Chapter 1662: I can help you

His hair almost blocked his eyes, and even the green eyeballs were almost black here, and his face was so thin that it was recessed inwards. If he didn’t look carefully, he wouldn’t recognize it. This is what makes so many women crazy and smashed with hundreds of millions to hundreds of millions, the man with the evil spirits.

He is now a dirty and smelly beggar. Of course, this is why he has been out for so long, but he has not been found. If he compares his previous photos with the present, it is basically a two person. Don’t say that you need to compare with the previous photos, even those who haven’t seen him, even Sun Yuhan, who is closest to him, didn’t recognize him in the first place, let alone other people.

Arnold took out a basket of buns and a few cans of beer from the bag, and sat there to eat, and every time he took a bite, he would let Sun Yuhan swallow.

She has not eaten for a long time, she is really hungry.

But Arnold glanced coldly at Sun Yuhan, and then took a can of beer. With a bang, he opened the can, and then slurped it up. After he finished drinking, it was pinched. He got up and left aside, and then lay down on the simple bed over there to sleep.

Sun Yuhan licked his almost dry skin again, and his lips were cracked.

"Can you give me some water?"

But Arnold didn't even move.

Sun Yuhan was still tied to the window. Arnold was like torturing her, obviously she was hungry, but Arnold could eat meat and drink, and the money was hers.

Arnold is like raising a dog every day, he will throw her a dry cake, if he is not full, he will not be hungry, and Sun Yuhan eats, drinks, and sleeps all here, including Arnold. This place is the same as this. Not very airy, the smell inside was even more unpleasant, and the two were no longer beautiful or ugly, nor clean.

Missing her Sun Yuhan, being a Miss Qianjin for so many years, she pays attention to everything and pays attention to everything.

But now she is still on the ground, picking up what Huanuo gave her, and she wants to feel that she is no longer human.

"How can you let me go?" Sun Yuhan was already thin and not humanoid at this time, and the clothes on her body did not know how long they had been wearing. Anyway, she had not changed since she was caught.

And she is alive like a dog. She just wants to know what Arnold is going to do, what is going on, and how can she get her back.

"I give you money, I have money, I have a lot of money, you take it away,"

Arnold held a bank card in his hand and shook it at her.

"I can get it without you."

When Sun Yuhan saw the bank card, the entire face was almost twisted again. This is her card. How much money can be taken out of her card, she didn’t know it, and she didn’t take it. What money She spends a lot of money on going out. If you want to pay cash, how much cash is needed in the bag is enough, so she just swipes the card directly.

Do not look at the number, nor the number.

And Arnold took her card away, took her card, bought food, bought flowers, bought flowers, but they still live like pigs, living in this place, eating three meals a day, eating and drinking Lhasa, All are resolved here.

If it goes on like this, Sun Yuhan wants to forget whether he is a human or a ghost.

She has never been so dirty, and has never been so disgusting, and now she always feels disgusting, not to mention others.

Arnold left the card aside, and then took a roast chicken and ate it bit by bit. His face fell deep, and the whole person was like a teenager. The hair is not washed and the beard is not shaved. Almost all the beards with a cheek on their face are now even brighter than before.

As for Sun Yuhan, it is similar.

So they are called Tong Gan Qi Ku, aren't they?

Sun Yuhan is already going crazy.

"How are you doing, you say?"

Sun Yuhan's voice was almost close to collapse, and his hair was distributed, just like a crazy woman.

Arnold tore off a chicken leg and put it on his mouth without saying a word.

And he left Sun Sunyuhan's mobile phone aside, and he lay down, looking at the picture inside the phone. The picture on the phone was very small, and he was still at a loss. He could still see and watch it.

How Sun Yuhan heard this sound so familiar.

Isn't this the fairy cloud she shot? This is the best film this year. She filmed it herself. How could she not know that the above lines, she can now recite it.

For Arnold watching this film, she didn't feel anything. She was already free to move here, but she was always tied with an iron chain. Arnold treated him like a dog when she walked her. You can give her some wind, but she can't run. She ran back and forth many times, but each time she didn't run out, and when he was caught back, she played.

Arnold's current temper is getting more and more weird, and she started to like punching and kicking.

She was afraid of the current Arnold and would not dare to run anymore, because she knew that even if she ran again, she would be caught back by him. To understand, he is a lunatic.

Sun Yuhan narrowed herself to the corner, and the sound could still be heard in her mobile phone. At first, she thought that Arnold was bored and liked watching TV. Only slowly, she seemed to have a very strange feeling.

Because Arnold watched the same episode repeatedly.

She didn't believe it, and after listening to it for a few days, she had an almost impossible idea in her heart, which was also the idea that made her more resentful. Is Arnold to that woman...

Is it Su Muran or Yan Huan? Which of them is it?

"Arnold, I can help you find Su Muran, if you want."

She finally could not bear such torture, as long as she can go out and betray anyone, it does not matter to her.

However, Arnold didn't even lift his eyelids.

In Sun Yuhan's heart, he felt that Arnold might be more interested in Su Muran. He had also praised Su Muran in the past. When the two of them quarreled, how did they reconcile in the end? Yes, she forgot all about it. If this is the case, then she said that she would find Su Muran. I believe that Su Muran will definitely come.

She has such a skill, but also such a certainty.

As long as she can leave and sacrifice a Su Muran, what does it matter, and let Su Muran die here, she is still desperate, she just hopes that Arnold can torture Su Muran, preferably both of them are dead Good.

Her wishful thinking was good, but Arnold never lifted her eyelids, and of course did not respond to her.