Chapter 415

Even a $5 billion investment in Star Wars.

However, Ding Zixuan found that there seems to be a big gap in his 50 billion task!

Although the previous scattered tasks have also failed a lot, the task of 50 billion is not enough.

Ding Zixuan thought that if he didn't finish the task quickly, he might not be able to bear the consequences. However, there is no good way to lose his family now. The construction of the dragon country is still going on, but the deposit has been paid. Although the balance in the later period is huge.

But that also needs to wait until the construction is completed, so Ding Zixuan has no choice but to turn to the system again.

"Loser guide, come out!"

There was a call in my head, and the guide to failure immediately appeared.

"Dear host, what can I do for you?"

The system responded.

"Is there any good loser project? My 50 billion task has not been completed. It seems that there is not much time left for the task."

Ding Zixuan asked with a frown.

"That's true. Host, you don't have much time left for your task. On the system side, you found a good loser task, which can help you complete this task easily!"

The sound of the system sounded in Ding Zixuan's brain.

"Tell me."

Ding Zixuan asked pleasantly surprised. His tone was a little urgent. Obviously, he was a little excited.

"At present, the benefit of Bluestar company is not very good. Moreover, the American government is also cracking down on Bluestar company in an all-round way. Moreover, this matter has led to the direct resignation of a vice president of Bluestar company!"

"Not only that, but also together, several senior executives of important departments have resigned one after another. Therefore, for this reason, 'Bluestar company' urgently needs to carry out major reform and make some changes."

"Therefore, here, the system suggests that the host should make a wholly-owned acquisition of 'Bluestar company', and the capital required for the acquisition of 'Bluestar company' will be extremely huge. According to the system estimation, it will take about US $80 billion to acquire 'Bluestar company'."

The energy of the system is extremely huge, and almost all enterprises in the world have a good understanding of the situation.

"US $80 billion? The acquisition fund is really huge. However, in this way, the task of US $50 billion can be easily completed. OK! That's it!"

Ding Zixuan frowned and thought for a while. The fund was really huge, but it was very beneficial to him. His task was to lose his family. How to lose his family, but there was no rigid requirement.

Having made a decision, Ding Zixuan planned to start to deal with the matter.

"Victoria, come here at once."

Ding Zixuan called Victoria directly.

He planned to ask Victoria to contact Joe hanett, the president of the blue star company, and wanted him to talk about it.

"Honey, what happened when you called me in such a hurry?"

Victoria appeared in front of Ding Zixuan five minutes later. When she came, she snuggled up to Ding Zixuan and asked Ding Zixuan in doubt.

"Baby, I have something I need you to help me deal with."

Ding Zixuan took Victoria's small hand and said to her solemnly.

"If you have anything to say, your business is my business. Why are you so polite?"

Victoria said to Ding Zixuan with some dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha, that's it."

Ding Zixuan gave a ha ha and answered with a smile. Then he got to the point and said to Victoria:

"Here's the thing. I've received the news. It seems that something has happened to the 'Bluestar company', and the benefits are not very good now. Therefore, I think this is a good opportunity. I plan to buy the whole 'Bluestar company' wholly-owned!"

"What I want you to do is to contact Joe Harnett. I want to talk to him face-to-face about the acquisition of their 'Blue Star Company'. After all, it is such a big business. I think it would be better to talk to him face-to-face."

"Buy Bluestar? Honey, are you sure?"

Victoria was surprised and said to Ding Zixuan that although she didn't know much, she also knew; Recently, the "Bluestar company" has been suppressed by the US government.

"I'm sure. What's the problem?"

Ding Zixuan wondered why Victoria was so surprised, frowned and asked.

"I saw a news a few days ago. It seems to say that the American government has been suppressing the 'Bluestar company' recently. I'm afraid it's not very good if you buy the 'Bluestar company' at this time."

Although Victoria knew that Ding Zixuan didn't like others to question or deny her decision, as Ding Zixuan's woman, she felt it necessary to remind Ding Zixuan.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own plan, and I don't know the news."

Ding Zixuan smiled with a warm heart. He knew that Victoria was for her own good. However, he could not explain the systematic things clearly and could not let Victoria know. Therefore, he could only put on a confident look and answer Victoria's questions.

"Well, since you have your own plan, that's all right. I'll help you get in touch with Joe Harnett. He should be in a state of trouble now. It may be great news for him that you want to buy Bluestar company!"

When Victoria said this, she couldn't help smiling. Joe Harnett, the president, was very powerful before. In the United States, he is also a figure. However, he has encountered too many things recently, so many people don't like him very much now.

She even heard that many senior executives of Bluestar have resigned one after another, which is no less than making it worse for Bluestar.

Because Victoria had been in contact with Joe Harnett before, his contact information was stored in her mobile phone. Therefore, Victoria directly dialed him in front of Ding Zixuan.

This is Joe Harnett's private phone. Not many people know it. Moreover, Joe Harnett also has Victoria's number, so the phone was answered soon.