"Who is the betrothed?"

The Ninth Prince was surprised. I don't know why Lu Chen would say that?

He is Lingrao's father, if he is not present, who would dare to betroth his daughter indiscriminately?


Lu Chen's misfortune was diverted to the east, let Ang Du drink a pot first and then talk.


The Ninth Prince was furious, turned his head abruptly, looked down, and saw Ang Du's face was pale, as if he couldn't speak, and was trembling.

Lingrao was about to speak for Ang Du, but found that the timing was not right, so she didn't say anything in the end.

"This idiot dares to do things recklessly, and I will kill him later!"

Ninth Prince cursed, then turned his head and put on a smiling face, "It was not counted before, if there is anything unpleasant, just erase it.

Now, this king officially betrothed the little girl to you. If you agree, you can marry the little girl in the bridal chamber today! "

"Lord Nine, haven't you seen the ten beauties beside me?"

Lu Chen smiled, and then pointed to the ten beautiful court ladies.

"Lingwa's ten personal maids?"

Ninth Prince recognized the origins of the ten maids at a glance, and basically knew what was going on, "It's not bad, Lingwa gave you ten top maids, and she is quite willing to spend a lot of money."

"However, a palace lady is always a palace lady, and her status is incomparable to that of Lingrao. If you marry Lingrao, then you will be my king's son-in-law. Have you thought about it clearly?"

The Ninth Prince said so again, urging Lu Chen.

"As for your daughter, it's not like I haven't thought about it.

But, she is ugly, so I can't swallow it, either. "

Lu Chen laughed, trying to hate the Ninth Prince.

Although Lu Chen spoke in a calm manner, he almost swallowed the Ninth Prince to death, angered Ling Rao to death, shocked Ang Du to death, and made Ling Wa laugh to death.

In all fairness, Lingrao looks pretty good, and she is also a famous beauty in the Lingzu.

As long as Lingrao doesn't stand in front of the ten maids, but stands in front of other Lingzu women, she is also considered a flower!

Of course, if Lingrao is compared with Lingwa, then she is rotten tea dregs and there is no comparison.

Lu Chen actually said that Lingrao was ugly, that is to say, Lingrao was not as good as rotten tea dregs.

"This king is not a pedantic person. As long as you marry Lingrao as your wife, you can still marry ten concubines, how about it?"

The Ninth Prince suppressed his anger, still squeezed out a smile, gave in directly, and offered a solution that people could not refuse.

The Ninth Prince was much more prudent than Lingrao and Ang, he was less impatient and more cunning.

But face is useless, Lu Chen saw through their father and daughter's tricks from the very beginning, no matter what the Ninth Prince did, Lu Chen would never be fooled.

However, Lu Chen felt that the Ninth Prince was cunning and shameless. In order to win over Lingwa, he would do everything he could, even selling his daughter, which was absolutely the best in the world.

Therefore, he wanted to make the Ninth Prince vomit blood, and continue to grind some words with this old fox.

"If the tenth maid is a wife and Lingrao is a concubine, I can consider it."

"Lu Chen, you dare to tease me, I want you to die without a place to die!"

The Ninth Prince was furious and almost vomited blood for three liters. He made concessions to Lu Chen repeatedly, but in exchange for humiliation, he could no longer bear it.

Since Lu Chen doesn't know how to flatter and doesn't want to be used by him, then he doesn't have to be polite, just kill him.

Even if Lu Chen was protected by his ancestors, he died when he died, would the ancestors still make fun of him for a dead person?

After all, he is also a descendant of the ancestors, no matter how the ancestors punished him, it would not be possible to take him to the death of outsiders.

"Boy who doesn't know how to praise, go to hell!"

Ninth Prince suddenly jumped up and went up to the ninety-seventh floor.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, please go up to the next level!"

Lu Chen had been prepared for a long time. At the same time as the Ninth Prince jumped, he also dragged the tenth court lady to the upper floor.

When the Ninth Prince falls to the ninety-seventh floor, Lu Chen will also fall to the ninety-eighth floor!

"I fork..."

The Ninth Prince felt that he was on the verge of dying, and it was fine if he almost vomited blood by Lu Chen, but he didn't expect Lu Chen to be able to make his sudden attack come to naught, so angry...

He looked up at Lu Chen on the upper floor, his face was so gloomy that it almost seeped water, there was only one flight of steps between them, but there was a world!

His potential reached the ninety-seventh floor, which is already the limit and cannot be broken through.

"Ninth Prince, what do you want to fork?"

Lu Chen turned around and looked down, smiling Lailai came over, and the Ninth Prince almost vomited blood again.

"The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is over, and this king will personally take your life!"

Ninth Prince pointed at Lu Chen and shouted.

"Lu Chen is a doomed person. He is protected by the ancestors. If you dare to touch him, the ancestors will not let you go!"

Lingwa scolded.

"No matter what he does, he is still an outsider. Even if this king kills him, could it be possible that the ancestors took this king to kill him?"

Ninth Prince snorted coldly.

"With this king here, you can't touch a single hair of Lu Chen!"

Lingwa immediately fought back.

"This king wants to kill Lu Chen, you can't stop him!"

The Nine Princes confronted each other.

"Uncle Nine Kings, you dare to be king in front of me, do you want to rebel?"

Seeing that the Ninth Prince was going to tear his face apart, Lingwa's face became even colder.

"So what?

If you dare to protect Lu Chen, this king dares to rebel! "

The Ninth Prince saw that the situation had reached such a point, he had nothing to hide, so he might as well tear his face apart.

Originally, his plan was to wait for Lingrao to take down Lu Chen and gain more support, and then summon his minions to force Lingwa into the palace.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen not only refused to go fishing, but also humiliated him. He must kill Lu Chen. If Lingwa supports Lu Chen, then he will force the palace in advance.

It was a bit hasty to force the palace at this time, but he was very powerful, more than half of the royal family and ministers belonged to him, and there were many strong people under him, and there were many of his people on the altar alone, and the chances of winning were extremely high.

But Lingwa is small, with only one determined Lingyan, and few other supporters, how can he fight against him?


Lingwa choked and was almost speechless.

Looking around, more than half of the royal forces on the altar are on the side of the Ninth Prince.

In particular, there are dozens of strong people who stop at the eighty-eighth floor, most of whom are members of the Ninth Prince. If she really fights with the Ninth Prince here, she will be at an absolute disadvantage!

Looking at the elders on the ninety-fifth floor, they all looked indifferent. They would leave after the end of the sacrifice and would not interfere with the disputes of the royal family.

Even the patriarch Linghuang, who lived far away in the land of Lingquan, would not care about world affairs for tens of thousands of years, would not intervene in the power struggle in the royal palace, and probably would not stand up for Lu Chen, because Lu Chen took too many things in Lingquan,

If she really wanted to protect Lu Chen to the end, she would have to fight the Ninth Prince in advance!

She will have a battle with the Ninth Prince sooner or later, but she is not ready yet, and it is not good for her to start the war in advance.

Lingwa frowned, and couldn't help but glance at Lu Chen, her beautiful eyes were full of complex expressions.