If Ivan didn't just want to revenge Tony, he would destroy a large area of New York tonight.

Tony had another problem with Ivan himself, and keeping him would only make more people like Justin hammer think.

After thinking so much, in fact, it took only a second or two to make the decision: "you deal with it. Just don't let him come out again and cause trouble. "

Luke is silent. He knows what it means.

Bat battle armor's technology is not much worse than steel battle armor's, and there is no essential difference in getting Ivan's technology.

But who can find Batman? Maybe Tony is the one. Other people shouldn't have the chance.

Batman doesn't kill people, but he seems to be good at dealing with bad people.

Ivan is the most suitable one.

Luke did not refuse either. He raised his hand and picked up Ivan.

The next Rhode finally couldn't help saying, "well, can we think about it and hand him over to the state?"

Words just exit, see a pair of white eyes and a pair of red eyes glanced over, twinkle for a moment, two people almost smile in unison: "ha ha!"

Rod raised his hands. "OK, you can hear me saying that."

Tony is used to it.

Luke didn't take it seriously.

This is the bureaucratic process.

It's not about attitude, it's about strength.

He Rhode proposed to hand it over to the state. Batman and iron man disagree. What can he do?

Whoever has a way, go to Batman and ask Ivan out. To get people from this man, rod promised to abdicate immediately and give them to such capable people.

As long as the scene is exported, in fact, it is enough.

Toni and Rhodes are definitely old fellow and have a good relationship with Batman.

But rod is "official", Batman is "people" after all, and Tony is "official business" in a sense.

He can be friends with both "government" and "people", but Batman and rod are very difficult to get along with each other.

Fortunately, rod is not that old-fashioned soldier. He just expressed his attitude clearly.

Luke nodded to the two men, "you'll take care of the aftermath."

As he said, he picked up the bereaved whip in a coma again, put up the cloak behind him, and the auxiliary flying wing appeared to shoot out flames.

Just floating up two meters, he thought of something and said, "Justin hammer, I don't like it very much. Let him go in for a year."

Rhode found the blood red lens and looked at it. He raised his finger and pointed to himself: "it's me again?"

Luke chuckled: "he dares to save the man I arrested. Does he really think he is a law? If he doesn't speak the law, I don't have to speak the law with him. "

Rhodes second understands.

Justin gets hammer out and Ivan makes it today. Obviously, he doesn't take Batman seriously.

Batman, this is a list after the fact.

Justin has to go to jail when he talks about the law. What's the end of criminals who don't talk about the law when they are found by Batman? Recently, thousands of fracture patients in the United States have used real cases to prove that the fracture is proper.

Batman didn't look at Tony, but at him. He asked rod to tell Justin, as a "semi official", not to be a tough guy.

At the same time, it may be Batman's warning to some people.

There was more than one person who helped to get Ivan out of Tony's house, but Justin, the fool, was told to be the first bird.

Or those people who know and don't care about Batman's warning, but they will be more cautious when they meet similar things in the future.

At least not as stupid as Justin, please a god of plague home is not well controlled, directly backfire big news.

Watching Batman fly away with Ivan, rod looks back at the main exhibition hall: "you've only had a few days of the Expo..."

Tony rolled his eyes. "If it wasn't for those people's greed, it would have happened?"

Rod wryly smiled: "Tony, they won't give up if you don't hand over the technology."

Looking at Tony's face, he sighed: "of course I won't advise you to hand it in, but you can't stop the defense department and the military from wanting it. They robbed Ivan, not you. "

Tony also understood that this time, the dumb loss was determined.

Who let him do things carelessly and let others find opportunities.

Those people didn't directly target him, which was completely within the rules.

Compared with the famous historical event that a financial group directly bombed competitors together with its factories in order to seize the market a few decades ago, the method is much more moderate now.

But don't ever doubt how dark the capitalist's hand is.


This way, Luke flew out a short distance and landed. When he found the shelter, he threw Ivan into space 2 to sleep, while the bereavement battle armor threw space 1.

Then after cleaning up the smell and all the traces, he put on his stealth suit and found the car that Selena had parked in the hiding place.Sit up and drive to the East for a certain distance. Under the unsupervised tree somewhere, lower the speed and the rear door will open automatically.

A transparent shadow came in and the door closed again.

Luke: that little secretary is hard to deal with

Selena lifted her stealth status, then posed, pushed the recovery button, and her battle suit was quickly released, retracting into the original super thick notebook form.

"Ha ha, it doesn't count. I like her very much. Good skill, good speech. " She took the coat she had just changed out of the locker and put it on.

Luke was a little interested: "why, where is this little secretary to your eyes?"

Selena put on her coat and went from the back seat to the copilot's seat.

Looking for snacks from the food box in front of her, she said: "I like the way she tested me and then I was stuck in the ground. It's very stubborn and tough, as if the next moment will find the opportunity to win. "

Luke was very interested: "so what happened to her in the end?"

Selena finds out a bottle of juice, pours it down ton ton by ton, ha, then replies: "this kind of little girl, of course, presses to hit a dolphin part! I guess she's going to sleep on her stomach for two or three days. "

Luke laughs.

In fact, this kind of thing will not affect the fight or leave any sequelae.

Selena is really pleased to see each other. Otherwise, she will knock her head out to avoid getting in the way. She can break her bones even more impatiently.

That's how straight the bone breaker is.

"What's the matter with the venue?" She asked.

Luke: Ivan was taken by Batman again

Selena: Why "again"?

Luke: let's go and pick them up. It's too messy here. It seems that they haven't even reached the car yet. "

In the end, Luke and mei just took them to the parking lot to drive their own car home.

However, the previous decision to go to Mei's house for dinner on Saturday night remains the same.