As Luke's No. 1 "spy" in NYPD network department, Elizabeth did get some utility programs from Luke.

Not much, but powerful and practical - especially if she wants to target someone in the Bureau.

The reason why she didn't disclose the hot news was that before long, the former director was removed from his post and was under joint investigation by the FBI and the Department of homeland security.

Compared with the accusation of providing asylum to the Sax group, the scandal Elizabeth got is too trivial to be remembered.

It's only when I'm at the top of Luke's Hill today that I can take it out and gossip. It's useless.

However, Luke used his ability to suggest that Elizabeth, if not necessary, try not to use this means, so she did not become NYPD's black king.

But she is the front-line director of the network intelligence department, and there are many things she can touch.

In Elsa's roll call, she added, all kinds of big and small problems in the middle and upper levels of the bureau can be identified as seven, eight, eight.

This kind of gossiping doesn't need any hard evidence, but it's just a process of speculation. Throwing it to the media can also make all the middle and high-level NYPD students quit.

Fortunately, the two women have a good disposition. Now their career is steadily rising and their money is not lacking. Otherwise, it's not too easy to use these black materials to operate. It's not too easy to want some power and money.

In the middle of the wine, when it comes to the rise, Elizabeth burst out Dustin's "black material" as soon as she was excited.

It's not that she's monitoring Dustin on purpose, it's purely unintentional.

It wasn't complicated, it wasn't really black, but Dustin was kicked out of Jennifer's home at 2 p.m. - he was wearing shorts and carrying clothes.

The other three were all queer looking.

The awkward silence lasted for a moment, or Luke asked, "but today, the boss seems to have gone to a candlelight dinner with Jennifer?"

Elsa smiled. "Yes. And it's not good Hehe, the little box he brought may still be a diamond ring, you know

This time, the other three were shocked.

Selena: propose? Is it too fast? They haven't known each other for a year Wait, boss. It's like forty-two? It's a little old indeed. "

The other three: silence. JPG!

Luke felt that he could not let the private party turn into the "leader's dark history excavation meeting", and he quickly gave a light cough: "OK, let's change the topic. Well, Elsa will look at the boss's face tomorrow and tell me again. "

The other three looked contemptuously at the guy who obviously wanted to see the fun.

Luke: "Hey, in case he fails, what should he do? I'm the only one who can talk to him about it. "

Three women:

There's nothing wrong with that.

Selena and Elizabeth's young women can't comfort an old man who fails to propose unless they are interested in Dustin.

Elsa herself is still single, older, middle-aged, and she is not qualified to comfort Dustin even if her boyfriend doesn't have one.

Only Luke Well, in fact, he is not suitable.

While watching the seascape with Jennifer at night, Dustin, who was whispering softly, suddenly felt a little cold and couldn't help but stir up.

Jennifer noticed and pulled him up. "Let's go. Come in."

Dustin: don't worry about it

Jennifer laughs: "what do you think? I'm afraid you have a cold. You're not young anymore, OK? "

Speaking, Dustin was irresistibly dragged into the seaside hut, but in his mouth he said: "it's just that your hair scratched my nose. What's the cold? I'm in good health... "

"Then don't pretend to sleep for the next hour." Jennifer said something leisurely.

Dustin: " Well, I might have a cold. "


February 15, Luke Hill collective holiday, including did not come to dinner Dustin also took sick leave.

It's not clear how bad Dustin is. The Luke four here are on regular rest.

However, Luke and Selena still get up and train according to the schedule, while Elsa and Elizabeth, who are seriously drunk, cannot afford to lie high in their respective rooms.

Last night, Luke escaped first, because three women got six bottles of wine, which was really drunk.

He was alone four bottles, in addition to the urgency of a pee, did not feel the wine.

This is the side effect of super physique + toxin resistance.

Alcohol and tobacco drugs couldn't play their proper role in his body at all.

He can only taste these things. He can't be addicted to them.

Smoke can also be used to pack and play handsome, wine can barely be used as alcoholic soda, and medicine is simply a bad medicine.

After morning training, Luke and Selena had breakfast for two as usual.

Nuggets at the table? Well, it's not human.

Feeling Selena's eyes from time to time, he cast a look of inquiry: "hmm?"Selena took a sip of sweet soymilk and washed the bun down: "you ran in time last night."

Luke clearly picked out a piece of red bean curd and put it into his mouth, then took a sip of Babao porridge: "who let you bet not only on money, but also on clothes. If I don't leave, Elsa's going to press on her chest. "

Selena blinked: "then you can lose."

Luke: " I used to wear vest, shorts and sweatpants. I lost three times, but I had to be smooth? If you meet double, you will only have one pair of shorts at a time. "

Selena's face showed a determined look: "you actually know that one is Elizabeth's going to lose, right?"

Luke shook his head decisively: "how could it be."

Selena is right.

But he won't admit that he's been peeping at cards with little programs.

That's why the game was dealt, and he knew he had to cheat.

Elsa and Elizabeth got the enemy card. They will double each other.

Even if Luke changes his card to win them, at least one of them will lose cleanly.

So he decided to quit the run, and the game ended.

It's none of his business what the next three women are playing in the living room.

It doesn't matter if they are willing to run 5000 meters in the training room.

Anyway, there are gold coins nearby to protect them from dangerous activities.


After breakfast, Luke went out alone to find Elena at paland college.

Selena and her two girlfriends are going on a group trip today. The trip includes lunch outside, shopping, watching movies and so on. Nothing to do with him.

Driving Elena to the wild in New Jersey is not only a camping trip, but also a wind gathering trip with Elena.

Recently, she didn't have a "premonition explosion". It's a good thing that she drew a premonition painting.

The two camped out all night in the wild and left for home at noon the next day.

Just then, Tony's new news arrived.

My lord continued to send Elena back to the college, who was too tired, and went out separately to "visit" a lot.

He was curious about what happened to peper on Valentine's day.