Now Luke has these two abilities. After a cursory study, he finds that they are more powerful than he thought.

For him, physical fitness is not enough, the biggest limitation of ability is not there.

Luke, with strength 40, agility 27 and spirit 40, also has three abilities of primary self-healing, sensitivity and physical burst.

He can easily complete the movements that ordinary people can't do, and he is not afraid of injury when testing primary muscle control.

Apart from the pain many times, there are no other problems.

A base card from muscle control has become a common skill.

Nicky calls it "the explosion," and Luke prefers to call it "the explosion.".

This base card is similar to the physical burst, but it tends to increase strength more, and the side effect is similar, that is, the body appears dark injury.

It's very possible to fuse the base card and physical burst.

Luke felt that as long as he studied exercise for a while, they would develop a new ability.

When muscle control does not break the card, it can make more subtle adjustments and improvements to the movement, so that the muscle can support some difficult movements to complete, and greatly improve the combat effectiveness.

Finally, it has an auxiliary function.

With a little concentration, Luke is able to change the shape of muscles to a certain extent, both on the face and on the body.

That is to say, even if he doesn't have a thousand face system, he can change his appearance instantly.

It's impossible to become someone else's face, but it's easy to make someone else's face unrecognizable.

It can be said that muscle control is a multi-functional "magic skill", far better than expected.

But it's no match for Monica's primary imitation.

The role of primary imitation sounds simple - it allows the owner to quickly imitate other people's body movements.

At first glance, it's no big deal, but when this "fast imitation" is not about increasing proficiency by day, but by minute, the magic index of this ability exceeds primary muscle control.

Take Monica, the original master of this ability, for example. She learned Taekwondo in about three or five days. The difference only lies in her fighting consciousness and physical quality.

She doesn't have to do it herself. She can fully understand these movements just by watching others' shows several times.

How the body works, how to coordinate the nature is clear, and the efficiency is almost as fast as copy and backup.

But like primary muscle control, the real limitation of this ability is the owner himself.

Without enough fighting (Sports) awareness and physical support, it can't make a fat house man land smoothly after turning 720 degrees in the air, even if the fat man clearly completes every step of the action.

This ability is more like an amplifier, which makes all body movements simple.

Just as Luke has enough fighting consciousness and experience, he has a strong body far beyond the ordinary people.

After Nicky and Monica each had one ability, their combat effectiveness increased several times.

And Luke, who has two abilities in combination, is increasing not only combat effectiveness, but also some opportunities that are impossible.

Like all kinds of cold weapons, firearms, extreme parkour, he is proficient in some parts, but because there is not enough training time, it is difficult to cover all aspects.

Now, of course, this problem does not exist.

With strong physical fitness and two new abilities, as well as countless basic knowledge, most combat related abilities can be trained for three or five days, and he can become an expert.

Even if it's a cold long gun, archery, horse riding, skiing, etc., you can learn it and learn it.

It can be said that from the ability to get these two perfect matching, Luke is extremely sure that he will eventually become a fighting master.

And the fighting master will be cosmic, not just earth.

Earth alone, at this stage his primary Combat Mastery has stood at the peak.

Except for some mysterious big men who only heard of his name, others were not in the scope of his scruples.

Given Luke a few years, there must be few people in the universe who can beat him in pure combat.

Any profession or industry, the more upward, the fewer people.

If there are more than a dozen people on earth who are proficient in primary combat, there may be only a few dozen aliens in the whole universe who are proficient in intermediate combat.

Advanced Combat Mastery? Whether this ability exists is questionable.

Raytheon is a good example.

Even the God of Asgard, who has lived for thousands of years, will not waste his energy on too many fighting skills.

As long as he chooses one or two of the most suitable for himself - such as advanced single hammer mastery, and then gets a suitable "artifact", he can play the maximum combat power, and there is no need to work hard on all fighting abilities.

As long as Thor holds the meow hammer and cooperates with the advanced one handed hammer to master it, Luke who does not have a special "artifact" can hardly win even if he has the advanced fighting master.This is a typical question of which is better, which is stronger, which is stronger, which is stronger.

One of Luke's advantages is the super learning module of the system dad, which is the first accelerated cheat machine.

The second is that the newly acquired two abilities can not only play 100% and 200% of the strength, but also quickly learn all the other's body movements with anyone's hand, which is equal to the second accelerating cheating device.

The chemical reaction between the two is not an addition, but may be a multiplication, or even an exponential inflation, so that he can spend a little time in fighting "specialization and broadness".

Playing hammer is not weaker than Thor, playing shield is not weaker than captain, playing bow is not weaker than eagle eye, which is no longer a dream for him.

After studying these two abilities, Luke could not help rubbing his chin and murmuring, "thank Nikki and Monica very much, and then ask them what their dreams are, and try to help them achieve them."

He always felt that even if someone else didn't know what the system acquired, he couldn't think nothing happened.

Since he chooses to kill villains for experience points, he should also thank those who help him, which is his own fairness.

Otherwise, based on the system alone, he can kill the bad guys without guilt, but he can't make himself feel at ease to get benefits from the innocent.

For example, Erich, a little girl with a keen sense of smell in Houston, Luke used his relationship last year to find her mother a well paid job, but didn't let them know it was his strength.

It's the little girl's gratitude that made him have the magic skill of sensitive smell in the early stage of his business.

No matter later solving a case or swiping points, the effect of this ability is beyond imagination.

So, he'll make sure that little girl Alicia is well fed and clothed all her life.

When she grows up and has the ability to get rich, he is willing to quietly become an angel investor for her.

Other equal treatment, as well as Carroll and Tony, he will give enough returns.

In this way, his mind will be peaceful and stable.
