Although King Dou is under King Yuan, he is powerful in combat and cruel, and everyone in Zhongzhou City knows him.

After all, people who are notorious are usually famous.

With Dou Wang fiercely opening the way, Lu Chen and his party entered the center of the square smoothly.

In the center of the square, next to the Emperor's Terrace, there is also a luxurious shed made of jade.

Inside the shed, a group of real kings are judging!

Seeing King Dou approaching, the group of true kings hurried out of the shed and went up to meet him.

"Oh, Lord Douwang, you are finally here!"

The leader, a youthful Wuhe Zhenwang, hurriedly saluted Dou Wang with a very respectful attitude, and he could tell at a glance that he was a sycophant.

Moreover, from the tone of the Wuhe Zhenwang, he has been waiting for the Douwang, as if he was instructed by his superiors.

Whose instructions?

Others don't know, but Lu Chen knows it as soon as he hears it!

Not Yuan Wang, who else?

"How many days has the Dimiao test been carried out?"

Dou Wang asked directly and didn't even return the courtesy, which was very arrogant.

"Three days!"

The Wuhe True King responded.

"Have all the warriors who signed up to test the Emperor Miao have their talents tested?"

Dou Wang asked again.

"It's all done!"

The Wuhe True King responded.

"How many people climbed to the top?"

Dou Wang asked again.

"No one for now!"


"All the qualified fighters, Xiao Wang made them wait, and didn't let them ascend the emperor's platform."

"Just to wait for the king?"

"Yes, if Dou Wang doesn't come, they will have to wait!"

"Good job, you have a future!"

"Thank you, Dou Wang, for your compliment!"

"The people brought by this king are here, you can guide them."

"Wow, there are so many people, are they all future Emperor Miao with great potential?"

"Your sister, only the boys next to this king are, and the group behind are soy sauce!"

"Douwang don' careful with your words, you still have a spirit king by your side."

Hearing this, the real king Wuhe's expression changed, and he quickly reminded him in a low voice.

Because, he noticed that there was not only a kid beside King Dou, but also a beautiful girl from the Spirit Race.

Wuhe Zhenwang is a high-level true king, who is already a high-ranking human race, so how could he not know the identity of this spiritual woman?

"Ah! What this king means is that, except for the kid around him and the King of Souls, everything else is rubbish!"

Dou Wang looked embarrassed and quickly changed his words.

Lingwa came to Central Continent City, basically to get in touch with the higher-ups of the human race, he didn't want to offend Lingwa for no reason, it would definitely not be good for him.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and test, I'm in a hurry."

At this moment, Lu Chen spoke.

"A mere jade-bone sage, you don't even salute me when you see this king. I really don't know where you come from!"

Hearing this, the True King Wuhe's expression darkened, and a murderous intent appeared in Lu Chen's gaze.

"He is the person recommended by King Yuan, Lu Chen!"

Dou Wang was amused when he saw the Wuhe Zhenwang shooting randomly, so he gave Lu Chen a brief introduction.

Lu Chen has entered Yuan Wang's blacklist, even he can't touch him, does this guy dare to touch him?

"Ah...he is the person recommended by King Yuan..."

The Wuhe Zhenwang suddenly understood what was going on, the murderous intent in his eyes disappeared instantly, the gloom on his face was instantly swept away, and a full-bodied smile was replaced in an instant.

This is the high-talented Emperor Miao that King Yuan has found, and it is also a stepping stone for King Yuan to take over the position. How dare he mess around?

What he has to do is to hold Lu Chen steady, and send Lu Chen steadily to the summit of the Emperor's Stage!

As long as he does this well, he will be appreciated by King Yuan, and he may be expected to enter the Cangyuan Pagoda and become a core figure among the high-level people.

"Brother Lu, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

The Wuhe Zhenwang chuckled, and introduced himself, "My surname is Jia Mingren. You can just call him King Jia, but your lord is not required!"


Lu Chen smiled, and said again, "I like this name!"

This Jia Ren is obviously from King Yuan's side, so why be polite to him?

Douwang is also a member of Yuanwang, but Douwang at least has a temper and super strong combat power, especially in the battle in Benlei Valley, beheading the high-level sea beast king is unambiguous, at least it is worthy of being called Douwang!

But what kind of thing is this Jia Ren?

"This...many people say they like it, and the king's name is indeed quite happy!"

The corner of Jia Wang's mouth twitched, his face changed, and he still smiled back, looking indifferent.

It's just that a hundred thousand grass mud horses have already rushed out of his heart!

"Okay, don't waste time, shall I go directly to the emperor's platform?"

Lu Chen asked.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, you have to go through the process first, and then go on stage with the others!"

King Jia smiled, then gestured towards the luxurious shed, and said, "Brother Lu, please come this way, and I will personally fill out the form for you to sign up!"

"Spirit King also wants to try ascending to the Emperor's Stage!"

Lu Chen said as he walked.

"The Spirit King is a member of the Spirit Race, so he is not suitable to be on the throne of our human race, right?"

King Jia was taken aback.

"Will there be serious consequences if you log in?"

Lu Chen asked back.

"That's not true, it's just that our human race's Ascension to the Emperor platform is to test the human race emperor seedlings, and has never tested other races!"

King Jia said.

"Then give it a try, Ling Wang is not an outsider!"

Lu Chen said.

"Dou Wang..."

King Jia didn't dare to make up his mind, so he turned to King Dou.

"Whatever you want, as long as the King Ling likes it."

Dou Wang said.

"Come here, fill out the form and sign up for the Spirit King!"

As soon as King Jia's voice fell, other real kings came up to help Lingwa.

"Brother Lu, it's very easy to sign up. We have a ready-made form. You fill in your name, and then enter a qi machine!"

King Jia led Lu Chen to a spirit stone table in the shed, took a form of animal skin and a brush of animal hair, and handed it to Lu Chen with a smile.

"Climb to the emperor's platform, climb to the top, and open that purple door, what will be inside?"

Lu Chen asked casually while filling in the name of the pump.

"This king doesn't know either, because I haven't opened it before!"

Jia Yu shrugged.

"Only the person who opened it knows?"

Lu Chen finished the form and asked again.

"Correct, only the person who opens the purple door can enter!"

Jia Yu avoided Lu Chen asking further questions, and simply explained, "In the past hundred years, only King Yuan has opened it, and he has only entered it. As for what's inside, King Yuan never mentioned it, and outsiders don't know it. If you want to know, There are two ways!"

"Those two?"

Lu Chen asked again.

"Either you can ask King Yuan, if King Yuan is willing to tell you."

King Jia chuckled, and said again, "Either you open it yourself, go in and see for yourself."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Lu Chen rolled his eyes at King Jia, but made up his mind in his heart, and asked Lingwa to try to open the purple door and go in to see if there were any good things.

As for him...

He didn't even want to climb to the top, and he had no chance to try, so he had to give up.