On the way back to the dormitory, Wu Bing was a little absent-minded and still thinking about the research.

The emergence of the improved HX3 agent has brought about a temporary reduction in the number of deaths caused by the rydman virus.

But she knew that she could only get one month at most. Over the course of a month, the absence of specific drugs and vaccines means that there will be a steady stream of deaths, which is the concern of researchers.

She knew that the success of the improved HX3 drug was very fast. If it wasn't for Chen mozai, give them the right research direction, some theoretical data and suggestions, and give their team several more months, it would not be successful.

"I don't know when the specific drug of rydman virus will succeed." Wu Bing sighs.

"If you are not in a hurry, go back and think about it more. You should have a clue soon."

Chen Mo shakes his head. If the virus is not horrible, it will never be a plan for ridman to retaliate against the West. Like that kind of ruthless person, revenge will not be easy.

"Hope." Wu Bing said with a smile. Now there is Chen Mo, maybe this strange man who creates a miracle can create a miracle.

"Mogo, back."

"Hello, Miss Wu Bing."

Just as they arrived at the door of the dormitory, Mo Nu opened the door and said hello to them when they saw each other, no different from ordinary people.

This is the dormitory in the capital isolation area. Researchers such as Chen Mo and Wu Bing are arranged in the same building for easy management. Chen Mo and Wu Bing belong to the expert group. The dormitories they are assigned to are on the same floor, just opposite each other. So every day when he comes back, Wu Bing can see Mo nu.

This woman is so beautiful that she is jealous.

"Hello, Miss mo." Seeing Mo Nu at the door, Wu Bing politely responded, throwing Chen Mo a meaningful look: "you have a rest earlier, see you tomorrow."

Other researchers, I wish the people around me were far away from this place. Chen Mo is the only researcher who brings people here, or a super beauty.

When Chen Mo brought Mo Nu over on the first day, many researchers were surprised and looked at them vaguely.

They still live together at this time. Although there are two rooms in the dormitory, Chen Mo also says that Mo Nu is his assistant, but no one will believe it. This kind of time all lives together, the lone male and the widowed female, the talented woman looks, does not have any special relations, the ghost does not believe.

"See you tomorrow."

Chen Mo has long been used to Wu Bing's meaningful eyes.

Other people can't see that Mo Nu is a robot. He is a little happy. After all, Mo Nu is his masterpiece. The reaction of others just proves that his masterpiece is very successful.

He doesn't have to explain to others that Mo Nu is a robot. It's amazing.

"Mogo, the 3D printer was assembled successfully." Chen mogang enters the dormitory and Mo NV opens her mouth.


Hearing the news, Chen Mo was shocked.

"Yes, this is the nano copper statue printed by the printer during the test run."

Mo woman hands Chen Mo her mobile phone. It's a picture taken by a microscope. It's a statue of Chen Mo smaller than her hair. She has a clear figure and a smile on her face.

"At last."

Chen Mo has a sense of lightness, which shows that he has made it. He breathes out, and the sense of fatigue disappears a lot.

When the research phase of the printer was completed, the parts began to be produced and assembled. He didn't need to intervene any more before he joined the medical team. After a month, it was finally assembled successfully.

"Continue to assemble more printers, which you will need later." Chen Mo said.

The completion of nano 3D printer means that his next R & D and production are no longer limited by ultra precision parts. The speed of his production of various robots and mechanical equipment will be greatly accelerated.

But now is not the time to be happy. The most important thing is to end the virus crisis.

With the success of the nano 3D printer project, he can start the task in the field of medicine. The field of medicine is his most urgent need at present.

There are a lot of universal specific drugs and super vaccines in the medical technology of [apprentice of science and technology] stage, which can completely end the virus crisis.

He took the lead in developing drugs to prolong the onset of rydman virus. He wanted to delay time and wait for the success of 3D printers. When he got the completion of the medical field, all the crises would be solved.

After a quick bath, Chen Mo lies back in bed and enters the science and Technology Library.

In the science and Technology Library, the tall bookshelves are still as quiet as ever, with infinite mystery, which can arouse people's strong curiosity.

After a little emotion, Chen Mo quickly walked to the center of the library.

Eight books in eight directions, seven light pillars are already dim, only biomedical light pillars are still bright, and a book is suspended in the middle.

Completing the project of this book means that he can open all biomedical technologies in the stage of [science and technology apprenticeship], and also means that he can open all kinds of technology books in all fields, which are countless technologies beyond the current era.And with the end of the apprenticeship phase, he can get the next permission of the science and Technology Library.

Countless incredible technologies are beckoning to him.

When he came to the bright light of biomedical field, Chen Mo took a deep breath to calm his mind as much as possible.

Universal virus medicine!! Super vaccine!! RNA virus vaccine! Any one will do. Reaching out to the book, Chen Mo was meditating in his heart.

I didn't think about a certain technology that I wanted to orient before. I would study whatever I got before.

But now, rydman virus is rampant. If this book can get the pharmaceutical technology or formula of virus specific medicine, he can directly solve the crisis. Without waiting for the completion of this subject, he can open the rights of science and technology apprentices, and then select the technology of virus specific medicine. The time is shortened too much, and many lives can be saved.

At the moment when the palm of the hand touches the book, the information of the book rushes into his brain. The tingling from the cerebral cortex, as well as the tingling of nerves, and a feeling of chest tightness, make Chen Mo feel that the whole person is not good.

Every time this feeling is not good, but fortunately, biomedical technology has a lot less data than other technologies. Apart from the initial nerve tingling and chest tightness, there is no other more severe discomfort.

It seems that his wish has been answered by the library of science and technology. This book is indeed a vaccine related book, similar to universal vaccine technology.

Customized vaccine system, field: medicine, genetic engineering; authority level: Science and technology apprentice; product introduction: take the same basic gene components as the backbone or main framework of the vaccine, take this framework as the platform of vaccine system, adjust the gene sequence, insert the gene sequence of different viruses, to form immunity against different viruses.

It's a timely rain.

Calm down, Chen Mo shows a hint of surprise.

With this technology, it means that he can customize vaccine for any virus at will, which is the technology he wants most at present. Chen Mo began to digest the data of customized vaccine system.