Some mercenaries with the names of security companies or defense companies are not familiar to stark group.

As long as Stark is willing to pay a little money, or even not, a large number of people are willing to help him out.

Luke: who knows? There are many people with brain deficiency. It's not the first time Stark has met this situation, but no one has been successful in the past. Neither of them has been successful, but they have a strong ability to act. "

The two kidnappers actually injured several of Stark's security guards, two of whom were seriously injured and went to the hospital.

A security guard was nearly strangled and had a throat injury. He could only type and communicate with them.

The bone of the other upper arm is broken, and it should be cultivated for at least two or three months.

Thanks to the fact that they are all top-level security, Stark is also well equipped.

At the very first moment of the attack, the companions found something unusual and rushed to help.

Otherwise, the two security guards may not be injured, but dead.

As he drove to the supermarket, he reminded, "don't you think there's something wrong with these two kidnappers?"

Selena: mental problems

Luke chuckled: "it's possible. But what I want to say is, what do you think of when a man is hung with a rope and a bone is broken? "

Selena second understand: "you mean, those two bank robberies?"

Luke nodded, "it's a bit of a coincidence, but it's a bit like that."

As a matter of fact, he had seen the throat mark secured by the rope, which was the same knot technique as the dead bank robber.

This is even more coincidental.

"I'll compare the injuries of the two robbers and the security guard." Selena said and took out the information to read it.

Luke didn't stop it either, leaving her to work.

Until he went to the supermarket and bought a lot of ingredients and snacks, Selena and Mido were still in the car.

Throwing a lot of things into the trunk, he took a bag of chips to get on the car, opened it, ate one first, frowned, and immediately threw it to the back seat.

After a while, the back seat rattled.

Selena's ears moved, and she turned her head and looked at it: "you've eaten all of the Nuggets yourself! Well, garlic and chili sauce. What kind of flavor is that? "

MeiDao's brain bag comes close and wants to lick her.

Selena ducked decisively: "take it off, take your mouth off! Ha ha, it stinks! "

Luke started off laughing.

The dog's mouth smells of garlic. It's sour to think about.

Back home, Luke cooks.

Selena turned over the reports of security injuries and injuries on her mobile phone.

After a long period of comparison, she went into the kitchen and showed Luke the contrast picture on the plate: "your guess should be right. In the bank robbery, the mark of the robber hanged is almost the same as the mark on the neck of Stark's security guard. And the bruise of the broken arm security and the trace of the back brain of another bank robber do not rule out the possibility of the same weapon. "

Luke's hands kept moving, his eyes stopped on the tablet for a moment, and nodded after watching: "so we'd better trace the bank robbery first, and the kidnapping attempt of rich man stark can be closed by the way."

Selena looked at him suspiciously. "Are you sure you didn't lose half a million dollars before checking the bank robbery?"

Luke sneered: "I won him 2.8 million that time. There are more than 2 million net profits left."

Selena is still confused.

She knows Luke so well that this guy has never suffered a loss, let alone lost half a million.

The point is, he doesn't look like a loser.

No matter how suspicious she was, Luke didn't explain anything, but he didn't act on purpose. He had to show heartache.

Because he It's really heartache.

A lot of cash, gold and gems looted from Rio will not be mentioned. The money in Hernan's accounts bears more than half a million dollars of interest every month.

Besides, it's not easy for Luke to find a chance and lose to stark. Is it easy?

It's so hard.

Just now, he used the ability of arc shooting to change the object's flight path, forced the last die of stark to change from the original one to six, and finally completed the expected goal of two net losses.

He was sweating on his forehead because it was more strange to manipulate the dice that stark threw than to manipulate the bullets that he shot.

As for the reason why he lost twice to tonistak, it was because he and Tony kept two net wins.

As a person, we still need the bottom line.

Luke got a lot of very practical and important abilities from stark, and they will continue to be used in the future.

Second, stark lost $2.8 million to him, so that Luke could spend a lot of money on his face.

In the end, stark, intentionally or unintentionally, serves as a strong umbrella for him and Selena, making their detective career in Los Angeles a smooth one.It's Tony Stark's own business how annoying he is. Anyway, Luke has never been bothered by the Playboy's behavior.

However, Luke can't always cheat on him because of his benefits. It's an inevitable choice to let Tony's luck return to normal.

Luke couldn't find a chance before. This time, he finally won back two games.

He didn't want to lose his life because he was supposed to be injured one day.

The earth needs to be saved by this young man after awakening.

As for Stark's ability to become (temporarily unavailable), Luke doesn't care.

On the system panel, Luke's own ability list includes four primary abilities: primary machining, primary mechanical maintenance, primary electronic technology development and primary artificial intelligence development.

Tony Stark's all-around technological knowledge and ability package, Luke has been learning for a long time, and spent more than 10000 points.

At this moment, nearly 100 basic abilities are also in Luke's own ability list.

Luke got these abilities for nearly half a year, and they have been hung by him all the time. He often uses them every day when he works overtime to make goods. He has long brush these abilities into his ability list.

Super learning module function, the main function has always been learning.

Its biggest function is never replication.

Next to her, Selena watched Luke not continue to talk about the five hundred thousand, and said nothing more.

Knowing this, Luke is so much better than her that she doesn't have to worry about it.

"These two guys are also cautious, but they underestimate the power of the stark group." As Selena said, she called up a video: "but if we don't catch them in these days, they can live for a few days, it's unknown."

Luke looks sideways at the pictures taken by the security micro camera.

Although the picture shakes badly, his vision has clearly caught the two robbers' hands.