Sun Yuhan lay down, as if the whole person was relaxed a lot, and it no longer hurts.

The doctor observed Sun Yuhan quietly for half a day, and finally he found a doctor over there, and gave Sun Yuhan the leg, and then cast the plaster, and just after the plaster was laid, Sun Yuhan's spirit was just fine. A lot, and I have never heard her say that her leg hurts. This is also the most quiet day since Sun Yuhan stayed in the hospital again. There was no pain, no crying, and no temper. She was asleep, she was sleeping soundly, and she had never had a nightmare again. This was the most reassuring sensation that she might have slept for so long. Even the needles did not need to be beaten again.

"Did you find out why?"

As soon as Ye Jianguo came in, he asked the doctor anxiously, "How is my granddaughter, have you found the reason, what is going on?"

"Lao Ye, please sit down first."

The doctor hurriedly asked Ye Jianguo to sit down first. He is older, so he should not be too excited.

Ye Jianguo also sat down patiently, but still worried about Sun Yuhan, what happened to this is good, how can it hurt like this, and if it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt anymore. Is this to find out the reason, Do you know what the problem is?

"We have found the reason," the doctor turned over Sun Yuhan's case.

"what is that?"

This sentence Ye Jianguo asked was indeed tense, didn't it mean that her leg was all right, how could it be so painful, and Ye Jianguo's heart is now full of ups and downs, very worried, he was afraid that Sun Yuhan would not Know where the problem is, or other aspects of the body.

The doctor then placed the case on the table and pressed his hand on it. "We have all checked. There is indeed nothing wrong with Miss Sun's leg. The bone is indeed recovering now."

"So why does it still hurt like that?" Ye Jianguo's face has always been calm. Does the doctor feel that he is playing with him? One by one said that everything was okay, the bones were growing, and they were recovering, but everyone was so painful, could you please?

"It's really no problem," the doctor explained to Ye Jianguo. "Miss Sun's body is not a problem. The problem is not anything but her spirit."

"Spirit?" Ye Jianguo didn't understand what this meant, and the spirit would hurt, or it was not the spirit but the nerves.

"It's spiritual," the doctor explained again. "Miss Sun doesn't want to see her leg, she may be afraid, so she always feels that there is no problem with her leg. Of course, she doesn't want to see her. That leg, so it is necessary to cast it on the leg again, so that she can produce a sense of security, and this sense of security can give her the best and best psychological comfort."

"Now she is fine."

Ye Jianguo sat there, exhaling heavily.

"Is there any way to cure this disease?" If this is true, right, he can't let Sun Yuhan cast plaster on himself and his legs every day, and let these plasters accompany her again All her life, she is only 30 years old, a healthy person, can't live well, not to mention a problem with her legs.

The doctor was silent for a long time, and this was what he said, "In fact, this kind of problem is not a disease. It may be better after a while. When Miss Sun accepts herself, she will not happen again. In fact, I I feel that if the doctor turns the case up again, Miss Sun may know that her leg is wrong, but she is unwilling to accept it, but chooses to escape, so that she can keep her foot on the ground. So that she can gain a sense of security and presence."

"And it's not a big deal. Many patients were unacceptable at first, and gradually accepted it. Ms. Sun's condition is okay now, especially she is not a disabled person in the absolute sense, as long as The level she can pass, it should be all right, time will always be the best medicine."

The doctor said so much, in fact, he just told Ye Jianguo a message, that is to admit his fate.

Let Ye Jianguo admit his fate, let Sun Yuhan admit his fate, will Bao Sun Yuhan find his fate, would she be willing to admit her fate, if she really admits her fate, then how could she escape now.

Ye Jianguo stood up, and the old body could not stand up straight for a few more stops.

He is old, he is really old.

It was useless for him to be a grandfather, and even his granddaughter couldn't save him. He poured everything for the granddaughter, but in the end, it also left her with half a leg.

In Sun Yuhan's case, as the doctor said, she no longer has pain. After sleeping, she feels like an ordinary person. There is no feeling, and the leg is no longer half painful. Too.

"Grandpa, can I be discharged? I feel I'm fine."

Sun Yuhan touched her plastered leg. She really felt okay. The doctor said that my leg was hurt by the wind because of the bone, so it hurts. As long as it is plastered, it will be fine. After a period of recovery, I can walk.

That's it, Ye Jianguo could only smile and say to Sun Yuhan, but it can't be ignored, hidden in his eyes, the kind of sadness and helplessness.