The highest score of the dead Zetas in flagship 2 is 100000, while the highest score of the dead Zetas in flagship 2 is only 5000, and the top ten is only the top ten deputy.

Fortunately, the average quality of this group is not low. Basically, a single group has at least 500 experience points, and the number is up to 300.

He didn't waste a hundred thousand points of his blood, but also let himself fully experience the taste of a human evaporation.

However, he did not recall the avatar, just to determine whether there is a difference between the recall and the destruction of avatar.

The result shows that there should be No.

The energy absorbed and stored by the avatar is still returned to the Buddha after the avatar is destroyed.

In this way, the energy return benefit of separation is not as limited as expected.

Unfortunately, after this return of special energy, New York has not fought, and it has been completely wasted.

But Luke didn't feel too bad.

If he can win the war, he expects to lose at least one part in it.

Now they have lost their lives, but they have also directly attacked flagship one. The zetary flagship who invaded New York didn't retreat.

100000 points + one evaporation. It's worth taking this breath!

After a busy night, the chaos in New York is on the rise, but it has nothing to do with most of the special team.

After communicating with everyone all night, Luke helped them finalize their itinerary.

The next day, Wade and his wife left early in the morning.

What Wade took away from Luke was an anonymous account of the Swiss bank, which had a balance of 10 million yuan plus a bonus of more than 1 million yuan, enough for them to go anywhere on holiday.

But Wade's request to change all his record points in the special team into money was partially rejected by Luke.

The reason is simple.

In the future, members of the team will only use points to settle the services of battle armour, weapons, thousand face system and identity forgery - the transactions between members' private parties and negotiate on their own.

If Wade changes all his points into money, his expenses in this war will be at least twice as expensive as his direct credit.

Roughly speaking, 1 point can be exchanged for 500 US dollars, but the service that 1 point can buy, which is settled with money, will be 1000-2000 US dollars.

Second, some high-end services only accept point purchases and refuse to settle in any currency.

Luke does this to make sure all his teammates understand that the special team's record points are worth more than any currency.

Later, when the situation is right, life light dagger and life-1 will also be open to teammates.

At that time, if Wade bought these two things with $10 million, Batman could not make an exception.

But this money fan really wants to use money to buy life-saving things. It must be a last resort. Maybe it's to save his wife. If you don't give him the consequences, you may become enemies.

So Luke simply deducted Wade's 2000 points and made them become insurance points. He could only save his life in an emergency and could not use them in ordinary circumstances.

In his message, Wade scolded someone as a black hearted boss. Sooner or later, such tyranny would lead to team members being pulled out and beaten.

Luke also didn't want to say much, just said a sentence in the past: "there will be products to keep women's youth and appearance in the special shopping items for points. Are you sure you don't want to leave any points?"

Wade was immediately silent.

Wife is more important than money.

It's not him who can keep his wife young and beautiful?

Then left were Damon and his daughter, who flew to Florida in the morning for a holiday.

Damon wanted to take his daughter out to play before she was fully grown up to make up for her childhood.

The father and daughter gained a lot of points.

They sell everything to the tycoons, and their debts are about five million yuan. They only use more than 4000 points to deduct all of them.

This makes the father and daughter, who have been negative for a long time, float lightly when they go out.

Angel went to Alaska alone and said she wanted to be alone.

Alice is still in seclusion with her daughter and has no intention of going out.

After Ivan's war, he went back to his separate laboratory in Nassau County and started fighting again.

The war inspired him too much.

Tourism or something is not important to the scientists who are inspired.

Anyway, when he went to the bar, the race of drinking girls changed every day, similar to traveling.

The requirements of the little tortoise master and apprentice are lower.

If you can have a comfortable environment and a convenient life, watch the Internet on TV, practice fighting skills and learn safety rules, you can stay at home all the time.

If you want to have an activity, you can run in the sewer for a few times, even if you are happy in your childhood.

Finally, Frank did not choose to leave, but continued to stay in the bat cave.There is still a small part of the material in it, but it is enough for him to play alone for a long time.

He will also list a series of follow-up training plans and equipment improvement plans for the weaknesses and deficiencies exposed by the team members in this war.

He is quite fond of this special team, and the cooperation can continue after that.

Since we are going to cooperate, we can't save these things. He doesn't have time to go out.

In fact, this time, each member of the team can get a bonus of 500000 yuan, and the account can be selected in cash.

This money is not a reward. It's just Luke's basic living expenses. To avoid these lawless guys, they go to rob small gangsters for a meal in a car.

Isn't that Batman's face!

What is my greatest ability? Of course, it's the money ability.

Luke felt that he must develop this ability, because it is practical enough.

What's more, all the points sent out this time have been changed into money. It doesn't use one twentieth of the black money in the storage space. It's not worth mentioning.

At this point, the special task force, as it had been a few months ago, fell into silence.

The Avengers alliance is similar.

No one but Tony was in the public eye.

All kinds of melon eaters in various media are turning over and over everything of the members of the two teams.

Of course, Luke felt it was more like a public sentence.

For example, one of the most famous broken lips is the heroic posture of shooting one hand and pulling out the other when flying in the air.

For this reason, he was repeatedly bombarded by various parents' federations, juvenile protection associations, well-known critics and so on, criticizing this guy's action as vulgar and unworthy of being a superhero.

As for how strong this guy in red and black armor is and how many Zetas he killed, it's not the focus of public concern.

This "dirty and vulgar" man has a face far beyond ordinary people. He is not ashamed but proud.

Even during the holiday, he called the boss to ask if he could make up for the loss of his mind on the grounds that his young soul had been hurt.

Luke said "get out of here" and stopped talking to wade.

This guy just made more than 20 million. If he gives more money, he will have a bigger appetite next time! Of course, we should crack down on this kind of unhealthy trend.