On the wharf of blood hoof Island, there is no one here. The king of the West Sea did not set a trap, but put up a situation of waiting for a long time.

In the water, the board of the doomsday ship was unfolded. Su Xiaoshun the board to the wharf. Behind the wharf is the entrance of the blood hoof island. There are several skeletons nailed to the huge rocks on both sides of the entrance.

The sea water drips down Su Xiao's hair. He carries his steps forward, and a curser rushes through him on both sides.

After landing on the island, Su Xiao found that the buildings in the port were destroyed, and the king of the west sea was forced into a desperate situation, leaving no way out.

The industry of the king of the West Sea is basically gone, but his elite pirates are still there, which is a little strange. According to common sense, more than half of the pirates under the hand of the king of the West Sea should defecte, which is the case with pirates.

Judging from the current situation, those elite pirates are clearly ready to fight with their own side. What gives them this impetus?

After passing through a large area of ruins, Su Xiao arrived at a flower field, which was covered with mani flowers. When the flowers were in full bloom, they were similar to Dogtail grass, with light white flowers.

Manihua has a strong analgesic effect, high intensity addiction, no obvious hallucinogenic effect. Within 1-2 hours after eating, it completely loses pain.

In front of Huatian, the king of the West Sea sits on a wide wooden chair. Hundreds of Pirates stand on his left and right sides and behind him. It's impossible to predict that more than 950 of them are elite pirates.

A hundred meters away, a pair of eyes staring at Su Xiao, no one shouting, just looking at him coldly.

"I have Enough, where the hell are you coming from? "

The king of the West Sea opened his mouth, and he was stunned. Normally, the pirates didn't fight so hard. They all went straight to the subject, killed each other first, and then seized all the industries under the other's name.

This time, Su Xiao first took advantage of the king's industries. With the income channel of magic sea gold coins, Su Xiaogen didn't care about these industries, which was meaningless to him. It was very important to attack the enemy's momentum.

The king of the West Sea lowered his eyes, and a hound squatted beside his leg. The hound was stocky, wrinkled, a circle bigger than bubuwang, with drool left in his mouth.

"Bub, you'll kill it later."

Baja opens with a bad smile.


Buwang looks at the fierce dog on the opposite side. If 1v1 is facing hard, he feels that the Han batch on the opposite side can be arranged in 20 seconds at most, and it is arranged to be clear.


Although Buwang was in a panic, he couldn't lose his momentum. His eyes were clear and he said: "let's die."

The fierce dog on the opposite side looked at bubuwang. After a while, Bubu lost interest and was despised.

"Kill them."

The king of the West Sea points forward with one hand, and all the elite pirates around him stride forward.

"Kill all."

As soon as Su Xiao's voice fell, the crows rose in the sky where the doomsday was, and began to circle in the sky.


350000 black ravens form a huge whirlpool in the sky. The power of the curse falls and begins to restrain the vitality recovery of the enemy.

[Note: you have accepted the effect of "sacrifice" and the lucky attribute has been reduced to - 12 points (this is a constant benefit reduction). After you leave the specified range, the effect will be removed. ]

[hint: enemy leader level units have activated the "sea battle encouragement" effect, and all enemy members will receive gain, real attributes of strength, agility and physical strength + 12 points, lucky attribute + 8 points, and HP increased by 4600 points. ]

[hint: when the morale of the enemy exceeds 85 points, when all units of the enemy attack, there is a probability to wake up the hatred of the sea, resulting in the stagnation of the body energy of the attacked units, resulting in a 0.5-1.2 second immobilization effect. ]The king of the West Sea, a hundred meters away, is not willing to show weakness. A simple ring on his index finger is shining.

"Trample these odds and ends!"

A thin and cold pirate pulled out his sailor's knife and strode forward.

Armans stepped forward quickly, his Western sword seemed to burn the gray flame, which seemed to be unreal.


The sailor's sword and the Western sword cut each other, and the surrounding mani flowers splashed all over the place, and an impact spread.

There is not too much provocation and scolding. The scuffle starts in a short period of time. The roar and impact spread. There are many pits in the earth.

In the first ten seconds of the scuffle, curse people and elite pirates were still fighting in Huatian. But after a while, people on both sides found that this was a bad decision. This was not a ship, so there was no need to converge.


A bareheaded pirate flies backward and catches up with the cursed man who flies. The cursed man has a thick iron chain in his hand. The end of the chain is connected with the ship anchor.

Not far away, blood splashed all over the place. The hangman w smiled grimly. His fingertips were hung with the flesh of the enemy. It was pulled down by his grip.


In front of him was a female pirate with several bloodstains on her abdomen.

With a bang, the gunshot came from behind the hangman Vaughn. He didn't care.

When, when, and.

After two consecutive crackles, a round bullet made of black metal shoots twice in a row. It hits a pirate's knife first, then flies under the crotch of a pirate in an extremely ingenious way, hits the side of a hatchet that falls on the ground, and finishes the second shot.

This bullet came straight to the back of the hangman Waugh. The hangman swerved away. How could this attack hurt him.

The bullet flew by the ear of Hangman Waugh. Almost at the same time, the Female Pirate across from him rushed. The Female Pirate also noticed the bullet. She dodged after a mistake.

What's more, a pirate holding a huge hammer swung out a hammer ten meters behind the female pirate. He didn't hit the curser, but hit the bullet. The bullet exploded and became a shadow.


The bullet went into the shoulder of Hangman Waugh. He didn't understand why the bullet had been flying near him.

In a similar scene, it occasionally appears in the surrounding battle groups. The lucky attribute of your side is - 12 points, plus the lucky attribute of the enemy + 8 points, which leads to a more obvious gap in the situation.

One thing that can't be ignored is that the comprehensive combat power of the curser is stronger than that of the elite pirates under the command of the king of the West Sea, and the assassin's mace hasn't been shown yet.

Hanged by a bullet, Waugh was upset. He ignored the female pirates in front of him and rushed to the rear of his camp.

Soon, the hangman stopped in front of a big cage, in which the mad dog Quik was sleeping. The guy's loyalty was too low and he didn't care about the situation of the war.

"Mad dog, have a meal."

The hangman · Wo knocked down the cage, and Quaker sat up and prepared to eat breakfast. At this time, the hangman suddenly grabbed Quaker's hair, sandbag big fist, and hammered at Quaker's face door.

Bang, bang, Bang

After a few punches, quink sat in the cage, a little muddled, but in the next moment, he was furious, and his whole body grew gray black hair, and began to go mad, that is, mad dog.

Quink's clothes are broken into pieces. He becomes a mad dog more than five meters long. His mouth is full of sharp teeth, and his mouth drips light yellow saliva.

The hangman stepped back slowly and motioned to the two cursers above the cage to open the gate.

With a creak, the rusty cage door was pulled up, and the mad dog, Quebec, rushed out to the hangman.

"This is the captain's life!"

The hangman shouted, and then he put the eggs together, and the mad dog, quink, clapped it with one claw.


The mad dog Quaker roared and the waves spread. He jumped out. On the side of the huge dog's head, he bit a pirate. After he bit the enemy, the head of the mad dog Quaker swung left and right.

After a few shakes, mad dog Quik bit the pirates in his mouth, and then with the shrill scream, blood splashed all over the place. Finally, mad dog Quik swallowed the blood in his mouth, only 5 seconds later, an elite pirate died miserably.

The mad dog quink starts to look for the next prey. Soon, he stares at the hangman Waugh again. An interesting scene appears. His side is in the ascendant, but the hangman Waugh has been hammered.

An elite pirate fell down. Some of the original stable king of the West Sea could not sit. He stood up and looked at Su Xiao, who was 100 meters away.

The king of the West Sea is hesitating whether to use a certain secret treasure. After using that secret treasure, he and the enemy will enter a certain place. Even he himself can't leave that place in a short time. It's the place of duel.

"A duel between the captains, captain of the doomsday."

With a tinkle, the king of the West Sea threw out a silver coin. The silver coin flipped in the air and flew to Su Xiao.

Su Xiao found that the surrounding world became black and white. The only thing with color was the opposite king of the West Sea.

After the exile broke away from Su Xiao's cuff and was built into a sword without handle, it passed through a pirate's head. The pirate didn't respond and was not injured at all.

This is different space. The king of the West Sea wants to fight Su Xiao in different space

"Bearded, look here."

BAHA raised his head to the king of the West Sea, and when he saw that BAHA also had color, his heart thumped.

"Duel is equal to single, single is equal to You're going to pick all of us. "

When Baja's wings waved, a space vortex appeared. Armans, ghosts, Hangman wal, tear Coleridge, sea rage and other cursed people came in, all of them had color.

Baja closes the entrance to the different space. He looks at the king of the West Sea in front of him and says:

"the king of the West Sea, you've got the head, bull beep."