The brave woman nodded without hesitation: "yes, we are Thor's best friends."

Luke pretended to be thinking, and nodded after two seconds: "can you ask, what are his specific features?"

Women also think without hesitation: "blonde hair, half a head taller than me, very strong, should have come here a few days ago."

It was thrown down the other day! Make complaints about Luke's mind.

A moment later, he nodded, "I have seen someone who is similar to what you said, and he also said his name is Thor..."

The beard of the four grabbed Luke's shoulder: "where is he?"

Luke immediately grinned, "Oh, it hurts."

The woman's reaction was the fastest, and she opened the beard's hand with a slap: "are you crazy and want to crush his shoulder blades?"

Then she turned to look at Luke. "I'm sorry, he didn't mean to. Let me see how your shoulders are."

Luke rubbed his shoulder and shook his head. "I'm fine. He didn't use much force. You stopped him in time." He also moved his shoulders a few times, indicating that there was no problem.

The woman was a little surprised, but didn't care.

After all, the doer is not her, she only judges according to the general situation, and the beard may not use much power to a middlegate.

In fact, mustache doesn't use much force - for the asgards, it's just a little.

Luke's shoulder blades are unbroken, just a little clicking.

The primary self-healing and primary limb regeneration immediately began to play a role, and the familiar tingling sensation came from the bones and muscles of the shoulder.

He could not help but smile at the uncomfortable feeling of ordinary people: "well, I'll drive you there. Thor is staying in the pasture outside the town, but I'm not sure that he is the one you are looking for."

Four people a Leng, immediately great joy, repeatedly say good.

A moment later, three big and strong men crowded in the back of F150, while the woman sat in the copilot and was taken away from shackford by the old driver Luke.

Along the way, Luke and four people introduced each other by the way, which is also known.

It's a pity that the primary pheromone control is only effective for women, so he mainly talks with the warrior lady SHIV. Other three big men who call themselves Samurai just look left and right. It seems that they don't understand why SHIV is so gentle to a strange little boy.

You know, they've been friends for hundreds of years, and they don't usually talk like that.

Jealousy is not enough. If you want to eat it, you have to eat it. They are just simple and strange.

Maybe it's this little guy who's so cute? Three big men listen to the front two people talking and laughing, can only think like this.

From Schiff's words, Luke heard a lot of "top secret" news.

These guys don't seem to have a lot of ideas about the earth here, just as Americans don't know the situation of small African countries, or maybe they don't care. Schiff casually tells a lot of recent news about the nine kingdoms.

There are some people making trouble in Warner Heim, and Jotunheim is temporarily calm. For SHIV, it's open and transparent news, but for Luke, a native earth man, it's super amazing.

These news are more similar to instant news, or recent news, which is not the same as the common sense acquired by Thor, nor the memory of Luke I.

Luke has a vague memory of the last world's films, not to mention the nine "news" in them.

Even if the earth was called the atrium by Asgard, or midgalt, he only learned from Schiff.

Luke can add a little more thickness to the database and give Phil a copy.

Some of the world's nosy departments should be in great need of this information.

Will Hydra know? Does not exist.

They can not penetrate into asgarda, nor can they have a relationship with asgarda.

Look at the relationship between the earth and asgarda? Except for those who passed through Thor, no one else, but Thor's brother, rocky, almost destroyed the earth.

People, how can we make friends with ants.

Unless this person has an interest in an ant, such as Dr. Jane.

But if you want to take the initiative to operate this kind of thing, shendun bureau can't do it, so can Hydra.

Soon, F150 stopped at the plank house.

The impatient beard hurried to get off the bus. He knocked down the back door on one shoulder, rushed under the bus and shouted: "Thor, Thor!"

Shiv, who had talked and laughed with Luke before, was a little better and waited a second for Luke to have a chance to unlock and open the car door. He also ran down quickly.

The other two people in the back seat had already drilled out of the damaged door and searched for Thor.

Luke went to the right door, looked at the deformed door which was leaning against the skin and hanging on the car body, and his mouth twitched: now Robert has to nag.

At the same time, he once again confirmed that the four asgards were really strong.If he is tough, his 40 strength can't be compared with them.

Of course, those who can mix with Thor are at least Asgard's top elites.

Luke will not have to compare with them in terms of physical strength. People have their own strengths, and his strengths are never strength.

Over there, the door of the second floor of the plank house was suddenly knocked open, and Thor rushed out, looking at the four people downstairs, with a rare smile on his face.

Some old friends were smiling and hugging. Luke pointed to the three Dr. Jane who came out of the board room. He simply said that these people were Thor's friends. He didn't say more.

You have to believe what you say.

Thor doesn't pick up his meow hammer, and changes himself on the spot. It's just a very strong human.

It's a famous saying that Thor, who can't discharge, can't be a good melee mage.

It wasn't long before Luke and a group of people got back in the car.

They need a place to talk, which is obviously not suitable for the plank house.

Luke is very understanding that we can have a pasture not far away, where there are places to eat, drink and talk.

Everyone has no opinion.

This time, Dr. Jane and shavig drove their jeeps, and four Asgard men were politely invited to the back of the pickup.

He didn't want Robert's F150 back doors to be reimbursed.

Shiv took the initiative to go to the back of the car and chose to play happily with her friends.

Daisy was able to get to the copilot of the pickup truck. Now she put on her black frame glasses again. From time to time, she raised her eyes from the top of the black frame glasses to see the five people in the rearview mirror.

"They Is it too much to play Cosplay? " After listening for a moment, she asked in a difficult, low voice, swallowing her saliva.

What smashed the ice giant's head, dug out the dragon's heart and tore the monster to pieces? This kind of speech constantly floated into her ears from the rear body.