Luke felt different under the cold-blooded and efficient command of the commander over there.

In the past, most of the gang members he dealt with were fierce, sharp and limited. Three or five of the ten died, and the rest would lose their standard if they didn't run.

Tonight these people are more like dead men.

Death had a little effect on them, but it was far from enough to break them apart.

But he really didn't want these people to be scared away.

Just now, those six bandits, one for three to five hundred points, and more than two thousand experience points, have arrived. He is reluctant to let these people run.

If he is willing to die, will he kill six in ten seconds?

It's enough time for him to kill 15 people in group two several times.

It's wrong to say that a knife cuts meat and a frog is boiled in warm water.

Because the man who cuts meat with a knife will be scared away, and the frog in the warm water will jump out, but in the psychological game, this principle has been effective.

Luke doesn't mind giving hope and time to the other side. He is also giving time to himself. He gets part of the experience points first, and there will be fewer missed fish in the last push.

In this way, the two sides of each bear the ghost perfectly cooperate and start a war.

This is not a residential area, but a commercial area.

The common feature of most business districts is that there are a lot of people in the daytime and no ghosts at night.

There is enough time and space for both sides to decide the outcome here.

Luke didn't withdraw immediately after killing six second group bandits, but wandered in the building.

Several doors and windows on the three story building became the fire point of his attack, and the surrounding bandits fell down again unconsciously.

Then, before the other side was about to close, Luke's figure jumped out of the side door and came out of the enclosure along a line of flower stands.

"He's breaking through the gap between one group and four groups." The commander reminded again.

But with the sound of his words, Luke had come out from behind the flower stage, his bowed body suddenly stood straight, and his fast running pace had become a small and fast-moving floorboards.

Two Glock guns exploded in his hands.

Only turned to his two groups of bandits in front of the bullets flying, subconsciously squatted down to find cover.

This is the conditioned reflection of bandits' long-term combat cultivation, and does not take the commander's will as a transfer.

In fact, thanks to Luke, most of the bullets were fired at the bandits' place at will, not aiming at them.

There were only two bandits standing in his way.

One of them squatted on the roadside railings to guard, the other staggered two meters forward.

At this time, Luke's shadow suddenly appeared ten meters away.

The bandit squatting with the gun pulled the trigger at once, and two short shots swept over to report Luke's position.


He had a hole in his right tactical eyepiece and fell on his back.

This is Luke's first man in the breakout.

Another man is raising his gun at the waist of the cat, but his sight is blocked by the sundries around him. He doesn't find Luke in the first place.

By the time he came out of the mess, the gunfire had already started not far behind him.

His vision finally caught a black figure, and the muzzle of the gun pointed to the past.

But the black figure is not fast, but not slow, just a little faster than the muzzle of his gun.

Just as he was about to catch up with this figure at the muzzle of his gun, the other side had entered the front five meters.

The bandit couldn't help but pull the trigger.

Luke's face was pale, ignoring the bullet that had been wiped 20 cm behind him, and rushed past the bandit before stepping forward, raising his hand and leaning his fingers at will.


The bandit fell to the ground with his head on one side.

At this time, Luke's body suddenly moved sideways.


A slightly dull shot, a bullet hit him just standing position.

Luke has been hiding in the shadow behind the building, shaking his head: not the sniper.

There is no top sniper in this group tonight.

There is a big difference between the top and the elite, just like the gap between the top ten and the top 500.

Although neither of them can hit Luke, the restrictions on his movement are absolutely different.

Moreover, the current strength of these gangsters is not enough to make his "danger perception" react obviously, because their strength is too weak for him.

More than half of his attention is now focused on the movement around him.

Killing these small fish is only for experience points, killing that top sniper may have experience ability.

It is self-evident who is more important.

Experience points can be searched by gangs and secret agencies, but it's hard to see top snipers.

Luke has nothing to lose now. What he lacks is the feeling of entering the top sniper.With this, if you want to be a troublemaker, you should shoot far away.

Whoever loves to investigate, he will not reveal his sniper ability.

Of course, he has a replacement - the cross.

However, the cross is not a bad guy. The ability of super long-range sniper is more characteristic. It has been recorded for a long time, so it is unnecessary for him to cause disaster for his father and son.

The other commander's reaction was quick.

One group, four groups, turn on the spot, keep the fire output continuously, and control his range of action.

Two groups and three groups speed up to the front.

Luke shuttles through the cracks in the house and looks up.

Now there are several other UAVs hovering in the sky. Although they are not as powerful as his medium-sized UAV, they firmly lock their positions.

With this, the commander's orders are always timely.

Luke's mouth is up.

Not afraid that you are too strong, just afraid that you are too vegetable.

If he doesn't leave some hope for these people, he can't eat them.

Compared with the former temporary group killers, the level of these people is slightly lower, but the coordination is more accurate and efficient.

They always kept the scattered formation, didn't give him a chance to fight all in one net, just used the superior firepower to oppress his action space.

This is the standard of the regular team! Luke sighed.

More than one hundred bandits of elite veteran level, with good cooperation, can completely press the real John wick to friction.

That kind of attack, like the tide, is not something a normal person can stand.

Luke is also controlling the speed of action, only relying on the precise shooting and the breath of John the night devil to hide, and the time difference when he meets.

It's impossible to sneak in, because the surveillance of the UAV can't hide.

In the pursuit of the two sides, the other side paid the price of seven people killed again, forcing Luke into a building.

When he stepped into the three-story building, he smiled and breathed out: "it's show time."

and when he walked into the building, the commander also sneered: "he went into the preset location three and acted according to the plan."

Two seconds after he said that, the power of the building was cut off, several lights went out at the same time, and it fell into darkness.