Just as people began to fight for the ultimate goal, a small green dot appeared in the distant sky.

This green dot is moving very fast.

Different from Thor's kind of flying, this green dot is jumping forward, reaching a height of several hundred meters each time, and then moving forward for a few kilometers, which at first glance is similar to flying.

It was only half a minute from Tony's discovery to his jump from New Jersey to Manhattan.

When I got close, all the people could see clearly that the green dot turned out to be a fat green man over two meters tall.

He smashed a large number of aircrafts in the air with anger on his face, and then roared, "Hok ~ ~" landed on the ground with a roar, grabbed the zetary soldiers and threw them around the aircrafts that fired at him.

The body of the soldiers became a shell, which smashed the aircraft in pieces in an instant.

Tony immediately shouted to Thor, "I'll tell him."

Raytheon looked at the fat green man and looked away decisively: this guy can resist beating. Well, I can beat people.

Tony flew over and said, "doctor, follow me..."

Duang! Boom!

Words just exit, a small number of people are thrown over a soldier hit, in the air rolled seven or eight laps before stopping tens of meters away.

He turned black, but as soon as his eyes turned, he backed up and shouted, "doctor, rocky is in those big bugs. Go on, I'll take care of you." He ran as soon as he finished shouting.

He's not stupid.

Now Manhattan is full of fly like zetary soldiers. Seeing this green fat man is a shot.

Don't use your own nonsense, this super grumpy green fat man will also work with them.

So he just wanted to remind Dr. banner where Loki is, and Hok was very likely to go to the trouble of the big bug warship.

Sure enough, he just flew out a short distance, and saw a green dot rising up in the sky, jumping up hundreds of meters in the air, and beating his head and swinging it on the head of a big bug warship.

The big bug warship's head sinks suddenly, and its body changes from horizontal to semi vertical, like the inverted version of Cobra maneuver.

Then green fat was tearing at his head violently, and the huge green body forced into the warship.

In less than ten seconds, the bug suddenly softened and fell down.

The huge green body smashed the warship and jumped out.

Tony's forehead was a little sweaty. He hurriedly made a speech on the contact channel to remind Batman that the new green fat man was a group, but he had a bad temper. Everyone tried not to get close to him.

In fact, many people have noticed Tony's treatment after he was close to lvpang, as well as the big bug warship that was beaten and blasted in the sky. They are a little worried when hearing this.

Even Mindy, a curious little girl, decided not to say hello to the "new friend".

Compared with the big green man who constantly roars with terror, the V who can read poetry is more pleasant. Although he is not so handsome, at least he speaks well.

Her armour is not as strong as a big bug. What can I do if she is torn into pieces accidentally!

Although the crowd was horrified, the sudden arrival of lvpang as a new force relieved the pressure of the two teams.

The green fat man was completely unafraid of the ion beam attack of the aircraft, and jumped up and down in the sky. Catching a big bug warship was a thump.

Obviously, Tony's reminder worked.

Not to mention what Hok thought, but Dr. banner has a deep memory of Loki, who almost triggered the feud among the Avengers.

He has also seen the scene of Phil's sacrifice, and Hok, who almost smashed Natasha into meat sauce, went on a rampage under the design of rocky.

Now Dr. banner is trying to guide his anger, try not to be disturbed by those fly like aircrafts, and vent his anger on the big bug warship.

With lvpang and Thor, the pressure on the rest of them immediately decreased and the speed of destroying the big bug warship increased significantly.

Ivan finally got the chance and got close to his target 3.

Just as he did so again, he grabbed the warship with his tentacles and forced it closer. A blue light came out of the warship.

Suddenly, Ivan was blown out for tens of meters and smashed into a building.

The big bug warship immediately dropped dozens of miscellaneous soldiers to chase him.

Frank, who has always been focused on the battlefield, immediately informed the crew: "Loki may be within target 7. Nearby players set fire to attack and beat it down. "

Damon just looked and shook his head.

He and target 7 are separated by a large number of floors, temporarily missed each other's angle.

Selena turned on the auto mode on the fire support accessory and said on the channel, "don't fire, I'll go in and force rocky out."

Frank immediately understood what she meant.

Less than 20 minutes into the war, the situation in New York has become extremely dangerous.There is no end to the zetary army.

The longer the time dragged on, the more likely they are to collapse in an instant. At that time, there will be no chance to fight back.

They have to get Rocky's Scepter as fast as they can and close the space gate to really reverse the war.

Tony specifically reminded that Rocky's illusions and mental attacks are quite difficult.

If you fire, the guy is likely to run away after he lands.

Selena went straight in, and that was to mark Loki so that he would not find another chance to hide.

It's dangerous for her to do so, but it's the most time-saving way.

Frank did not hesitate to let the crowd not set fire to warship 7, and Tony and Thor, two super second generation, rushed over.

Rocky is Thor's younger brother. There should be a lot of tricks used on his older brother. The latter can tell and lock him.

Tony is the most special.

He is a key member of both teams and has a high voice, which can solve the possible conflicts and differences between the two sides in a timely and effective manner.

With Batman's affirmation of black cat women's strength, Frank made a choice in an instant.

In contrast, Batman may hesitate at a critical moment because of emotional factors.

Frank is sure that if he is here, he will probably stop the black cat woman's action in the first time.

For Batman, it's better to wait for one or two seconds for the black cat woman to take risks alone.

In fact, he was right.

At the first time, Beidou sent a separate communication with Batman's ID, asking Selena not to take the lead.

Torr, a super tank with rough skin and thick flesh and almost no shortcomings, is the best one for attacking.

Besides, as a brother, he is obliged to clean up the mess his brother has made.

Selena rarely listened to his advice, but replied: "when I became a superhero, I couldn't stay away from any danger all my life. You've done enough. Get out of your way and do your work. Don't bother me. "

Luke: (~ mouth ~)