Luke Yang raised the paper bag in his hand and said, "look, I've even brought your lunch with me. You can do more."

Selena curled, but she didn't say, "where are we going?"

Luke uh, "we? Where do you live? "

There seems to be something wrong with this.

Selena wondered: "it's Houston. You want to live in a three story building like shackford? Do you have that much money? "

Luke then understood that his mind had been thinking about other things recently. When he had time to think about this, he asked modestly, "what's your plan?"

Selena: it's very simple. We rent together

Luke nodded. "And then?"

Selena: that way, we can use your car to go to and from work, so we can save a lot of transportation costs

Luke: So you're waiting for me here.

Selena: can you cook? If we can cook, we can save money. "

Luke kneels down to the budget minded Selena, and she has everything to consider except the first item.

Well, it's all from his side.

Facing Luke's subtle expression, Selena was also a little embarrassed: "I can't help it, just in the past, it's better to save some money, you know I don't have any savings."

Luke: ha ha

It's not that she doesn't have a lot of savings, but there are not many young people in the United States who have a lot of savings. Middle-aged people don't have a lot of savings. Everyone's credit card and loan consumption can fly. Use them first, and then pay them back slowly for a lifetime.

Luke was very happy at the moment. Fortunately, he went to Mexico last time and brought back ten thousand US knives for the purpose of doing experiments. Otherwise, he would have to eat earth to go to Houston this time.

Of course, what's more, he roughly confirmed some systematic rules from that experiment, which would not prohibit him from eating black for nothing.

It's not necessary to eat for nothing, so Luke is no longer white, but dirty cop.

With the systematic urination, when he was a black policeman, he still didn't recognize him in the host, which was an unknown number.

Of course, he can't risk the disappearance of the system for a little money.

They drove all the way to Houston.

In the middle of the lunch, they found a gas station, where they had lunch brought by Luke.

After eating, Selena, who was growing more and more cheeky, said, "Oh, my idea is right. You're a man who's good at calculating and living. This meal alone will save us at least ten dollars. "

Luke: Thank you so much for your praise.

After a night's rest in a motel, the two continued their journey the next day, arriving at the Houston West End police station at 3pm.

Find the deputy director's office, Luke two people go in, they met their boss's boss.

Robert said that it would be nice for both of them to come directly to this director Thomas Parker. Genuine goods at a fair price, old fellow

, he mentioned to Luke.

Among the four irons of life, director Thomas and Robert have carried guns and shared the spoils together.

Of course, it was Luke's guess.

Thomas is a black man in his forties. He's already a little bit fat. Obviously, the position of deputy director of the Department has reduced his sports too much.

Robert has enough time to exercise and maintain his body shape because of his leisurely rural life.

After receiving the salute of the two and looking at their orders and files, Thomas didn't say much.

actually did not need to see two small detective himself, but Robert was old fellow, and he could only come personally.

old iron, old fellow, is worth money, and it's not worth it.

But for Robert, Thomas is different.

he knows how fierce Robert is, and Robert is not only old fellow.

In that year's team alone, there were no fewer than ten people who had been saved by Robert, not once.

Maybe some people will forget the help, but no one wants to spread the name of ingratitude among a group of old friends.

Robert almost didn't ask them to do anything, so it was more personal.

Now Robert opens his mouth and asks him to arrange two positions. Then he has to go on.

And Robert asked another great God to say hello, which was even more impossible to refuse.

What's more, Robert's position for them is not high, it's just a transfer.

It's not too hard for Thomas to put two detectives in the serious case team.

The two are police officers of the sheriff's system, with some differences from the city PD.

Luke, in particular, is under 19 years old. He has too little working experience, but his resume is amazing.

One night, 13 Gang gunmen were killed.

Not to mention in the small town of shackford, even in Houston, there are few such achievements.Thomas didn't doubt the truth of the information, and Robert didn't care to cheat on it.

Even if Luke is a rookie who has just been a policeman for three months, Robert asks, and Thomas wants to help.

Besides, this case is still handled with the FBI. Robert is not good at making the FBI's guys with eyes on their heads help a little policeman to cheat.

It can be said that even if Thomas used his own power to transfer the two men to the west district police station, there were irregularities, but he also had a saying.

Where are their achievements!

Who wants to question injustice? He has to pick out more than ten gunmen. As long as he can kill Luke's change, Thomas dares to put him on the serious case team.

This kind of super fierce general can fight, the West District Police Bureau has been lacking, special recruitment of two in is also very normal.

But the style of the deputy director could not be lost. Thomas just encouraged him. He didn't look particularly kind, so he called their immediate superiors to take them over.

Well, it's a kind of ostensibility.

The leader of the serious case team came to the office of the deputy director general to receive two new members. As long as they are not fools, they all know what it means.

Everyone was very busy. In a few words, Thomas and the leader of the serious case team finished the communication.

Two people salute to leave, follow oneself immediate superior to go to take office.

Berwick at the moment is quite dissatisfied.

It's inexplicable that my serious case team was crammed into two detectives. At first sight, they were still two rookies.

Selena is Hispanic, and Hispanic is also famous for not being old. At the age of 24, she looks younger than many white girls at the age of 20.

A lot of sports and the comfortable environment in Texas countryside make her whole person full of energy.

Let alone Luke, whose skin is delicate, white and clean, younger and more like a high school student.

Is the boy really a policeman? Isn't it a super rookie who has only issued a few tickets?

With this dissatisfaction, burick went into the office of the serious case group with a dark face.