The man in the leather windbreaker has a quick reaction. He appears more than ten meters away in a flash.


Luke lost his foot and stepped on the grass to meet Emma in front of him.

This 20-year-old young mother, holding her youngest son, kept the older son by her side. She was full of orange red flame, and her eyes were like the fierce light of protecting the calf and the wolf.

When Luke fell, she attacked subconsciously.


A blaze came out of her body and hit Luke on the chest.

The man in the leather windbreaker over there found the chance, disappeared again, appeared behind her, and reached for her and her eldest son.

A dark shadow flew out of the flame in front of Emma, around her side, straight to the man's face in the fur coat, which was the bat dart thrown by Luke.

The man in the leather windbreaker felt that the bat dart was about to shoot out of his face. He subconsciously activated his ability, moved away again, and appeared more than ten meters away.

The orange flame dispersed, a black figure appeared, a pair of sharp ears and white eyes on the helmet, and a black cape was flying behind.

Just now, the fire shock only made his chest armor burn, and the damage degree was 2%.

Emma was stunned and muttered, "Dark Knight?"

The man in the leather windbreaker moved his ears, and did not hesitate to activate his ability. The figure disappeared in place.

Luke frowned: FACO, this guy is really fast.

As long as the other side dare to stay for ten seconds, they can enjoy the non fatal nerve gas developed by master bent, and guarantee to lie down on the spot and pump all over.

This leather windbreaker is Gordon, the last blind man with blinking ability.

He is one of the most important figures in the afterlife, the transmitter of the afterlife and the normal world.

As long as he is caught, Luke can use drugs and hypnosis to pry open his mouth and get a lot of information about the afterlife.

As a result, this guy was as cautious as last time. When he heard the name of "Dark Knight", he immediately ran away.

It's no wonder that there are few rumors in the normal society in the afterlife. You can know a little about Gordon's behavior.

I don't meet Emma, the one who escapes voluntarily. The ordinary people don't know the details even if they come out of the afterlife.

Just think about it. An ordinary person is moved into a ditch by Gordon, and told that it's called afterlife, and sent out again ten and a half days later.

In the afterlife, there is electricity and some ordinary household appliances, but other networks, telephones and positioning instruments are not available.

Then this ordinary person has no way to inquire about anything but the place name of "afterlife".


Emma had just come back to her senses and was a little flustered: "that one, I thought it was him..."

"I know. Get out of here first." Luke didn't want to say more here. He grabbed Emma and her eldest son and glided away quietly.

When they left, some residents around heard the sound and came out to check.

However, in the dark night, these people just stood at the door and looked around. They didn't find that they had closed the door again.

Taking the Emmas to another, more remote, safe house, Luke asked her little son what was going on and left.

Emma is similar to Skye. The influence of pheromone's manipulation is not obvious. He added mental hypnosis to get the information he wanted.

According to Emma, the situation of her youngest son is similar to that of her awakening as a child.

And her awakening was an outing with the no witnesses.

She was afraid of herself and didn't know what happened, so she didn't tell her parents.

But she was five that year, and her youngest son is now in his early one.

If age is evidence of genius, her youngest son may be much better than her.

Luke also paid attention to her eldest son when he asked.

The four-year-old boy's clothes were burnt black and damaged, but he didn't change into a roast pig. He didn't panic, but he looked a little bit ho ho.

It seems that all three members of the family are gifted, but there will be more troubles.

The little son, who could not control himself, could blow up the house at any time.

The point is that he is only one year old and has no concept of control at all.

Luke can only arrange his mother and son in such a remote area where there is almost no one. Otherwise, it is not only the house that will be bombed.

Leaving the safe house for a moment, he went back stealthily and rearranged nearby.

The ability of space class is very troublesome, and the blink is even more troublesome. But the world has long been equipped with prevention devices - space blockers.

Otherwise, Gordon will enter the official institutions by himself. No one can bear to throw dangerous goods or move money and gold.

However, the space blocker needs to be arranged in advance to form an area where the space capacity is forbidden to work, which is not convenient to move.

Last time I used this kind of equipment in daxicheng Luke, Emma's previous residence was also arranged.Originally, Luke wanted to wait for Gordon to come over, and then let the smart program start to trap him like a witch.

It turned out that Emma's youngest son was out of control, destroying his house and forcing them to leave, which made Gordon escape.

It's just an accident, but it's not a big problem.

Anyway, Gordon didn't know that there was a space barrier waiting for him.

Not this time, but next time.

The real question is, how did Gordon find Emma so quickly?

Luke doesn't think it's the normal stalker, or the tracker in Emma's mother and son's body.

Gordon is not qualified to play tracking in front of Luke, even if his ability is blinking.

After all, the blink will stop. It's impossible to be invisible or "flicker infinitely".

At the beginning, Emma and her three children also had a physical examination to confirm that they had not been implanted with any tracker.

Unless it's like Luke's keen sense of smell, or spiritual communication, Emma can still be found even if she changes her appearance.

When there are few electric appliances in the afterlife, Luke prefers the latter possibility.

In the afterlife, there is a kind of super power that can lock the location of Emma's mother and son from a long distance.

But it took so long to find it, proving that there are certain preconditions for this ability, such as the need for Emma's explosive ability to lock in.

This time Emma didn't explode, but her youngest son was able to riot.

So Gordon came in a minute later and found the three women and children flying away.

He stalked the neighborhood, but failed to do so.

The three of them are not afraid of the fire, which makes Emma's hands free.

Emma's ability and talent are too strong, which can be called cheating level. There is almost no good way to catch her.

bullets, anesthetics, shackles and other things, in the horrible high temperature flame, will have a great effect.

Once in a hurry, she will even explode an AOE within a 50 meter radius.

But this AOE is different from the game. The damage is far greater than the single attack. It should be considered as a killer move.

Once Gordon is careless, he is likely to turn into a close-up man, cremated on the spot and landed in a box.