On a luxury warship.

A young man in white stood with his hand in his hand, looking leisurely at the distant scenery.

"What? No confidence? " At this time, a girl in red appeared beside the young man in white.

"To tell you the truth, I don't have much confidence," said the young man in white

"You are the most amazing existence of my wood clan." Said the girl in red with a smile.

"Others don't know, don't you?" Smell speech white dress youth took back the eye light, he looked at the side of the red dress woman, "I am not your opponent."

"Do you think I don't know you're letting me?" The girl in red had a look of embarrassment on her beautiful face.

"I like you." What the woman in red did not expect was that the young man in white suddenly said this sentence.

The woman in red had a look of astonishment on her face.

Then he showed Yan with a smile, "this joke is not funny at all."

"I don't have one." When the young man in white just said this, the woman in red interrupted him, "I said, this joke is not funny at all."

The young man in white sighed, "I don't understand why we can't be together."

"You don't know the relationship between our two races?" Looking at the pain on the young man's face in white, the woman in red said leisurely.

"I don't care." The young man in White said without thinking.

"But I care." But the woman in red said.

"I don't believe you care about this?" The young man in white roared.

"Have you ever thought about family resistance?" The woman in red helped the young man in white tidy up the wrinkled clothes.

"I said, I don't care." Said the young man in white, feeling a little out of control.

The woman in red was silent.

"you should know our potential. After that, we has the final say." The young man in white followed the shoulder of the woman in red.

"But I'm not interested in you." The words of the woman in red let the young man in white be struck by lightning.

"What?" Asked the young man in white.

"I don't feel for you." Said the woman in red.

"I don't believe it." The young man in white roared.

"I've always thought of you as a friend." The woman in red said seriously.

The eyes of the young man in white turned red.

For a long time, he said bitterly, "I'd rather not know you if I could."

The woman in red was silent.

And just then a flat voice sounded on the warship.

"Is it convenient for me to speak now?"

The faces of the women in red and the youth in white changed.

When they saw a young man standing not far away, they looked as if they had seen a ghost.

"You - how did you show up here?" Said the young man in white with a dignified look.

This is a king's top warship.

In front of the youth but quietly through the heavy protection of the warship came to them?

Unless this young man has the imperial cultivation.

The problem is that there is a high-ranking royal guard on this warship.

Why didn't the guard warn?

"Your ship's protective gear is not so good?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "I easily entered here."

"Where is my protector?" The young man in white is on guard.

"Sleeping." Ye Hao pointed to an old man in the depth of the warship and said, "don't worry, I didn't hurt his life."

Ye Hao's accomplishments are not enough to make an emperor level high-ranking strong man fall asleep, but Ye Hao's golden body is a half step taboo.

Hearing this, the young man in white breathed a sigh of relief.

The woman in red stares at Ye Hao for a while and says, "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here to ask you to do me a favor." Ye Hao looks at the woman in red.

"What's the matter?" The woman in red and the young man in white looked at each other and asked.

They don't dare to act rashly.

You know, the young men in white are in a coma.

In other words, either Ye Hao is an expert himself, or there is a master behind him. And in either case, they can't cope with it?

"Are you going to Qingqiu?"


"I want to pretend to be your guard in." Ye Hao said softly.

"You don't have to be sneaky to get in, do you?" The woman in red asked.

"I found that Qingqiu has been in contact with people from other countries all the time." Ye Hao pondered for a while and then said, "I'm not sure if Qingqiu wants to do something this time?"

Smell speech red dress woman and white dress man's facial expression all changed.

This is undoubtedly a strong news.

"You mean Qingqiu is in danger?" What does the man in white realize?"I'm just skeptical now." Ye Hao shook his head. "This is why I hide my identity."

"So you haven't answered me yet. Who are you?" The woman in red looks at Ye Hao with burning eyes.

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

"You don't need to know that. When we get to Qingqiu, we'll go our separate ways." With these words, Ye Hao came to a rattan chair and lay down.

It was as if the warship was his.

The woman in red and the young man in white looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"What to do?" Asked the young man in white.

"I think we should do what he says." The woman in red pondered for a while and said, "he told us the news about Qingqiu's contact with monks from other countries. Do you think we can be alone at this time?"

"What do you mean?" The young man in white changed color.

"Even after we got to Qingqiu, do you think he might not spy on us?" Said the woman in red.

"I can contact the ancestors of the clan to come."

"Once contacted, it's a rip off." The woman in red said, "what's more, how can you make sure that there is no taboo strong man behind this young man?"

"Even if there are strong taboos behind this young man, are they still the opponents of our two races?" The young man in White said so and called a name in his heart.

What surprised the young man in white was that after ten breaths, the taboo strongman of his clan still showed no sign of coming.

"Why not?" The young man in white looked pale.

"Is it --" But the woman in red thinks of something. She looks uneasily at Ye Hao.

"Are you contacting the taboo strongmen of your tribe?" Just then Ye Hao looked at them with a smile.

"No - no," he said

"Rimwood, I hope this is the first and last time." Ye Hao told the name of the young man in white.

Edge wood!

The top of the younger generation of the Mu generation exists.

"Do you know me?" he said

"Tianjiao, pushed out by the Mu people, do you think I may not know it?" Ye Hao said faintly.

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