"I asked you to come?" Jinling asked with a sneer.

"Of course, it's you. You asked me to meet you. I came in secretly when I wanted to meet you. Otherwise, how could I wear the clothes of the maid of Prince Yan's mansion, and I happened to appear when the princess was alone?" Although the man does not know well, his mouth is still very hard.

"Are you sure it's me?" Asked Jinling again.

"It's you, of course!" The man clenched his teeth and said, "princess, you and I haven't seen each other before. Although we didn't dare to, we can still meet each other when you go back to your mother's house!"

"Me?" The golden bell slowly took off the cap on his head, and his smile grew colder and colder.

"You..." Jing Wenyan looked at the Golden Bell and wanted to talk. However, seeing the Queen Mother's fierce eyes sweeping over, she looked down and dared not talk again.

She is really flustered, so she will lose her calmness. She will bite her teeth hard. As long as Wei YUEWU is gone, it's a maid's business to say anything. Can she say nothing more than a maid!

She waited for the news of the accident at Weiyue dance.

"Are you sure it's me?"

"It's you, princess. There will be a empress dowager here. You just ask me again and again. Can't I forget who is intimate with me? Or there are too many people in the house for the sheriff, so that the sheriff himself can't remember that it was me who asked for it today! " The man said fluently.

It's really tricky to say. If it's Wei Yue dancing now, it's really unclear.

But now it's Jinling.

"Empress dowager, please put this man to death directly and return justice to our Lord." Golden Bell "plops" a kneel down, toward empress dowager Niang way.

"But It's you You are not the princess... " The man will also react, staring at the Golden Bell and sweating.

"I'm not!" Jinling turns back with a sneer.

"But But you Is it you who pretended to be the princess and had a tryst with me? Yes, it must be you! " The man's reaction is also fast, eyes turn, continue to bite the golden bell road.

"I have a tryst with you?" The golden bell turned and said angrily.

"Yes, more than once, several times, but every time you say you are a princess, so I will recognize the wrong person!" This meeting of men is also a real fight. They bite the golden bell to death.

"You say, when?" Asked the golden bell, biting his teeth.

"I......" The man couldn't answer for a while. It's still easy to find out the whereabouts of such a big girl as Jinling. It's not who wants to say where she appears when she appears.

Besides, I didn't notice the girl before. For a while, the man couldn't answer.

"Empress dowager, please return our princess a justice, return our Yandi a justice!" The golden bell no longer pays attention to the man and kowtows to the Empress Dowager's mother two heads, quietly saying things to Dali.

In this way, the Empress Dowager has to intervene in this situation. Basically, it has been seen clearly that this man is really coming to contaminate Weiyue dance. It will be found that the person in front of her is not Weiyue dance, but Weiyue dance's maid, who immediately splashes dirty water on her.

"Come, beat people to death, send them to Prince Yan's mansion, and let Prince Yan dispose of them by himself!" The Empress Dowager said coldly.

Without saying anything, the two mammies dragged the people down. They heard that they were going to fight and die, and then they were sent to Prince Yan's mansion. The man struggled violently and cried out: "empress dowager, I am wronged. I saw a letter at the gate of the nunnery, and then I came in secretly under my own name. In fact, it has nothing to do with the little one."

"Not yours?" The Empress Dowager said in a cold voice that there had been a palace man holding her to the pavilion for a long time.

The man was pulled back again.

"It's not a small one. I don't know Princess Jingde or the maid around her. I only saw such a letter. I thought it was cheap, so I came in secretly. Actually, it has nothing to do with the small one. The small one is just greedy!"

The man, with a sad face, reached out and took out a letter, a crumpled letter.

The palace maid took it from him and handed it to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager looked down at it at a glance. It was really an invitation letter, but there was no beginning and no signature. But when she came in and what she wore when she came in were very clear, which was in line with the man's words.

The Empress Dowager looked up at the Golden Bell and said, "where is your master?"

"Our Lord should be in the yard!" The golden bell replied respectfully.

"Why do you wear your master's clothes?" The Empress Dowager nodded, turned her head and called a maid to ask Wei Yue to come over, and then her eyes fell on Jinling, whose clothes were obviously not her own.

"Report to the Empress Dowager's mother. Our Lord thought it strange, so he let the maidservant wear her clothes and come out for two turns." Jinling reports truthfully.

"Is there anything strange?" The queen asked.

"Our Lord met Prince Huai in the peach blossom forest. Prince Huai said that Prince Wei brewed some peach blossom wine and asked our Lord if he wanted it. Since it was brewed by our Lord's brother, our Lord naturally wanted it. Later, Prince Huai sent wine twice. One was a maid and the other was a young man. Later, our Lord inquired about it. Prince Huai went up the mountain only With a young man, there was no maid at all, but the girl who suddenly appeared pretended to be princess Huai. She first sent wine to our Lord, and then came to see if our Lord had drunk wine! ""It's a strange situation!"

"That's why your master asked you to wear her clothes?" The queen asked again.

"Yes, except for Princess Huai, the only thing about the wine was that Miss Jing was present. Although Miss Jing didn't turn out from behind the peach tree, we both saw it!" Jinling points at Jing Wenyan.

"I I don't know! " Jing Wenyan looked up in a daze. "At that time, when I saw the princess and Princess Huai Talking from afar, I didn't come to disturb you, but I was far away, and I couldn't hear what they said!"

Originally, Wei Yue dance saw herself early, but she didn't find out yet.

Jing Wenyan feels that she has made a mistake. Fortunately, this meeting is not a complete failure. As long as Wei YUEWU is gone, some things are not what a maid said.

"Miss Jing is just behind the two peach trees. How can she not hear you at such a close distance!" Jinling's face surprised, but also deliberately point out the distance.

"I didn't feel well. I just wanted to find a place to rest. I really didn't hear anything!" Jing Wenyan clenched her teeth and said she didn't believe her identity and said she couldn't go without a maid.

She is waiting for the news of Wei YUEWU's disappearance.

As soon as Wei YUEWU disappeared, the maid was the main suspect. What she said would not count. It would even make people think that she was the main criminal who disappeared from Wei YUEWU.

The Empress Dowager's eyes fell on Jing Wenyan's face, with some suspicion and examination in her eyes.

"Empress dowager, I was really uncomfortable at that time. Later, I asked you for leave. Did I come back to have a rest first?" Jing Wenyan looks at the Empress Dowager's way wrongly.

"You really don't know anything?" The queen asked.

"Empress dowager, Wen Yan really doesn't know anything. If you don't believe it, you can ask Princess Huai. He can see me." Jing Wenyan's eyes are red. She covers her eyes with a veil. "Empress dowager, you can send someone to ask Princess Huai!"

It's unexpected for Wei YUEWU to see her, but Princess Huai must not see herself. Jing Wenyan feels that she still has this assurance.

Originally, it was an accident. In fact, she was there to enjoy the peach blossom before Wei YUEWU and Princess Huai. Later, they two came here and happened to be near her. They let her hear the truth. It was a coincidence.

Jing Wenyan doesn't know whether Wei YUEWU really saw her or whether her maid deliberately said so, but Princess Huai has a lot of gentlemen. If she didn't see it, she would not say she saw herself.

This is the reason why Jing Wenyan let the Empress Dowager go to ask Princess Huai.

"Go and ask Princess Huai to come!" The Empress Dowager thought about giving orders to an internal servant, who left in a hurry.

"The queen mother, please check the wine." Feather Yan did not know when to appear at the side of the crowd, still holding a wine can in his hand, and put his hands in front of the Empress Dowager's mother.

The Empress Dowager's mother asked someone to take it and send it to the accompanying doctor for examination.

After a while, the news came that there was something wrong with the wine. Not only was the wine too strong, but also some drugs were mixed in it to make the woman passionate. Although the drug was not strong, it was very strong with the wine, and it was easy for the woman to lose herself.

Now, we can see that Wei YUEWU was framed. It's also said that it's related to miss Jing. It must be Jing Wenyan who ran to the Empress Dowager's mother and said that her maid seemed to see a strange man enter Meihua temple. And this strange man was wearing the clothes of the maid of Prince Yan's mansion. The direction of her walk seemed to be the same The yard direction of Weiyue dance

This kind of sign indicates that the person we are looking for is Weiyue dance.

But now it is found that moon dance is framed

"Somebody, put this man in jail!" The queen mother said in a cold voice.

Jing Wenyan's hands clenched tightly, and she was waiting for the queen mother to send someone to find the news of Weiyue dance. That was when she fought back.

Outside the corner of the road, the palace maid sent by the Empress Dowager's mother ran panting. She was sweating. Before anyone came to the Empress Dowager's mother, the voice of panic came: "Empress Dowager's mother, it's not good, it's not good, Princess Jingde is gone!"

"What?" The Empress Dowager suddenly stood up and spoke loudly. The identity of Weiyue dance was special. If something happened, the Empress Dowager would not be able to clean it.

"Princess Jingde is gone, not in her yard!" Report of pale face in the palace.

"Empress Dowager's mother, it must be these two evil slaves who are harming the Lord. Please take these two evil slaves and serve them with severe punishment." Jing Wenyan sees the right time, and goes to the previous vicious suggestion.

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