Selena looked for the police car and cried out in a disappointed voice: "Damn, they only have two shotguns in the car."

This gun is actually good, powerful and has a high hit rate in close combat. It's suitable to fight such monsters.

But Luke broke one hand, which would be inconvenient to use.

Luke's face was calm: "I've got a pistol. You can use the shotgun yourself. Check all those guns, and then drop the loaded gun."

There were ten people by the lake. Luke only touched two pistols and some magazines.

The other eight guns add up to at least 100 bullets that can be fired directly, saving him even the work of changing magazine.

Selena ran back decisively with two shotguns.

When she came over, she put the M1911 in her hand into his armpit holster, and then put a left wheel into his hand to replace the M1911 with four rounds.

Luke's hands sank and he was stunned. He looked at the left wheel.

Smith Wilson M500!

He saw the gun just now, but the five rounds of ammunition and the troublesome loading process made him give up the big weapon.

But now it can be used. Anyway, throw it when you've finished fighting. The so-called hand gun guy is enough to blow through the bodies of several monsters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three low shots sounded, and a hole appeared in the chest of the two monsters. They fell and twitched in an instant, without even struggling and shouting.

He used the gun for the first time. He missed the second shot and missed the last one.

Two more monsters rushed out.

Bang! Bang!

One head of the two monsters was smashed, and the other half with shoulder and neck was gone. The same second.

Throw away the M500 in his hand, Luke pulls out the M1911 again.

at this time, the forest is finally quiet, and Serena's breath stops for a while, which seems to be the prelude of any super boss.

In the end, it turns out that the scenes in this movie didn't happen.

No mountain monster leader rushed out of the forest, but a few minutes later there was a buzz in the air.

Selena looked up and saw two red dots flashing in the night sky: "helicopter?"

"Well, it's always at the end of the movie that the FBI comes out to wash the floor, and we're safe." Said Luke.

Selena's face was blank: "ah? What do you mean? "

Luke could only explain: "I called director Thomas before I went to see you. He said he would let the rescue helicopter come and inform the FBI at the same time. Go and adjust the lights of these cars and show them the open space. "

A few minutes later, two helicopters landed on the flat land near the lake near the two men and got down 12 people.

Eight FBI agents got on and off the FBI painted helicopter.

Of the four people on and off the rescue coated helicopter, two were doctors, two were senior detectives of the serious crimes team, and they were also the irons of Thomas. They were wearing plain clothes.

And FBI agents are all bulletproof vests and short and long weapons.

When two plainclothes detectives saw Luke and his men, they immediately took out their guns and ran over.

Luke beckoned Selena to pass. He was still facing the woods.

The FBI and two Houston police detectives listened to Selena's explanation. Four FBI detectives covered the bodies of the monsters killed by Luke near the edge of the forest.

After checking for a while, they looked dignified, and someone flew back to the plane to contact their superiors.

Luke watched FBI agents take over the defense work, and then walked to the helicopter side, and two detectives said hello, said thank you.

When the agent of the report finished talking, he said: "those monsters killed a group of people on the other side of the lake. When the support comes, you can go and have a look. But there are fewer people. It's better not to go there. Those monsters are too difficult to deal with. They are fast, they can move fast in trees, and they are more powerful than ordinary people. "

The agent nodded, "well, thank you for your warning. We'll be careful."

Luke shook his head. "We should thank you. Oh, the youngest son of the family we kidnapped with, Bobby, may still be in a car over there, if the monster doesn't catch or kill him. But the mother and daughter have been caught in the monster's cave, and another strange woman is also in it. I don't know who she is... "

Selena suddenly said, "that woman may be Sarah Berman, the wife of the missing couple we came to wolfkel to investigate."

Luke: what He didn't even think it would be like this. Before that, he really thought that the missing couple had been killed by this group of game players.

Selena: "after I was caught, I talked with her for two times. Although she didn't respond very much, the name is really this, and I looked at her appearance and characteristics, which is similar to the missing wife."But it doesn't matter.

The victims of this case are not only Luke and his son. The body of Bob's father is cold over there. Bobby's son may be cold soon.

During the conversation, the FBI chief frowned: "doctor, what are you doing?"

The two busy doctors looked up a bit blankly: "ah?"

The group leader pointed to Luke beside him: "didn't you see that the detective was seriously injured?"

A doctor said, "but these two officers were shot."

The group leader sneered: "ha ha, they are now suspects of murder. They also shot this detective Luke beside me. Shouldn't you give priority to the treatment here?" He pointed to Luke by his side.

The two doctors looked at the next two policemen who were tortured in the police car in surprise, packed up the emergency rescue box and left.

Now the FBI is a big guy, and the Houston detectives who came here together didn't say a word. Obviously, they acquiesced to what they said just now. Of course, they should listen to this side.

Before Luke could untie the bandage on his left arm, the doctor was surprised: "you have a fracture. It's serious. Don't you hurt?"

Luke rolled his white eyes: it doesn't hurt!

But he just ran for his life and killed monsters. Now he has to explain the situation to the FBI and his colleagues as soon as possible. Don't let them be attacked by monsters and those players who have changed too much. He didn't have time to cry for pain.

Now being reminded, he bit his teeth and said, "have you ever seen a fracture that doesn't hurt? Like me? "

The doctor smiled awkwardly, quickly and carefully untied the bandage on his left arm, and was even more surprised: "you have also been shot in this arm?"

What can Luke say, can only bite a tooth to nod: "otherwise?"

The doctor was speechless, and his staff quickly checked his injury and shook his head: "the bullet is not in it. I can bandage you at most, and then fix your broken arm with splints and bandages. More measures can only be taken back to Houston. I dare not do anything about it."