The Spirit Valley is in the Eastern Desolation Region and needs to cross the Forbidden Sea.

For the true king, flying across the Forbidden Sea is no longer a problem without being affected by the messy restrictions in the Forbidden Sea.

For Lu Chen, it was a waste of energy, why would he fly by himself if he had money?

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to hire a spaceship directly in Zhongzhou City and sleep all the way to the Eastern Wasteland?

The spaceship is propelled by the high energy of the blue spirit stone, and its flying speed is not much worse than that of the real king.

Zhongzhou City is the center of Zhongzhou. It has a large spaceship base, and there are various spaceships for rent, which is very convenient.

Lu Chen obviously wanted to take a spaceship across the Forbidden Sea, but he took Lingwa to the base of the teleportation formation, boarded a large teleportation formation and went to an ancient city.

Pro Wind City!

An ancient city in the east of Zhongzhou, located in the area of ​​Qingming Palace, but it is basically the edge of the area.

Because Linfeng City is quite close to the Forbidden Sea, but only tens of thousands of miles away.

This distance is a very long distance for ordinary people.

But for high-level fighters, especially the real king, it is very close, and flying with all their strength is just a matter of arriving in the blink of an eye.

"Aren't we going to the Eastern Wasteland, why are we still going around in Central Continent?"

After getting off the large teleportation formation, Lingwa looked at the relatively small-scale Linfeng Ancient City, Lingwa was very puzzled, wondering why Lu Chen brought her here for what purpose?

"Just drop by to step on the spot and find out the situation. This has nothing to do with the Spirit Race."

Lu Chen explained briefly, then took Lingwa around the city, bought a local area map and studied it.

That Lian Jin is not

Afterwards, Lu Chen led Lingwa out of Linfeng City and flew straight to the east.

After flying thousands of miles, there is a long coastline, and outside is the endless forbidden sea.

Lu Chen flew along the coastline, observing the terrain all the way, and finally flew to a ferry.

This is the largest ferry in the eastern part of Central Continent. There are many giant dark iron ferries moored here. There are many people coming and going. There are many warriors and even more merchants!

Above the ferry, in the sky, and within the dark clouds, it happened to provide cover for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hid in the dark clouds, looked down at the flow of people at the ferry below, and scanned back and forth intently, as if looking for someone.

"Who are you looking for?"

Lingwa, who was following Lu Chen, felt strange and couldn't help asking.

"A person who may be related to Forbidden Sea!"

Lu Chen responded.

"who is he?"

Lingwa asked again.

"Lian Jin!"

Lu Chen said with a serious expression.

"The person who plotted against you on the throne?"

Hearing this name, Lingwa immediately knew who it was.

"it's him!"

"How could you guess that he has something to do with Forbidden Sea?"

"Because he has an aura of forbidden sea."

"You think he's from the Forbidden Sea?"

"There are only beasts in the Forbidden Sea, and there are no people. He cannot come from the Forbidden Sea."

"If it didn't come from the Forbidden Sea, where did the sea breath on his body come from?

Only when living in the sea for a long time, will the breath of the sea be carried on the body. "

"There is another possibility, that is to eat something from the Forbidden Sea, which causes the body to produce sea breath!"

"If I remember correctly, that Lian Jin is only the True King of Sihe, far from being your opponent, if you want to take revenge, he has no power to resist at all.

If you don't want to do it yourself, if you send any of your wolves and tigers over, even Jin can't survive. "

"No, Lian Jin can't die, otherwise we won't be able to find out who is behind him."

"I have never met Lian Jinsu. If no one instigates me, I can't think of any motive for him to plot against me."

"Besides, he is no longer the true king of Sihe, he has already achieved Liuhe, and now he is the real king of Liuhe, and his combat power must have improved by leaps and bounds!"

"If I send my brothers to kill him now, I guess only Shangguan Jin can do it. The others may not be his opponents."

Lu Chen said so.

"It hasn't been long since Di Miao was tested. He has become the True King of Liuhe. His cultivation speed is so fast, it's amazingly fast!"

Lingwa was a little surprised, and said in amazement, "The Zealot Legion has Jiuxuan True King Pellet for food, and also practiced the high-grade Jiuxuan Kungfu of the heaven rank. Few people can match it, and he is one of them!"

"He may have better resources to assist in his cultivation, otherwise his cultivation speed would not be so fast, let alone faster than my legion!"

Lu Chen thought for a while, and then said, "Better resources than Jiuxuan True King Pill, there are only some rare genius treasures, such as Juyunguo!"

"You took away the two lucky fruits of the human race, how could he have them?"

Lingwa asked.

"The world is so big, there must be more than one kind of rare genius treasure, but on land, the best genius treasure is Juyun fruit."

Lu Chen suddenly looked at the Forbidden Sea outside, looked at the rough sea, and said thoughtfully, "The Forbidden Sea is a forbidden area that cannot be explored by all races. No one knows the depths of the Forbidden Sea. Is there a better place?" The birth of the genius earth treasure?"

"Do you suspect that Lian Jin's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds after eating the genius treasure of the Forbidden Sea?"

Lingwa asked again.


Lu Chen nodded.

"The sea beasts in the Forbidden Sea are too ferocious. If he alone dares to go into the depths of the Forbidden Sea to hunt for treasure, can he come back alive?"

Lingwa didn't quite believe it.

"Or maybe he has miracles."

Lu Chen smiled, then changed the topic, and said, "Okay, my stepping point is over, let's take the spaceship to the Eastern Wilderness."

He has inspected the topography of the coastline and has a general grasp of the situation in this area.

Moreover, he scanned under the ferry many times, but he did not see any sign of Lian Jin.

It is estimated that Lian Jin has already left, and there is no other point for him to stay, so there is no need to waste time.

Immediately, Lu Chen and Lingwa flew out of the clouds, circled down, and landed directly on the ferry.

As the largest ferry in the east of Central Continent, there are many people and rich people, so naturally there are spaceships doing business.

The spaceship at the ferry is much smaller than the one in Zhongzhou City, and the size of the hulls is different. It can carry a hundred people at least, and a thousand people at most!

It is very expensive to take a spaceship, and it costs tens of thousands of catties of blue-grained spirit stones to start, and only rich people can afford it.

Even rich people are still fighting for a boat, and no one can afford a whole spaceship.

Now, there is one person to take care of it, and that person is Lu Chen!

Lu Chen is rich, super rich, so much money that he doesn't know how to spend it.

There are countless low-purity blue-patterned spirit stones, and there are hundreds of millions of catties of high-purity blue-patterned spiritual stones, and there are even a lot of higher-grade fire-patterned spiritual stones.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Chen directly chartered the fastest spaceship to cross the Forbidden Sea!

The spaceship flew to the center of the Forbidden Sea thousands of miles above the sky, and saw that the place was covered with dark clouds, the waves on the sea surface were extremely fierce, the huge waves were huge, and the sound of the waves was earth-shattering, as if a monster under the sea was about to appear!