We can't let the father and daughter stay in Los Angeles any longer. This is clearly to compete for jobs with ourselves.

Luke muttered to himself.

If the father and daughter can clean up their hands and tails, he doesn't mind letting the gangs brush everywhere in Los Angeles.

But these two people didn't mean to clean up at all. Every time they killed people with blood, they robbed cash and destroyed medicines.

Where is like Luke going out to start work in the evening? They are all fixed steps like assembly line operation. They are missing properly. There is absolutely no murder.

In order to reduce the crime rate of mass malignant cases in Los Angeles, he has done his best.

If it hadn't been for this week, Luke would have scored another 12000 points.

Over there, Damon, who is browsing the news on the Internet, received a notice and quickly took out his Luke mobile phone: "minty, translate it."

Minty threw the butterfly knife in her hand and plunged it into the post not far away. She came and looked at the message: "V inform us that we can deliver the goods tonight. Let's prepare for good luck."

Damon said, "two days in advance is good. We are not familiar with the land here. Last night, that group of talents got 20000 dollars. "

Minty: "it's better to be in New York. We know who has the money."

Damon's face darkened: "but now frank and Kim are united. The guy actually talked about Kim and asked the top hitter, target eye, to come to our trouble. We've tried to sabotage his business several times recently, and we've been targeted. Or the monitoring equipment that Mr. V provided before, the target eye can be attached to us for the first time. "

"I can't hide. I'll have a face-to-face fight with him!" Minty's mouth is killing.

Damon shook his head: "don't have this idea. The rumors about the target guy are terrible. For him, the first choice is to be invisible all the way. If you hit him well, never give him a chance to fight back. If I get these equipment back this time, I will try to get him into the trap and kill him. "

Mindy: "he It's not that easy to fall for, is it? "

Damon: "at least teach him a lesson and let him lie down for ten and a half days. Don't let him see our strength, this guy will follow us like a mad dog, without any scruples. Hum, this guy even came to Los Angeles. I'm familiar with his technique. He must have done the case that SWAT team killed the other day. "

Luke did not know that the target was originally following Damon's father and daughter. He was still in the final rush.

He didn't take on the case these days. He had a lot of time. He had already taken out all the equipment that Damon and his daughter wanted. There was also an extra vest in the gift equipment.

This is the special alloy bulletproof vest he wears. There are still some materials left, but it is not enough to make clothes for ordinary people. Only minty little Lori with five short statures can use it.

Even so, the vest can only be modified into a sling type. The material is just that. It's a special treat for little Lori!

After that, it was dark. He asked Selena to open the monitoring and defense measures of her residence and go out by herself.

After putting down the equipment in an abandoned factory and monitoring it around, Luke sent a message to Damon's father and daughter.

Ten minutes later, the father and daughter appeared.

Not far away, Luke got out of the car, and a procedural reminder came from the headset: "if a suspicious vehicle is found, enter the alert range."

As Luke walked, he took out his fake mobile phone and called up the monitoring screen.

Switch to the monitoring screen of the warning, it can be seen that there are two large trucks coming in at the gate of the abandoned factory, followed by three cars.

Luke pondered for a moment and slipped into the dark.

With the newly upgraded equipment, he made a quiet half circle and approached the group who suddenly broke in.

At the moment, the earphone has sent a small program's reminder: "thirty-six targets have been found, and thirty targets have automatic weapons."

Luke frowned and thought about it. He took a night vision instrument out of the storage space and looked at it.

Among a group of gunmen, he just swept quickly and focused on a few people who got on and off the car in the back.

Compared with other gunners, they are all tactical vest with all kinds of clothes. Five people in black suits are too conspicuous.

However, these guys don't look like Cheney's shield agents, but more like gangsters.

However, his attention finally focused on one person.

This man was the only one among the six who didn't wear a black suit, but a drafty black leather windbreaker and a strange bull's-eye tattoo on his forehead made Luke immediately move.

Target eye!

This guy is the target!

As the thought whirled around, Luke took out his fake mobile phone and sent a message to Damon's father and daughter.

As soon as the message was sent out, he immediately turned on the electronic detection function of the mobile phone, and after that, pieces of equipment appeared in his hands and he quickly dressed up.A moment later, a set of pure black armor appeared on his body. Except for the lack of a cape, the helmet is more similar to the iron man's, and the others are similar to the master.

In addition to its protective effect, it completely changes his physical characteristics. He doesn't want to be recognized by the target eye.

After all this, Luke has an M4A1 in his hand and raises his gun to aim at it.

More than 100 meters away, I was looking at a group of targets under the cover of advance, and suddenly I felt a strong sense of crisis.

Without hesitation, he stooped to hide behind the shadow of the car.

Bang bang bang!

The crisp three shots broke the tranquility of the abandoned factory.

Luke: it's not that easy.

The target is not an opponent that can be easily solved by a sneak attack.

However, he will not stop at once if he is the first one. The M4A1 in his hand is aimed at the car, and the trigger is not released when it is buckled, and the magazine is emptied in an instant.

Even if the guy hit the target eye once, the system will probably decide that he won. He didn't get shot first this time.

As the magazine emptied, Luke began to move at high speed.

Pa Pa Pa!

It was not obvious that there were two pistol sounds mixed with the gunman's slight impact, but Luke's shooting position flashed two bullets in a flash.

If he was half a second late, he would get two bullets in his face.

Luke's heart was very excited at the moment, and his whole body was shivering.

How long has it been? His hidden strength as a detective has no real chance to give full play to it.

At present, a fierce opponent finally appears. His current identity is no longer detective Luke Colson, but - V.

Luke had already jumped from the back of the building, the hook and rope removed the falling movement, and he began to move forward irregularly after landing.

In the right side of the headset, there is a very subtle electronic prompt sound: "two enemies 12 meters away from the front left, one enemy 23 meters away from the front right,..."